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The story of Pic

My Highlights, Hobbies, and my family
The Pic is not your typical 5'5 (130 lbs. soaking wet) Italian who likes to break necks and cash checks. He's a weird little fella, whose a confident, assertive, and unyielding pain in the butt. He is a people person, and needs to be with people all the time. Important factoids: The undisputed heart and soul of the Reservoir Dogs Softball club. Did I mention 3rd on the team in hits? .456 Batting Avg.? Call him the natural. IF You cant give 100 percent...100 percent of the time... GET THE HELL OF /HIS/ FIELD. Why is he talking in the third person? Cause he's a weirdo! HOCKEY: I play defense, hard fast and mean. "Take the shortest route to the puck...and arrive with ill humor." -Eddie Shore. And When Vinny Pic has the puck...fear the Howitzer (tm)...your done. "I hit so hard....they call me Captain Crunch." - Vinny Pic

Factoids: Huge Wrestling Fan (HBK, HURRICANE, ANGLE(s), MATTITUDE),Comic book fan (I AM...IRON MAN), Baseball cards, RPGS (mushes...props to DD and TLY, you guys rock!), ATLANTA BRAVES BASEBALL, MIAMI DOLPHINS FOOTBALL, NEW YORK ISLANDERS HOCKEY, and various childs games (heroclix, D&D). why? I DONT WANNA GROW UP, I WANNABE A TOYS R US KID! Maturity bites the big one. Nuff said. Great Moments: Survivor Series 02: "WE ARE THE NATION....OF DOMINATION." Pic is caught up in the euphoria of HBK's title win, and begins dancing like an idiot to 'sexy boy'.
7/22/02: Pic Suffers a broken nose, and plays the remainder of a game, then the second half of a double header.
8/6/02: Behind Christine's superior pitching, the dogs are deadlocked with the league's first place team. Winning run on...last inning....two outs. Pic hits a scalded dog down the line... Dogs win. Captain Crunch becomes Captain Clutch.
October 95: Chief Justice Homers...Braves win The Series.
Not to mention when my two baby cousins Thomas (The kid roots for the Decepticons over The Autobots...:...Yea I influenced him.) and Loius (Louie stitches) were born. Uncle Jim brought home Madelena.
PROPS: This Page is a shout to my dis-FUN-ctional family. Love you guys. Dad...your a royal pain, but I love ya. Miss ya Mom! Aunt El, your always there for me. Uncle Tom, Uncle Jim, Uncle Mike, Aunt Lorraine, Mikey (Keep your head on straight kid), Cathy, JP, Aunt Rox, Uncle Dave, Dave (You the man), Rox, Jen, Aunt Dot, Uncle Joe, Aunt Nancy, Uncle Bob, Bobby, Chris, Lisa, Eddie, Maria, Gabriella, Marissa, Baby Michael, Thomas, Louis, Madelena. And oh yes...Nana. Your the one whose always been there. Three other people very near and dear: Aunt Eileen, Uncle Cy, and Aunt Gail. Your always willing to listen. XOXO
The happiest day in my life was mentioned before, when I won the game for the team. Why? not because we won. Why? heres why:
Cousin Cathy to my little Cousin Thomas: "So bud, what was your favorite part of the day...the toys, the food, the park,... what was it?" Thomas: "Watching My Cousin Vinny win the game for his team. "
Thats Why. PiC

