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Webbie Links

More Webbie Links

Hey all, we have new contests, new guess the item, new poor tommy en also new members!! So welcome every1 new. Be sure to check out the F.A.Q section of the webbie, en if u still have questions neomail me!!

I'm back from my holiday en ready 2 start again!! I will be updating de webbie en de contests etc so be sure 2 check them out!! And also join in de contests participate in guild activities so that ur rank will be raised. When we get 60 members we will have a party so refer refer refer!!

Hey every1, we are starting a newsletter :) YAY... just subscribe with the form on the side. The newsletter will come out every week or so. You can also become a reporter: neomail fedeica with all de latest gossip and anything at all, imbarassing moments, poems, stories, jokes, gossip, news en more!!

Hello members, first of all i would like to apologise for the BIG misuderstanding with de contest, but dont worry i made help packs and i added a new feature (which will make u all happy, i hope) in de raffle shop, so go check it out!! Also the help packs r in newbiehelpaccount's trades :) Bid anything u want 4 them...

Guild Council

I. fedeica
II. caseda
III. samirac8390
IV. dreamcatcher
V. misted_moonlight11

Guild Council 2

I. neomail me
II. neomail me
III. neomail me
IV. neomail me
V. neomail me