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There is something you should know that we feel is of vital importance to you.
While we load the presentation, would you be kind and share your valued opinions about this?
Throughout history, millions of people of average intelligences and education or even less than that, started with nothing and created wonderful lives ...
It's because nature is neutral and knows nothing about your background.
It rewards whoever follows certain rules that have been shown over and over to produce results.
The truth is that most people can achieve whatever they want.
Lots of smarter, but more skeptical people don't even try and they remain unsuccessful.

Please tell us how you feel:

I agree - the most important ingredients in success is desire and willingess to take action.

I disagree - it's not what you know but who you know! A lot of it has to do with luck.

I don't have an opinion on this matter.

(Click on the image beside your opinion)