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-=merry meet meye sisters=- t0day is january 26th 2006... eye am currently werking on a new list of meetings and sabat schedules so please bear with me.... right n0w imma having a really hard time with life s0 it may take me a while t0 b0unce back... s0 nuff b0ut that... eye need every0ne that w0uld like a pic 0n this site t0 please send me 0ne via email at c0mcast... if y0u d0n't i'll pr0lly steal yer picz 0ffa myspace and put em here till y0u send me a new 0ne... imma try n find da html fer f0t0z s00n s0 that eye can put up what eye d0 have.. this is a werk in pr0gress s0 please bear with me....

Good linkz

llewellyn books
haunted tourz
elements gift store
isis books
world of wisdom
wicca for the rest of us
