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Grossest Things About Jordan Koenig

Other websites to get this disgusting person off your mind

A good non Jordan Website
Make a website so you can make fun of your 17 year old rapper brother
Jordans favorite website

My brothers name is Jordan and he is 17 years old. If anyone in this world is more annoying than him I would be amazed. He hogs the computer, likes Rock that was made in the 70's, picks his nose, dances around in his underwear, goes to imaginary dance partys and has an imaginary friend named Bob Honstel. His favorite animals are pigs (big surprise) and loves the girls in horror movies. He has not seen a movie in 5 months and he had a house party where no one came so he trashed his own house. Thats about it. Ohhh Ya. Jordan Koenig is not his real name its John Mandrey. OK and if you ever meet a John Mandrey run.