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Welcome to Luna Selhi, the world outside the solar system of earth and within one of it's own. This place is dominated by four main species: Dragons, Wolves, Unicorns and Phoenixes. They are an advanced race, far more intellagent than the humans of earth. They are able to use magic and other capabilities due to their strong connection with their own spirit world, Avalon.

They first began living peacefully, willing to share food, shelter and hunting grounds, but a dispute between the four entities that created them was created and they forced them all apart and war had erupted, and those of opposite species were forced to fight the others, and soon true hatred between species was created, though not all were racist towards different species.

Luna-Selhi uses a message board to role play in. We currently use ikonboard and you will need to sign up for an account there before you get your first character. Take your time and read the stuff on this site and ask any questions in the help board in the OOC catagory.