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Welcome to the Holy Piercings after care and information site. Here you will find information on piercings and their aftercare.

Names of Piercings

Piercings have names. Names come from either a medical background or are named by the first piercer to become known for doing them. Some piercings have more then one name.

Ear Piercings

Lobe: The lower flap of skin at the bottom of the ear.
Cartilage: The ear rim above the lobe.
Conch: The deep well of the ear, or ear shell.
Tragus: The triangular piece of cartilage infront of the ear canal.
Anti-tragus: The opposing piece of cartilage to the tragus.
Rook: The "T" shaped fold of the upper ear cartilage.
Snug: Cartilage below the rook.
Diath: The cartilage below the Rook and Above the Tragus
Industrial: Two piercings with only one piece of straight jewellery in.
Orbital: Two piercings with a circular piece of jewellery in.
Helix: Top of the ear cartilage above the Rook.

The most common ear piercings are the Lobe, Cartilage, Tragus and Conch. Industrial and orbital piercings are often seen in larger cities. It is common for the Lobe to be streched, normally by Skaters, Nu-Metallers and more traditional "Modern Primitives". If the piercings are streched beyong a point thay will be permanently deformed.

Nose Piercings

Nostril: The flap of skin on the sides of the nasal septum below the bridge.
Septum: The bit of skin below the cartilage inbetween the nostrils.
Bridge: The soft skin between the eyes at the top of the nose.
Septril: A vertical septum piercing.
Rhino: A horisontal septum facing out of the front of the nose to create a horn.
Nasalang: Three piercings straight through the nose (both nostrils and central cartilage).

The most common nose piercing is the Nostril followed by the Septum. Septum piercings are often streched up though can cause nasal deformity if over streched.

Oral Piercings

Tongue: Center of the tongue.
Venoms: Pair of side by side tounge piercings.
Double: pair of piercings on infront of the other.
Triple: like a double exept with a third piercing.
Scrumper: Small web of skin at the centre of the top lip that connects the lip to the gum.
Web: Flap of skin under the tounge.
Lip: Just on the rim of the labret muscle.
Labret: Muscle below the lower lip
Lowbret: A very low labret.
Predators: Symmetrical pair of side by side labret's.
Medusa: Central top lip piercing below the nose.
Madonna: Left side of the upper lip.
Monroe: Right side of the upper lip.
Cheek: Any part of the cheek.
Vamps: A Monroe and Maddona combo.

The most common oral piercings are the Tongue and Labret. Actual Lip piercing is uncommon. Tongue's are somtimes streched.

Other Piercings

Eyebrow: Any of the skin abouve the ocular cavity and below the forehead.
Third Eye: A vertical bridge piercing. (see Nose Piercings).
Nipple: The bump in the centre of the areola.
Navel: The belly button.
Surface: Any flesh on the surface of the body.
Genital: There are many types of genital piercing these will not be covered here.

The most common of these piercings is the Navel though the Nipple and Eyebrow are both common also.


As soon as you have been pierced you will be responsible for your piercings health. Piercings take about two months to heal to a decent level and toughen up over time. A year normally sees a piercing settle totally.

When cleaning a piercing use "Anti-bacterial" products, NOT "Anti-septic"! Products like Carex anti-bacterial soap are easy to pick up and cheap. After you have cleaned your piercings with anti-bacterial cleanser a liberal rince with clean water should be applied.
Its also good to bathe the piercing in water with added "sea salt". Sea salt is about £2.00 a box that will last you years. It is located in the spice section of most stores. Normal "table salt" will do NOTHING and should not be used!
As well as sea salt rincing and anti-bacterial cleansing you may also find holding a hot flannel (hot compress) on the piercing afew times a day will help it to heal as this stimulates blood in the area.


The best way to reduce problems with piercings is to PREVENT them.
Sweat: Remember your sweat is clean to you but other peoples is filled with a chemical balance that will affect your piercings. Wash your piercing if someones sweat has got on it.
Chemicals: If you spray any chemical on a piercing and the chemical gets into your body you WILL have trouble! Be careful of hairspray and deodorants and even room sprays!

Basically you need to remember that a piercing is an OPEN WOUND, and will be for a few months to a year. Hygene goes a long way.

Regulation Metal

By EU law piercings must be initually performed using TITANIUM jewellery or a metal that is equally bio-compatible. Initial piercings may no longer be performed with surgical stainless steel, though SS.Steel jewellery may be worn after initial healing.

More info

Holy Piercings recommends that you visit Body Modifications Ezine. BME has a great selection of photo's of peoples piercings and stories of their expieriences. Simply follow the link below.

Body piercing? You need that like a hole in the head!

All content © Holy Piercings Ltd UK. Registered with the G.B.B.P 1999

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