<"Simple And Clean">

Tenshi_Forever's Guestbook

oOEkiOo on Sun Apr 27 2003 08:35:29 pm wrote:
no subject
DAMMIT o well at least i'm first
you suck HARDCORE.. for deleting all my... hard work
FRIDAY!! SUSHI!! ok?? haha
i'm outta here
buh baiz


azn_princess_18 on Sun Apr 27 2003 08:37:15 pm wrote:
Seconds Sexxiest ;)
haha dammit!! when i first came i was gunna be first then all of a sudden i
saw that other thing pop up and DAMMIT i was second!!!!
hehe john you rock ;)

Shmoo_Gurl on Sun Apr 27 2003 11:05:36 pm wrote:
3RD kix ass!! so there!
hey...waah i wanna go now.. :P hehe..maybe next time.. where we going next??? :P yea..well that's a lot of pics..none of them turned out very well :P.. hahaha..well ttyl baibai
*Legolas Lover*

real_asian_pinoy on Sun Apr 27 2003 11:51:58 pm wrote:
this is your 4th g-book rite??
damn i still only have one lol
well this tags kinda lame
don't blame me tho i'm tired it's like umm i think quarter to twelve
well anyways cya

azn_princess_18 on Mon Apr 28 2003 09:51:09 am wrote:
Awesome Pics!
haha, that last pic.. is that the ride you've been talking about??

viet_boi on Mon Apr 28 2003 10:32:21 pm wrote:
Hey John! Got your pic on my
Take Care John

addicted2luv on Wed Apr 30 2003 04:34:56 pm wrote:
damnnn yooo
i wanna beee firsttt
haha so wut'z upppp hunn?
thingz betterrr noww?
i wanna see yoor friendd on fridaii
haha yaaaa the shout is kool isn't itt..
hey when yoo going on fridaiiii?
bring boiz to shiet hahah
and meet my friend carla kaii??

luvaGIRL GEN!UZ__xoxo*BeLLe*<3

b_boy_lover on Wed Apr 30 2003 09:43:18 pm wrote:
Hey Mah Best Buddie!!
hi john!! aww crap im like the 7th or 8th...
oh well
soo howz u doin?
wow theres alotta pics of people playing DDR!
but thats all good.
so well ive said everything i had to say on msn so..
ummmm well have a nice day!!
talk to yoo on msn ^w~
buh bye
much lub always Rie~*

azn_lily on Thu May 01 2003 09:53:03 pm wrote:
heyy john... :)
hmm... VANILLA ICE!! oOoOo...
k fyne.. mine's DOLLY!!
haha lol... hehe lol...
anywayz... let's have a SNOWBALL FITE tomorrow!!
haha lol... :P

luv lots.

oOEkiOo on Thu May 01 2003 11:05:12 pm wrote:
no subject
seee... see i signed your page
imma gonna get that ice cream johnny..
u kno it
lol now i wanna meet belle!!
i'll.. try to go with charlotte tomorrow..
i guess i'll juss miss badminton =(
dammmnn.. haha SEE what i do for yooh
ohh yea..
JTs going..and he owes me ddr hahaah
you gonna play ddr rite..?
well i'm gonna go.. finish my scienc.e...
buh baiz
take those pictures OFFF!!
watch.. your pictures are gonna come on my page soon hahahah

2khute4u on Thu May 01 2003 11:21:02 pm wrote:
you stupid stupid....lol
Omigosh! I wanted to make Eki's 6th page!!!! You biatch! lol. Now I'm definately not coming on Friday! Cause you suk!!! HARDCORE BABY! Ahahaha. Man. Love the song in the book! Hehe. So are you gonna make me, eki and chris pho?! Hmmmm???? Cause I want some! Hehe. Anywhoo...gotta bounce.
Luv ya alwayz,
- thien -

Shmoo_Gurl on Fri May 02 2003 08:08:12 pm wrote:
no subject
i think you should make a new layout! :P..pictures are really funny! they're not focusing!! they scare me..specially the first one..with jackie all screwed up :P..hehe..well bai

thuggizh_bebegurl on Fri May 02 2003 11:48:57 pm wrote:
hey john!
diiz be carla!
remembah! from da movie theatre!
anywayz...nice meetin yooh
'ope to c ya again!
gotta bounze! peyce! cyah!

