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Two weeks ago… we met up for a short while for dinner. I was so happy cause I could see her again. I was worry when she asked me to have dinner together. In television programs, girls who usually ask a guy out for dinner means something bad that she want to let him know. But it turned out to be a normal meeting. Out of my house for 5 hours, I only manage to see her for about 2 and half hours. But I guessed it is more than enough. Wanted to send her home but worried that she will ask why, cause we are just normal friends. So I kept quiet and walked back to the train station and headed home. But I am still happy I still get to see her and will be meeting her a week later. A week ago… we went out together again. I know she is tired. I knew that the meeting is going to be another short one. I don’t mind going to somewhere near her staying place to meet her. As long as I can still see her for another day. My feeling was strong that she will be someone else soon. So we went out. She enjoyed the shore, the current but I guess if her prince charming was around, she will be even happier. When walking I was dreaming. Dreamt that I am holding her hands walking along the shore like most romantic movies do. Time really flies. Our outing ended soon. She needs to go home for dinner. Again I wanted to take the bus ride with her, sending her back to her place. But I can’t think of any reason to tell her so. Girls may think this is being possessive. So I bluffed. Walking her to the bus stop and after she boarded the bus, I walked back to the train station and headed home. 6 days ago… simply not my day. Messages had been sent. But none of my friends replied to say they are free. Staying home the whole day is something not good. I just had the feeling that something is happening out there. And in the evening, I knew what has happened. They are together. While talking to her, I tried to be happy for her. Wishing her all the best is all I could do. Thinking why some guys are just so lucky and I am NOT! Now, I am wondering when I can see her again. We don’t talk much like we did. Maybe I should not meet her anymore. But she still treats me as a friend. Should I let her know????????? ~Sigh~ I guess we shouldn’t have met.