MEMORABLE Quotes (PIC-ISMS) & Music "If Kane stops Short....Salvato knows what he had for breakfast." "Your some kind of weird midget...." " We need the Val Kilmer film Movement." "I Am Batman." yea C! "Arkansas is just Kansas with AR." "Wrestling...It's What we do." " 5 all the time" You know it's true Mario. :) " I'm Gonna choke you out..again!" -Clay "I'm gonna tell my boyfriend to choke you" Christine "Somebody's gettin F#%%^#ed UP!" "I gotta get JR on the Nextel" "Edge vs. Meathead, Electrified steel cage" " Stop tossing my salad!" Atta girl MJ! :P " Hold on lemme call Mike The Ump." "Heyyo..Birdman!" "Wow..your team got better." (Whatcha mean?) "No Toots or Melissa." Truer words were never spoken. "Justin or the kid with letters on his butt?" "John...I need a chaser." "SLUSHIE OF DEATH!" During the series "ANGLES! ANGLES! ANGLES! ANGLES!" "EL BOXEO!" "PYROd." " EDGE-CUTION, EDGE-UCATOR, EDGE-MISSION, EDGE DROP,...." " So Tony, what do you make first..the armor or the action figures?" Hulk to Iron Man "Let's be going Caine..." "Aww Tom..." "WHO IS THE SHOWSTOPPER? WHO IS THE ICON? WHO IS THE MAIN EVENT?" HBK "Braves Win!" Skip Carrey " Why are all these musicians bashing Bush? He doesnt go on TV and tell you all how Sh^tty your records are." KID ROCK " I PITY THE FOOL." T "Scorpion King got beat up by Brendan Fraiser." " SING ALONG WITH THE ROCK IS OVER!" "And Cairns is rearranging McCarthy's face!" "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Roses are red"(to the Kurt Angle theme. Yea Joe) " Hulk SMASH!" take a guess who. " This team will not give up. We Will win this game." The Boss's midgame speech, during the marathon 20-19 win. We trailed 19 zip. "My socks are comfy!" - Christine "MY TROLL!" Adam "Your wearing a yankee shirt." "Dave your in the Outfield today." "Infield single" "Work was Murder" Willem Defoe- Spidey " I AM YOUR OLYMPIC HERO." " She's not batting for me. YOU ! SiT DOWN!" (Me after Melissa was supposed to bat when I broke my nose.) "Clay bit me!" "Daredevil is comic book character?" "BULLSEYE!" Collin Farrell rules. "Can I get you something? (Bullseye): Yea, More Peanuts." "ARE YOU FRENCH?" "Laserbeak. My most trusted warrior, unlike some of my other never fail me." "Go build yourselves a bridge...and jump off it." Blitzwing to the constructicons. " I smell another one of those logistical nightmares where every superhuman gets together to figure out how to say the world. And as usual,I'll probably end up with the catering bill." -Tony Stark " We Are saved! it is Seni'or Iron man!" - some Chilean guy "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" -Captain America "I'm talking to an empty phone...because theres a dead man on the other end of this f'n line." -DeNiro Heat "Your acting like a first year thief! I'm acting like a f'n professional." -Buschemi Reservior Dogs "We must give in. We must.....ATTACK!" -Connery First Knight "Never Give Up. Never Surrender." Jimmy V. "Life, Liberty and the persuit of those who threaten it." -US Navy "They have chosen to fight to the death...we will acoomodate them." - Gen. Myers "We will not tire, we will not falter...we will not fail!" -W On the 9/11 attacks: "We are gonna kick somebody's @$$ for this!" Clinton, the trailertrash president: "I would fight and die in the trenches for Isreal." I hate you CLINTON. "France is like an old actress trying to get free dinner with her bad she doesnt realize she's ugly." -John McCain "Your Rules are really beginning to annoy me." -Snake Pliskin "Can we just drop a big rock on France?" -Bucky Katt Famous last words overheard in the pit... "Dont worry Boss...I got this. (THUMP) CATCH ME!!!!" "Ohh....Somebody is so gettin' F%&$%^#ed UP!" "They are still better then Saves the Day. Why? Cause they played less songs." "It's Indiana Friggin Jones!" Vinny Pic at his finest "PIEFACED!" "Littlest dog, Loudest Bark, Meanest Bite." " Politicians are remembered for words, Leaders are remembered for actions." " This Dog Will Hunt."

Soundtrack of my life: Thunderstruck, I am the one, All My Life, Brain Stew, Crazy Train, Iron Man, Debonaire, Sexy Boy, Angle Theme, RocknRoll Part 2, The Boys Are Back in Town, The Gangs all Here, Follow Me, Cocky, Song 2, Clint Eastwood, Big Gun, Lose Yourself, Across the Nation, Wild Thing, War Machine, Rock and Roll all Night, Get Off my Cloud, Welcome to the Jungle, November Rain, Paradise City, In Too Deep, Start Me up, Set It Off, Click Click Boom, Enter Sandman, Angry American, Too Bad, Fat Lip, RESPECT, I Did It, Here Comes the Hotstepper, Jump Around, I wanna Rock, I love Rock and Roll, Danger Zone, Fraggle Rawk, It's What Were All About, I'm Still Here, Kryptonite,When im Gone, Smells Like Teen Spirit, My Own Worst Enemy, Come out and Play, Tomahawk Chop, Sirius, Bad Moon Risin, This Secret Ninja, Alive (Either Pearl Jam or POD), Evenflow, God Called In Sick Today, Punk nation unification, Drift Away, Girl's not Grey, I hear You Calling, Radio, Punk Rawk Show, Seven Nation Army, Overlooked.

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