thuggizh_bebegurl on Sat May 03 2003 02:25:58 pm wrote:
lol! sorry foe not tawkin
dat much...cuz dahz lyk our
1st tym meetin personally...lol!
gotta bounze! peyce!

addicted2luv on Sat May 03 2003 10:32:23 pm wrote:
hahh thankz for tagggin hun!!
heyyy it was AWESUMMM with yoo
haha yoor so niceee
haha im not caring..or sweet..or nice...
im juss funni in a ..mental way ?
chhh yaaa
anywayz i miss yoo
come down here next week kai?
cuz jackiez comin tooo!!!

luvaGIRL GEN!UZ + *BeLLe* + <3 :.

swt_qt_boi on Sun May 04 2003 00:04:27 am wrote:
check my page out... peash awt


Viet_Trance on Sun May 04 2003 00:39:14 am wrote:
no subject
hahah john...
the one that those lil kids
wanted to kill? haha

oOEkiOo on Sun May 04 2003 03:19:06 am wrote:
no subject
haha.. there.. i signed your page
soo.. are you gonna go to belles next friday??
just tell someone to give you a ride there.. and you won't have
to "hide" from those lil kids
im outta here
jackie <3

evoSE7EN on Sun May 04 2003 08:54:45 am wrote:
okay, I was gonna write something really long and chillin', but the music on your guestbook is making me want to punch my monitor...and my escape key is too far away...so yeah...i'm gonna leave now, bye bye.


azn_princess_18 on Sun May 04 2003 11:55:12 am wrote:
yur sexy face?
lol... oohh ic ic. welpz thanx mr. volcano! =)
Hmmm how's it going?!?
accckkkkk Johnnnnnnyyy!!
im bored lol
whoa egor.
We missed yoo in west ed =)
hehe alritey, ttyl bai baiz


b_boy_lover on Sun May 04 2003 12:26:34 am wrote:
Hey Johnny!
Hey wassup!?
Im sorry for not calling you yesterday...
actually I called but it was busy...
I was in Edmonton when you called and I didnt get
bac till about 12:00 and I thought you were in bed
so I didnt call you.
Well imma call you tonite okiez?
and I have tell you something so dont go anywhere tonite!
well thats all Ive gotta say.
good bye

Always Rie~*

Azn_babybootie69 on Sun May 04 2003 03:54:32 pm wrote:
lolz! hey hey what a great friend!! man o man i'm happi to be here for yooh!! and yeah!! had so much fun on Friday!! and i'm all good!! oh johnny tagg me bakk!! lol much xo's

- wendy -

Azn_babybootie69 on Sun May 04 2003 05:34:29 pm wrote:
oh johnny
ur my bestest fwend too!! and i luv yas for just makin me fell happi!!

Azn_babybootie69 on Sun May 04 2003 05:36:08 pm wrote:

Azn_babybootie69 on Sun May 04 2003 05:36:39 pm wrote:

Azn_babybootie69 on Sun May 04 2003 05:37:11 pm wrote:
woot woot mad luv for me!!!! lmao!! woot woot! bye johnny!

oOEkiOo on Sun May 04 2003 05:44:58 pm wrote:
no subject
haha NO WAY..... that ice cream is mine!! lmao
i'll try.. hehe
PCHA.. haah then get my number from your caller id
i'm gonna goo now..
bye bye!!
jackie <3

b_boy_lover on Sun May 04 2003 08:17:43 pm wrote:
Missed ya too
awww i missed yoo too.
wow alot of people sign your page.
luck yoo
anyways thnx for taggin bac
well talk to you on msn...
hehe buh bye
much luv

always rie~*

b_boy_lover on Sun May 04 2003 08:17:44 pm wrote:
Missed ya too
awww i missed yoo too.
wow alot of people sign your page.
luck yoo
anyways thnx for taggin bac
well talk to you on msn...
hehe buh bye
much luv

always rie~*

oOEkiOo on Sun May 04 2003 09:56:08 pm wrote:
no subject
wat?? no special shout for jackie??
haha.. pppchaa..
you suck.. HARDCORE =P
well.. i'll get you a special shout if you want one yeeesh lol
could've said something!!
buh baiz
jackie <3

xxflip_dragonxx on Mon May 05 2003 12:58:41 am wrote:
no subject
wussup tahnz fo tha tagg iight well peace outz

