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Ms_HIPH0P's Xanga Site

One wOrd fOr my babe... LOVE!!! yOu mean sO much tO me!!! aight heres mah shOut Outs tO mah people in sAN dIEGO! mah bOy SENAY-we knew each Other since elementary, much respect, SAMMY- your house is like mah secOnd hOme dOgg, the smOking times, the drinking times, the pimpin' times, the goOd times, and the bad times, i cOnsider mahself part Of yOur family dogg, AMBER-it's been fun gettin tO kicC it wit yOu, goOd luck when yOu mOve and make sure yOu keep in tOuch, MARTIN-mah lil partna, yOu just like my twin, but slow dOwn on gettin taller! Omar-goOd tO have yOu as a hOmebOy, especially wit them free foOd yO! SOOYz- man iOnO what tO say, we had a grip Of funny memOries! gOt yOur guys bacC, NESSA-it's been koO gettin tO nOe yOu, make sure yOu kicC it wit me, ROSSCOE-keep up wit the party, HECTOR-lil ass undagrOund muthafucCa WU-TANG yo aha, OREO-late nite fun dogg, its been fun cruisin the streets wit yOu, NAM-whens the next madden tOurnament, FABZ-luck wit them breezies, TOMMY-yOu crazy white bOy, where yOu at?!?!?, ANDY-what can i say, we grew apart, and we became hOmies again, nOw thats a true friend right there, MELI MEL- whaddup shawty!, ANGIE-take care Of that baby nOw!, JASMINE- hOws Omar, lol, GWEN-hOws mah lil kitty! missed yOu! tO the Others i fOrgOt, much respect and lOve tO yOu all, there's just toO many Of yOu guys hit me up ill put yOu On!!! lOve yOu guys!

regular persOn thats cOnfused abOut this damn wOrld!!! but dOn't trip, im livin it tO the fullest extent and im dOin everything in mah pOwers tO have fun...straight ihp-Ohp undagrOnd is mah style, but dOn't get me cOnfused, i still gO On buck wild!!! i lOve undagrOund ihp-Ohp. gOtta lOve hOw the lyrics run trough yOur mind and make yOu think! gO LAKERS!!!just hOlla at me... yOU knOw hOw we dO it!!!pZ

ummm, just be eazy with shiet and i'll get alOng witchu just fine...i like tO meet sOmeOne thats hOnest and straight up! thats the mOst impOrtant thing! hOlla at me! it's just the net!!! sO if yOu koO tO talk tO and shit, buzz me up
binary star - hOnest expressiOns and last emperOr - jungle cats/black magic/mOnumental living legend - dirty faces