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Language of Flowers

Victorians gave romantic significance to each flower.
We would like to share our own version
of the Language of Flowers.

Times Gone By

Images from the past.
Carousels and concerts in the park
Riverboats and steamer trunks
Carriage rides and old lamplighters...
those were the days.

All Creatures

Loving and Lovable, Soft and Feathery
Wild and Free, Quaint and Curious...
all those wonderful animals.

Far,Far Away

Millions of Galaxies, Star Clusters and Nebula
A universe to explore...
to Andromeda and beyond.

Here There Be Dragons

Magical Places and Mystical Creatures
Legends and Mythology
Dragon Wings and Faerie Things

Our Quiet Places

Lazy afternoons and beach walks
Peaceful gardens, a secluded corner
Everyone needs a quiet place...
a special place where you can dream.

Country Roads

Think of honeysuckle vines and hummingbirds
Old faded quilts and rocking chairs
Porch swings and lightening bugs
Dusty lanes and cats in the barn...
This is country.

And Then There Were None

Some we can save and some we can not.
Some are gone forever and ever.
Enchanting places and marvelous creatures...
What do you think when you hear these words?
They're almost gone.

A Collection of Treasures

A treasure can be many things,
A shell on the beach,
A locket from long ago,
A precious stone from the earth,
A favorite book and someone's smile,
This is a collection of treasured things.

Changing Seasons

Winter is an etching,
Spring is a watercolor,
Summer an oil painting and
Autumn a mosaic of them all.

Of Heart and Home

In the Kitchen
Hobbies and Crafts
Families and Children

The People

Native Americans
People around the world...
Traditions and Culture

We hope you enjoy our web sets.


We ask that you use the logo graphic
provided on this page or one
included in the zip file of the set.
Please link back to our site with this address...

Artistry in PSP

If you are a graduate of the
Artistry Class
Artistry in PSP
visit this page.

Masters Web Set Group

All graphics provided, including tiles,images,bars
and any other graphics are for use
only with that particular set.
They may not be used to create other web sets
or converted into other graphic images.

Our web sets are for personal use
only and may not be used on commercial sites
or sites that involve commercial activities.

In the interest of good "netiquette",
We have made a sincere effort
to use only those images which are freely available online,
or those which we have been given permission to use.
If you feel that we have infringed on a copyright,
or have otherwise used an image improperly, please email us,
and we will make every effort to correct the situation.

Contact the Web Mistress

Wanda Ricketts

Seasons poem by Stanley Horowitz.