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Artistry in PSP
Masters ~ Quilts

Welcome to our Artistry Master Quilts. We will have several quilts on these pages.
The first is our Member Quilt. Each member will make a quilt square that represents themselves. This quilt will be on going, since we are constantly getting new members.

We will also have a quilt for each month. Each of these quilts will have a theme and
our members will be making squares according to that theme.

Masters' Quilt

July Quilt
August Quilt
September Quilt
October Quilt
November Quilt
December Quilt

January Quilt
February Quilt
March Quilt
April Quilt
May Quilt
June Quilt
July Quilt
August Quilt
September Quilt
October Quilt
November Quilt
December Quilt

Artistry in PSP was created by using Paint Shop Pro 7

Copyright:  Jemima © 2002/2003

All rights reserved.

No portion of this site or it's links may be removed (graphics or text),
without the expressed permission of
Artistry in PSP,
unless specifically offered as a download.

Web page graphics by Melissa


Web pages maintained by Ankhs