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Faerie Crossword Answers
Crossword answers for Monday 7th July.
2. Ball
5. Oak
6. Dom
8. Pet
9. Gummiworms
11. Kiko
13. Anchovies
1. Sea
3. Lumps
4. Radishdog
7. Hook
10. Duck
12. Bad
14. Ice
15. SSS
Earn an easy 600 np!
Posted 7th July, 2003 by NSU Staff

Rainbow Fountain Information
Rainbow Fountain
As everyone probably already knows, the new Rainbow Fountain only works if you have received and completed a Fountain Faerie Quest. I found this information on the Pink Poogle Toy Web-Site, I have to thank someone in my guild for telling me to go there. I have also used the screenshots they took seeing as I don't have a program to take screenshots.

Click the picture beside to see the screenshots.

Rainbow Fountain
Posted 7th July, 2003 by NSU Staff

New Neopian Secrets Uncovered Address
Moved Address's!!
Seeing as people kept thinking that our old site address was something to do with a dating page because of the name they wouldn't visit our site.

So now we have changed to make this new web-site, however it will take a while to get all the pages back up and running.

There is one promise I am going to make and that is its going to be a whole lot better. More games, contests, guides and much much more.

If you ever have any ideas or suggestions for us to use please e-mail them to

Posted 7th July, 2003 by NSU Staff

50k & 5k Contests
New Contests Starting!!
The next 5k giveaway has now started, to enter it just e-mail your username and you are then entered into the contest. The enteries close once the enteries names are posted up on here.

Same thing applies for the 50k Giveaway apart from the winner isn't announced for the 50k giveaway until we've had 1,000 visits on the site.

For more information on these contests just e-mail

Posted 7th July, 2003 by NSU Staff

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Pink Poogle Toy

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Neopian Secrets Uncovered
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