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Welcome to Pro/LTech! LTech performs risk analyses, safety analyses, and reviewing of analyses and papers in solid mechanics and mechanics. The reviewing often initiate new projects (that may result in standardisation) and refer to other known principles and methods, as well as linking to state of the art in the field of research. LTech provides papers concerning mechanical phenomena, and scientific papers. LTech is a partner to engineering consultants in calculation, and to companies in construction or process industries. Services. Reviewing and calculation analyses according to customers ISO-system. Text from Venture Cup-project 2001

Fractal for a noncircular orbit constructed as a Koch curve, 2016 , SCIREA
Noncircular orbits and organised chaos exemplified with sine circular map and Arnold's tongues, 2016 , SCIREA

NEWS. oct-nov 2016. Additional on this page; 3 old reports on slope stability and nonlocal plasticity , an old report of mixture theory; metacenter stability, and a link to articles at : 3 at J of Physics and 2 at J of Mathematics.
NEWS. 2015. Forskare har hittat ngt stoooort och nästan runt.

A model for non-circular orbits, derived from a two-step linearisation of the Kepler laws, and definition of an L-frequency. 2014
Genus perspective of female homo erectus, visualised by a torus and compared with vertical dumb bells in tidal resonance. 2015.
Tove time invariant and definition of a J-space in the eccentricity zone, exemplified with Magnus effect and images from lateral light, 2015 (applicatons :spin of football)
Hypergravity derived from the Le-density and applied to a model for explosion. Analysis of universal constants of gravity and light in conjunction with the J-space, 2015. Projects.
3 Millenium Prize Problems. Physical Aspects, Engineering Applications and towards Mathematical Solutions.
1. Navier-Stokes 1.1, 1.2
2. Riemann-hypothesis
3. Rational points on elliptic curves
Construction and maintenance of web pages on Decorative Art.
Guide lines for nonlinear pipe break analysis
Model for transition from laminar to turbulent flow, by iterative boundary layer condition for smooth velocity profile
Wobbling for bikes and MC-vehicles, half page
Nonlinear dynamics, CHAOS with self-organisation
Nonlinear dynamicical model for Aqua Plane , of a speed boat, e.g. Glastron at Louisiana boat race, 007*

Reports in Solid Mechanics.
Derivation of the J-integral from Noether's theorem, 1993.
Inertia effects in river flows(1 page)
􀀀    Slope stability nonlocal plasticity damage, solved with FEM  , 1996.
􀀀    Slope stability nonlocal plasticity and FEM, 1996.
􀀀    Solutions to integral equations in nonlocal plasticity  , 2002.
Exact solutions and bifurcation results for the nonlinearised Gurson material model with nonlocal porosity.
Formation of crack planes in anisotropic material.
Nonlocal model with chaotic boundary location, applied to stress distribution and fracture criteria for Mode I-crack, 2009. abstract

Extension of ASME code for deviation in as-buildt, abstract
Boundary layers in nonlocal plasticity, 2006.
Formations of Matter, Light and Sound described with Bernoulli’s principle, 2007.
Continuum Mixture theory as an approach to Fluid-Structure Interaction© Part I. Statics.NSCM Lund, 2007
Aqua Plane. Continuum Mixture theory as an approach to Fluid-Structure Interaction© Part II. Dynamics with relative motions.NSCM Lund, 2007

Findings for the solar system, continued.
A model for non-circular orbits, derived from a two-step linearisation of the Kepler laws, and definition of an L-frequency. 2014
Models of dynamical phenomena for certain moons in the solar system, 2013.
Patterns in the rings of Saturn, due to sheperd moons, 2010.
Models for locations in the solar system. 2014
Mechanical wave descriptions for planets and asteroid fields. J-T equation for solitonial densification. Kinematic model for tidal wave at Earth. 2015
Generalised potentials describing orbits in the solar system. Derivation of a ‘Close-force’ acting on the inner moon Phobos. 2014
Motions for systems and structures in space, described by a set denoted Avd. Lena-theorems for local implosion, dl and angular velocities, 2015.
Observations for lateral light at a hole adjacent to lines of different colours. Comparison with the eye in terms of iris and blue make up. Analysis of monochromatic light. 2015
Genus perspective of a female homo erectus, visualised by a torus and compared with vertical dumb bells in tidal resonance.
Adam's apple in vertical dumb bell configuration, for (male) homo erectus, in book ' Results for noncircular orbits' also Duodecima wing, Tti; related to Tricomi, Lorenz and Einstein
New results: 'Improbable research'. Subjects for Ig Nobel
CCW; Counterclockwise is a chosen direction in the solar system, since:
The planets and moons (except Venus siderial), rotates CCW.
At earth scale; horses prefer to bend in a circle with left as the inner side,since they are more stiff at the right side. (This is probably why it was left traffic in the beginning, since before cars there where horses which moved to the left). Another 'improbable research' conclusion is that if this is valid also on a lower subscale, it would be better if screws were left-threaded. Then they would loose less easily:-). There are some left-threaded at car wheels and sailing applications.

'Moon is a silent hole for sound', cf. report above on Bernoulli’s principle
Texture of space time. Uncertainty, Trombone transformation, Lena's cat maps

Other, possibly profound and extensive results
Aqua Plane
L-frequency, J-T equation for soliton
Avd in Cosmos
Differential equations and spatial relations for oscillating and radiating systems. 2024
Julia set maps and certain trigonometric functions in modeling stretch & fold, load paths and density in a capacitor foil with air and structured surface. 2024

Lena Strömberg


