
Welcome to our website. It will introduce you to our practice, allow you to meet our doctors, let you know what to expect on your first visit and how to find us.

We specialize in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of childhood and adolescent illnesses for children from birth to graduation from high school. Our goal is to provide you children with the best, most complete pediatric care available. All of our doctors are certified by the America Board of Pediatrics.

We look forward to sharing in the medical care of your child. Our staff is eager to talk with you about any questions you have concerning our practice operations or the health and medical conditions of your child. You and your family are special to us and we want you to feel free to call on us as needed. We're only a phone call away.

Our mission is providing excellence in physical, mental, and social health care for infants, children, and adolescents. We recognize parents as a necessary part of the team, in raising healthy, responsible and productive citizens.

Our children are the future!



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