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NcWa Short History
The NcWa started near 6 years ago, by a man known only as "Jihad". Who still currently resides in the front office, however is no longer owner, nor president of the NcWa. He is a creative mastermind, and a man who certainly knows a lot about e-wrestling and it's history. Over 6 years, the NcWa has gone through 3 long pauses. This past one being more of a mistake, than a choice. The first two of course were due to lack of front office. I have made certain that will not be a problem this time. Nonetheless, over the six years, the NcWa as a whole has run strong. Has kept a consistent base of RPers, yet with a clean mix of young talent. It has been said, the NcWa is where champions are born. And being with the NcWa, for the majority of it's six year ride, I can vouch for that. It has created and harbored some great talent. And we hope to continue that trend and add to it's already rich and full history.