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Aaron's Corner on the Net


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Thanks for dropping by.  Hope that you will not fall asleep surfing my site.  As this website is still under construction, please be patient if some things don't work.  Do mail me comments if you have any.  Happy surfing!

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I will be going for the Arts Camp 2003 at the NSRCC (National Service Resort Country Club) at Changi from 1st to 4th of July.  Somehow I just think that I am too old for such things but I guess it would be a great time to know potential schoolmates to make use of later... muahahaha....


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Photo Album

Java IRC

Take a peek at my not-so-good-looks.  Please keep all unpleasant comments, if any, to yourself. I am an avid IRCer on the Galaxynet network.  You can try your luck on getting me for a real time chat by clicking on the link below.  I usually go by the nickname of meteor82.
bullet #TCHS @ Galaxynet

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This site was last updated 25-06-03