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It's Nice To Meet You

This is a page with pictures of me, and my friends, as well as my family. Basically I got bored one day and decided to make a page. Hope it relieves some of your boredom! Oh and to introduce myself, my name is Lindsay.

Good Picture

This was a picture taken of me from last year. It is from a play, "God" by Woody Allen. I played a whore. Ha Ha Ha. Yes I know. Either way the picture turned out kind of nice.


The far one on the left is me, then my sister, and them my neice. We all kind of look the same, though my sister and I have bad hair dye jobs in this picture. That has since been fixed.


This is from a recent party. Im slightly intoxicated in this picture, but good times were had by all. Oh, By the way, that is Ken who I'm sitting on.