luv_me_plz on Mon May 05 2003 05:23:06 pm wrote:
john are you still mad at me? please don't be =(

luv *Joy*

oOEkiOo on Mon May 05 2003 10:52:19 pm wrote:
no subject
WOWEEEE omg johnny
haha why are you mad at joy??
even .. tho i don't kno her.. but whatever ..
heard about her lolz
meng.. so now.. we're EVEN..
i don't owe you anything
and you don't owe me
i'll get the shoutz up soon.. i guess
AND the pictures muahahahaha
well i'm out
jackie <3

oOEkiOo on Tue May 06 2003 01:16:23 am wrote:
no subject
what the... congratulations?? for what????
hahah here goes.. the list
theres _____ and ______ and _____ and ______
delete this if you want
hahahah O_o
i'm tired

luv_me_plz on Tue May 06 2003 04:32:51 pm wrote:
you sure ur not mad at me? anywho wats new with you? hmm nuthin really happened wit me. it would be kool to hang out but its up to yea...anyhow g2g baiz...


oOEkiOo on Tue May 06 2003 07:47:04 pm wrote:
no subject
hahaha do you WANT me to name the list??
nah.. haha i won't
i dun think i'm gonna go to chinook on fridai =S
i'm gonna go.. to the YMCA
[see.. i didn't say the Y to confuse you..]
so yea..
i guess.. i'll see you at belles??
lol if we even go..
buh baiz

Azn_babybootie69 on Tue May 06 2003 09:13:12 pm wrote:
wasupp?? man o man ppl hit up this bookie!! geeeeeeez!! lol mano man well... iunno what to do mang!! lol i'm talking and typing and it confusing!! anywais.. werd dawg!?! u better tagg me bakk okie? oh johnny ur my favouritest friend!! much xo's


addicted2luv on Tue May 06 2003 11:43:18 pm wrote:
AHHh haha jackiee took it before yoo
cuz she'z my SISSS
haha of coursee!!
did yoo readdd my shoutt??
i thought of yoo when i was eatin caramel apple stuff..
see how much i care for yoo?
okay okay i knowww i luv yoo so much
now yoo gotta luv me back kai?
i said..AIGHT?!?!?!
candee friendzzz ALWAZ???
haha it'z so insidee noww..
mang im gonna give yoo a long ass tagg..
remember those daiz..
when i would go on..

luvaGIRL GEN!UZ + BeLLe + <3
pss better tagg bak

oOEkiOo on Wed May 07 2003 00:13:13 am wrote:
no subject
i tagged
i'm going to sleep
~* jackie <3

addicted2luv on Wed May 07 2003 10:39:19 pm wrote:

azn_lily on Wed May 07 2003 11:15:16 pm wrote:
no subject
hi john!!
hmm.. nice page... haha ^-^
i just wanted to come by and say "hi", and i wanna say THANX for that "BEAUTIFUL" blue marker streak across my face... >.< haha lol..

luv lotsss....

MysteriousX on Thu May 08 2003 09:35:58 am wrote:
Whoa!! Back to the old school eh??
Yeah I see you went back to your old layout... nice nice... There is a picture of me there!! Whoa!! So cool!! lol... well yeah I'm just surfing through my friends list... tag me back alight?? peace...


oOEkiOo on Fri May 09 2003 00:42:03 am wrote:
u finally changed your song haha

LiLKiTtY on Fri May 09 2003 09:28:31 pm wrote:
hey hey
its katy! wats up?..haha..yah well tag my book k?..k bye!...do you hate me? lol thats just jokes man...awwww..oh johnny..haha..tell me if my layout looks familiar! haha...

