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GShep Clan Page

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Big Dawgz Eat First!


Yo welcome to the GShep Clan Homepage.  GShep is a StarCraft clan from mostly from the kick-ass town of Linwood NJ.  We play on the US.East gateway and hang out in channel Clan GSHEP so come by if you wanna get ripped by the best players on

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GShep Clan Page


June 30, 2002

I haven't updated this page for a while cuz I don't have much to post on it...other than replays I'm not gettin anything new to really add, but hopefully GSHEP will start back up again when warcraft3 comes out (thursday I think).

Most recent thing I've read about is that they're moving things up a notch when it comes to hacking. Read somewhere that people caught hacking from now on will be tagged on and only allowed to play with other people caught hacking. I'm pretty sure this is true for Diablo2 but not positive if it applies to StarCraft. Anyway be careful if you do use hacks.

Again the clan channel has been moved to Clan GSHEP if you didn't hear, bot will be in there if I'm logged on.

If you're bored on check out some of these hacked records:

/stats skywing, c0ke, 4, moon, winner[VL]

Couple new replays submitted by Avatar.

Gotta go to soccer practice in like 10 minutes....


June 22, 2002

I finally got a bot to work; it can kick, ban and unban visitors, but we changed the channel to "Clan GSHEP" without the quotes...members of the clan can use commands like !say <text>, !kick <name> or !ban <name> if the bot is in the channel. Remember, go into channel Clan GSHEP instead of just GSHEP from now on.


June 17, 2002

Lot of new stuff since last update: first of all, I added a weekly (maybe every other-weekly) poll at the bottom of this page...make sure you check it out and vote before you leave! Also, added another picture page, this time of SC2 rumor shots: click here to check it out. Finally, we got another member G_Shep[JewBoy] ;-) and Dawg changed his name to G_Shep[Stunna]. This site's not dying....yet.

BTW a couple people told me the SC timer doesn't work for them..I'm still figuring out what's wrong...right now I think you may need VB runtime files for it to work but if you don't know what that is dont worry about it heh.

Check out for a lot of SC stuff.

Trying to find a bot that I can get to work...if you know an easy one that can log on to email me a link.

Couple good 2v2's of me n' Dawg/Stunna gonna be posted in future.


June 10, 2002

Found some sweet pictures from SC Beta click here to see...Got a request to announce Avatar's 100th win today: Record is 100-22 last time I checked; nice! Gonna add a couple more replays and maps soon too.


June 9, 2002

Added another replay and updated the underground. I'm thinkin about creating a screenshot section also...


June 7, 2002

Well we've lasted an entire month and school's almost over, and hopefully the clan won't die out over the summer...Unfortunately a few chuckings have been issued; check the members page to see if you're still in the clan. Mostly those that don't go on were cut.


June 4, 2002

Yo haven't updated this page cuz I was in NYC last weekend but I added 2 more replays recently...We might have another MRHS joining the clan soon...525 hits on this page last time I check; not bad for 1 month...Got any ideas or stuff that I can add to this site email me or tell me at school...Maybe we can get a SC tournament goin' if people keep playing...


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