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My sub-pro/web site/ journal

All About Me
B-town USA is where we live yes it's small and there is not much 2 do but it's r town
Adopt your own useless blob!

Mah lil poll box

Mah lil Box
Personality Test
IQ Test

Entertainment News
Movie Reviews

Pasta or Opera Composer?

Magic Smiley Trick
Keep an Idiot Occupied

~Party hard rock and roll were the class u cant controll will all die and go 2 heaven but we'll always b the class o 2007!~

Mah remember box
OMG sea breeze was awesome u guy's 5 o us in a 2 person photo booth lol fun times* Wash ! soo sad it's over n gone miss u guys tons .

My journal

This summer was gret and i dont want 2 go back 2 school!!

Camp was really fun and i miss u guys tons

I have updated my pages a lot!! and there are a ton of new pic's Fredonia ppl im workin on ur page so hold on kk it's almost done!!



Hullo0, u all .

this summmer has been soo fun so far but I can't believe how fast the summer is going it's like really sad.

tell me what i can do to make my page better!! chk out the new pages and give me ur sugestions!!

summer 03 is the best summer eva!! it's already had a great start and all. but i dont want it to end cause that means kirstie and ashley will b gone..*tear* you guy's have 2 keep in touch and update us on how ur doin well i got stuff 2 fix on here. tell me if ya want a shout out and tell me wut 2 fix on here!!

SIGNe THE GB !!!!!! NOW!!!!!!

hey chk out my new sub-pages they have diff skins!! tell me what ya think!!

care to look back >>