nammer_boi69 on Fri May 09 2003 11:41:02 pm wrote:
jons gay ahhahahah yo hook me up wif u know who hahah u lil whore ugggg fukin *beep* god dam whores they shud have told me then i wud hab stayed on teh god dam train haha

sweet_hunie216 on Sat May 10 2003 00:18:55 am wrote:

sweet_hunie216 on Sat May 10 2003 00:19:23 am wrote:

sweet_hunie216 on Sat May 10 2003 00:21:05 am wrote:

sweet_hunie216 on Sat May 10 2003 00:22:04 am wrote:

sweet_hunie216 on Sat May 10 2003 00:22:53 am wrote:

sweet_hunie216 on Sat May 10 2003 00:22:55 am wrote:

sweet_hunie216 on Sat May 10 2003 00:26:20 am wrote:
i think.. i cant count swear.. that was onlee 25 on the second page.. =( aww i cant count? thats PATHETIC johnny! n e waiz =D add me to ur friends.. cuz am ur friend rite.. well.. at least i hope so.. sorri i couldn't tag u before.. its just that am soo busy now a daiz.. and ya.. well.. talk to u later.. add me to ur msn.. aitez? its : sweetbabe_angel3000@htmail. or azn_baybeeghurl@htmail. ya.. well talk to ya laterz..
much luvz,

oOEkiOo on Sat May 10 2003 01:34:40 am wrote:
tell that yooh like...

oOEkiOo on Sat May 10 2003 01:41:51 am wrote:
=( why did u leave!!! aweee..
pleezzz don't be madd
i was JOKING!!!
jackie <3

d_angelo on Sat May 10 2003 08:24:51 am wrote:
see us hould have!!:@ $#!+
hahaha jus jokes ist aight john haha didnt wanna go to ur house cuz i had to walk far =P oo wellz its da past lets lok on da future jus take care of urslef and try not to get chopepd up k? bye

jade_hunnie on Sat May 10 2003 11:05:44 am wrote:
no subject
hey i dont know u but nice pg, tag me back bie

asian_cutie on Sat May 10 2003 11:10:32 am wrote:
hi....how r u?
not sure if u knoe me,me
chelz cuz...hehehe jus
thought i'd leave alittle
scribble 4 ya..
well ya me outz den

_genuwine_ on Sat May 10 2003 03:51:34 pm wrote:
yeah hahhaa...so close yet so farr

_genuwine_ on Sat May 10 2003 03:51:45 pm wrote:
haha u can't get my 10000 hitt

oOEkiOo on Sun May 11 2003 00:08:16 am wrote:
no subject
haha.. carlo's not gonna believe meeh..
since.. i did sign his book.. like 12 hours.. after i actually got 10000th hit hahaha
o welll lol
i'm outt
buh baizz
~* jackie <3

Azn_babybootie69 on Sun May 11 2003 00:40:24 am wrote:
hey hey!!
lookie here it's the bestest person in the world!! lol well.. my world!! lol mano man johnny hope i get a tagg cuz see... u haven't given a tagg in a while..*sigh*! well.. nice seeing you on Friday.. much xo's

alwais here! lol

azn_princess_18 on Sun May 11 2003 07:58:01 am wrote:
no subject
Heyyy John... lol omg such a cute song in yur g-bookie =) Wtf? are yoo a premium member or something?? lol...ummm yesterday was alrite, i chilled with cassie and britt cuz rie wasn't allowed out.... how was yur day?? LOL I WUDVE LUVED TO GO FOR BBT!!!!!!! =( bleh... o well.... so i'll see yoo at chinook on friday? =)

LiLKiTtY on Sun May 11 2003 01:36:30 pm wrote:
not too much happened.. my dad yelled at moi for a bit
i think my mum bought my flower excuse tho so thats good
cant talk so..cya!

oOEkiOo on Sun May 11 2003 02:40:02 pm wrote:
haha.. yesterdai.. was funn
cept for when i was all pissy
but yea
ahh.. damnn.. i dono what to sayy
buh baizz
jackie <3
ps.. its petes birthdai!! hunt him down and jumpp him hahaha

LiLKiTtY on Sun May 11 2003 03:09:31 pm wrote:
wow i got ur tag two min after u tagged me
damn why do i alwyas hafta go when im tagging you?!?!
u goin on friday??
if im not grounded i am
but my parents wont tal to me..lol

LiLKiTtY on Sun May 11 2003 03:30:51 pm wrote:
im about to get really annyoing
its coming

LiLKiTtY on Sun May 11 2003 04:01:05 pm wrote:
me again...
no on fri...
you dont wanna hang with my friends cuz thats sooz and anne adn theyre a little.. rascist.. u kno?
ill hang with char n eki... so youll jus see me wit them being hte only asian u kno
oh man..

