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NcWa Rules

1. Do not analyze other peoples role-plays and then tell them how crappie it was. Leave the criticizing to us, so we can help to improve the person into the best role-player that he can be.

2. Quality not Quantity is the key factor, consistency is essential.

3. No one liner statements by the RPer to the entire fed, if you would like to say something, send it to and the person you are talking about, and anyone else involved.

4. The RP limit is 2 per card. Deadlines for each RP will be sent when the card schedule is released to the fed.

5. At the beginning of your subject write: NcWa

6. Cussing is allowed, just don't go overboard with it. Try to beep it out. If you curse at intolerable levels you may face a suspension.

6a. Also, cursing in the subject heading of your RP is prohibited.

7. Do not use real wrestlers in your role-plays or real wrestling personas in any form whatsoever, act like they don't exist.

8. No Role Playing using all caps. (LIKE THIS)

9. Do not issue challenges by asking someone to sign the e-mail, do it in an RP, and the person you are speaking to will respond to the challenge in an RP.

10. Don't write the entire role-play in a font size larger than 10 bold.

11. Do not beat up a member of the NcWa in your role-play or use them in any derogatory way unless you get their approval as well as one of ours.

12. Avoid excessive sexual innuendo.

13. Use only the last updated list sent by to RP.

14. If the list is given out to anyone who is not in the NcWa, or If I find out you're mass recruiting in the NcWa you will be fired.

15. NO TOSing. If you do TOS it shall result in an immediate firing.

16. If you lose a match, do not whine about it. Accept it and move on, and just try to learn from your mistakes. You lose some you win some. If you have any questions just ask us. And we'll be glad to try and answer them.

17. Do not ask us if you or any other wrestlers are winning their respective matches, or who we think will win. Just have patience.

18. Nothing non-NcWa related can be sent out. No chain letters, no quizzes, no advertisements, NO JUNK MAIL to the NcWa. If you do, you will be fired.

19. Don't Harass people through IM's or E-mails, do it through Role-plays.

20. If you wish to plan an attack or something special that you'd like done on a card involving your wrestler and or your stable, all you have to do is e-mail and tell him, at the latest, 2 days before the RP deadline.

20a. However, sometimes plans backfire depending on who RPed better or worse and other angles or plans involved. Do not complain if your plans go wrong.

21. When forming a stable, the leader of the stable must send a list of its members. You must have 3 active wrestlers to be an official stable, and there's a limit of 7 active wrestlers per stable.

22. No pornography or vulgarity or racism in role-plays.

23. No singles, double champions.

24. No newcomer may have a title match, until they have wrestled in three NcWa matches.

25. Communication with other wrestlers out of character, i.e., over IM's, may not be used in RPs.