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Pat 401




I worked on a couple of compositions in my PAT 401 class.



The purpose of this website is so everyone can hear a couple of my compositions and  leave some helpful comments.

Project 1:

Directions: The first project was simply to use Digital Performer to produce a MIDI sequence for the Triton synthesizer. There were no requirements regarding style or form, except that the music should have a discernible beat.

Description of Music: This was my first sequence made on Digital Performer so I wanted to make it fast and slow... The transition is not perfect but there is a pretty okay melody.



Project 2:

Directions: The second project was to use Digital Performer to produce a sequence that combines digital audio trakcs with MIDI tracks intended for the Triton synthesizer. There were no requirements regarding style or form.

Description of Music: This project can be thought of as a day in the life of a normal person. He wakes up, does his duties, then walks around the city, finds himself a girl at the club, takes her out to dinner, and then...



Project 3:

Directions: The third project involved making a Digital Performer sequence using an edited patch.

Description of Music: The patch I edited was the Saxaphone sound. I tried to make it as realistic as possible. This is a very slow and relaxed melody.



Tell me what you think!get this gear!

This site has been updated 12/10/03.