Azn_Stunna_X on Sun May 11 2003 05:44:51 pm wrote:
no subject
paht page...

lilayngel on Sun May 11 2003 06:39:45 pm wrote:
no subject
hey, just cruising around.
and shiets.. yupp
welps, you have a tight ass page.
yupp.. okay. well,
hit me back aiights!?
peace outt.

LiLKiTtY on Sun May 11 2003 07:23:44 pm wrote:
holiee... johny... i didnt read ur page before now!! whoa..
lol.. i think we tag each other too much.. its like.. 3 times today..at least...
anywhoo.. ur page is FREAKIN FANTASTIC man oh man..
i wanna change my page now but i cant lol! damn my un-computer skillz
hehe.. well.. lub yah ..cya soon k?
LMAO im goin to church..ohh..whos kool..

b_boy_lover on Sun May 11 2003 08:25:16 pm wrote:
Hey Johnny!
Hi aww thank you for the tagg!
Sorry 4 not tagging yoo bac....but so, whats up? what did yoo do today? oh yeah it was mothers day today!!! Oh well lol. So anything new?? I am SOO bored rite now!! Well I'll ttyl!! buh bye
-Much Lub-

Always Rie~*

luvable_chicka on Sun May 11 2003 10:13:12 pm wrote:
no subject
hahahaha I GOT IT
now i get ice cream =D
hahaha.. the onli reason i got it
was cuz yooh told me
ice cream =D
on fridai!!
buh baiii
jackie <3

oOEkiOo on Sun May 11 2003 11:37:57 pm wrote:
no subject
damnnn yoooh.. no ice cream on fridai for jackiee
i MITE.. go on saturdai..
if i get home late on fridai
then my parents will get mad
and they probably.. won't let me out the next dai
im goinnn to sleep

All4U69er on Mon May 12 2003 04:46:51 pm wrote:
hey sup Johnny!!! lol i will try n forget ur name dunt worry..o i mean...rmb ur name..hahaaaaa anywhos yea iu asked tim bout u i wus like hey wus his name?? ok but jus so u knoe i dunno belle in real life hope u get a chance with her well call 3835098 if u need me i'll b there or not whahaaa peyz out sexxai


LiLKiTtY on Mon May 12 2003 05:19:34 pm wrote:
i out tagged you yesterday... i had five.. lol..
i hadda freakin great day..
i was grounded for being late [gee.. overcontrolled arent i?] but then i got 100 on a test so they HAD to let me out..
i think on friday my family is taking me out camping [overcontrolled] but they only said IF but im sure theyll decide on friday that i hafta go
mening i don getta go on fri =(
cya laters tho

Dj_Tay on Mon May 12 2003 05:28:56 pm wrote:
you deserve to be dragged
onto the street and shot...
haha jk well ok. I tagged
ok? happy? alright then.
later- Tay

Dj_Tay on Mon May 12 2003 05:30:50 pm wrote:

viet_boi on Mon May 12 2003 08:05:20 pm wrote:
Missed it! Damned it! Ahh...
we'll see who gets the next tag!
Take Care Johnny

Asian_Defender on Mon May 12 2003 08:06:28 pm wrote:
no subject
hey johnny sup mang its ben
nice page u have here well im out

LiLKiTtY on Mon May 12 2003 08:30:57 pm wrote:
johnny ur too nice man!
yes im highly intellegent..
as was the person in front of me.. ironically..
jk it was actually ALL me =D
workin on friday.. keep in mind my dad is satan..=/
lub yahz

oOEkiOo on Mon May 12 2003 08:39:31 pm wrote:
no subject
haha .. bubbletea =D
whattt the..my msn is screwed up =(
i'll SEE if i can go on saturdai..
not sure.. if i can
i'm outt
buh baiizzz
jackie <3

addicted2luv on Mon May 12 2003 10:31:07 pm wrote:
okay okay i have NO SHOUT..
im so HURT
yoor a heartbreakerrr...
'n yoo NEVER askz me ANYWHERE...

luvaGIRL GEN!UZ + BeLLe + <3 :..

