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The song is "Hell Song" takes a while to load if you got a slow conection... Well as you can see, there is nothing here... But, maybe I well start working on it soon... Yeah maybe...
This box, is a box for thoughs and stuff...
April Something, 2003

Judge not and shall be judged first, ... I have been diagnosed with down syndromes that lack of never mind, hmzzz... Just breathe... If you love something let it go, if it comes back to you its yours... If it doesnt, it never was... Chances are never will be... So I wait and wait for your return... Thoughts of you in... I cant stop thinking about you... Gosh if you only knew... Mans what must I do! Your alwasy one my mind, every time... Buy I dont undertsand why Iam I still waitng... Isint it the more you suffer the more it shows you really care... Hmmmzzz, ... Well I soke up all the pain and except it in silence, and I go under, I was wrong off it ALL! So nowiam left witthe words I am sorry, I was all my fault... And now iam showing signs of stress all blue and yellow... The devil got a hold on me an he wont let go, I canfeel the lord pulling but he moving dead slow, HELP! Iam picking up my old bad habits, mans! I need to stop! I keep telling my self but telling is not the same as doing... If I dont know where Im coming from where would I go... Some body is knocking should I let them in... Well-whatever, enough about me I cant be open minded no more... Ill lay me down...

April Something, 2003

I cant hide no matter how hard I try, my secret disguised heed behind the lies... And at night I cry away my pride with my eyes shut tight staring at my inside... Hot sweat and my steamy tears burning my cheeks, what is my problem why am I so weak... All my friends not knowing why I cant sleep at night, all my family asking if am all right... I know I can only fool myself for so long, why am I too weak to face me! I am a addict to you, I cant hold the reigns though... I have tried to slow down the problem I got, but I cant get off the carousel people dont want me to stop... Its not just one of thoughs days, its been goign on for a while now... I am giving in to what has got me, feeling claustrophobic, scarred. Severing myself from all emotion... Life is just too freaking hard, I try to make people feel good. I am falling on my face cant you see, this freaking life is killing me! gRrrrr...

May Something, 2003

And again and again and again, and it happens again... And again and again... Theres no beginning, there is no end there is only change... Progression backwards, is this where we are heading... Take back your soul, forget your emptiness... There is a thin line between, whats good and what is evil... And I will tiptoe down that line, but I will feel unstable... My life is a circus, and I am tripping down the tight rope... Well there is nothing to save me now, so I will not look down... Im falling to the ground down to the ground all the way down, hitting the dirt... I type of madness my heart and soul... I worrie about people like you who aint got control lets take our sanity lets take compassion... And be responsible for every action... But do we know how, do we know how?... Iam withering away and, my heart is broke but I have some glue help me inhale and mend it with you...
¿ nOiQ ?

Spin... Spin... Spin... Don`t stop...

¿nOiQ`s Note Box?