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Welcome to the official/personal website of Matt "MC" Cooper. If you had previously visited the site, you wil have known about the technical problems I have had with this very homepage. In short, Angelfire lost it all. In long, it's back, and better! To go round the site, hit the links below!

ALERT : This site is going to be updated through Brinkster. This site will not complete dissolve yet, as I am working on the brand new Mattmania, whilst updating this site aswell. I am working to a schedule of 1st August 2003, shall be running from

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Favourite Links

HTML & Java

Great Songs & Lyrics

Humour Corner

Halo Shrine

I Cannot Stand...

You Are Being Watched...


* I, webmaster MC, apologise for the possibility of your shitty browser collapsing due to the amount of pop up advertisements from this main page. If you wish to view this site with them, please donate money to "Mattmania 4 A Domain Campaign" *