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Job # 1: mafia finder.

Requires: Find any other mafia family that are active. These must be mafia families that we do not yet know about.

Payments: 500-1000Np per find.

Time frame: N/A

Job # 2: ambassador.

Requires: Requires: an ambassador to all the other families to continue the peace.

Payments: 500-1000Np per msg.

Time frame: N/A

Job # 3: stock adviser. 

Requires: advise family on stock we should buy shares in.

Payments: 20% of profit made.

Time frame: N/A


Job # 4: family manager 

Requires: This is a simple job. we just need someone to get to know all the new members AIM, MSN or ICQ addresses and fill them in about our past. 

Payments: 200Np per new member.

Time frame: N/A