azn_lily on Mon May 12 2003 10:33:36 pm wrote:
heyy john!!
hmm... i remember u asked me to tag you yesterday...
soo, here i am!! haha lol... :P
anywayz... nice page u got here!! i like it!!
u wanna make me one? haha... i'm kidding, i'm kidding... :)
anywayz... that's all i got to say rite now...
and... o yea!! before the end of this year...
u have to let me put make-up on u, and draw on your face with MARKER!!
i mean... u drew on MY face... soo... i'm just returning the FAVOR!!
hehe... lol... :P

luv lotssss....
-diane- :)

oOEkiOo on Mon May 12 2003 10:49:55 pm wrote:
haha =D

XxSweet_SerenityxX on Tue May 13 2003 01:09:31 pm wrote:
Hey Johhny
Its katy again...but im on chars account....char is here too..she is at my house!!! we both say HIII JOHNNY WE LOOVVEEE YOOOHH!...=D..hehe..[by the way its char typing] oh johnny mah johnny..but we are bored! SEE YAH FRIDAI! ;) ;)

viet_boi on Tue May 13 2003 07:17:23 pm wrote:
No never!

xzxxzx on Wed May 14 2003 00:00:18 am wrote:
i've got to say i still
don't really no u yet..
we met like what? last
month? well we've become
pretty good friends right?
:D - and damn u want a lot
of pictures... and i
promise yu'll be recivin
a invite to my b-day
party! wahaha anyways
i have nothin else to say
u no? o and c u on friday

-luves everyone-

Asian_Defender on Wed May 14 2003 11:51:16 am wrote:
no subject
hey johnny sup mang? just here to tag ur book so whats happening well im out PaYcE

LiLKiTtY on Wed May 14 2003 07:13:42 pm wrote:
haha hadda match my name to subject..
im in sucha good mood rite now
eeeeeeeeeeee =D
*brilliance* hes so smiley... yey...
right cuz ya kno u care...
just sayin hi cuz i havent tagged ya in a while [it was char b4 geez =P]
lub ya johnny boi
eeeeeee WOOT

69azn_pryde69 on Wed May 14 2003 09:15:30 pm wrote:
sup boy
yo man. we r evil. We gotta pull some *beep* sometime and hang out. lol well l8er man

real_asian_pinoy on Wed May 14 2003 10:25:53 pm wrote:
thanx man for finishin my bookie
yo how can i get a new one but still keep the old one??

oOEkiOo on Wed May 14 2003 11:25:39 pm wrote:
no subject
heyy johnny
what theee hahah.. i dont' owe yooh anythingg
i think
i'll play initial D with yooh
i probably..
won't go to that party thing on fridai.. with that mary person
cuz i gotta take belle downtown for bbt
so yeaa
i'm outt
buh baiz
jackie <3

_genuwine_ on Thu May 15 2003 08:50:41 am wrote:
fine u'll get ur props

LiLKiTtY on Thu May 15 2003 06:01:36 pm wrote:
why hello johnny boi
eeeee yah i like reed a lot...=D
hehe..shh... its a HUGE seret man
thiens not comin tomorrow! what a bum!
i am tho..an i even got money an everything. $15 it looks like
mwhahaha am i good or wut
oh yah were goin for pho. and bbt.
i getta meet this belle person..who i hear SO MUCH about..
my cheez.. =(
char got her learners.. an..uh..
i dunno thers nuthin new here
geez im boring
tonsa lub..
.x super kitty x.

LiLKiTtY on Thu May 15 2003 06:06:14 pm wrote:
jus remembered
that was it..
cant wait to get to kno ya johnny!
u seem so nice!! holie man
btw..wut highschool u goin to?
grandin all tha waiiii
for real this time
i swear..

oOEkiOo on Thu May 15 2003 06:43:29 pm wrote:
no subject
hoyyy johnnyyy
haha guess wut
surprised eh??
i guess i'll see yooh tomorroww
buh baizz
jackie <3

oOEkiOo on Thu May 15 2003 10:45:54 pm wrote:

oOEkiOo on Thu May 15 2003 10:46:19 pm wrote:

oOEkiOo on Thu May 15 2003 10:46:59 pm wrote:

oOEkiOo on Thu May 15 2003 10:47:21 pm wrote:
here.. we gooo...

oOEkiOo on Thu May 15 2003 10:48:22 pm wrote:
no subject
there.. now we're even
well almost
yooh still owe me bubbletea
go buy it tomorrowww
i'm outt
buh baiizzz

LiLKiTtY on Fri May 16 2003 09:49:48 pm wrote:
hey wuts up
i saw ya i saw ya
ya i was bein poopy at first eh??
then i got loud
then joy took me away =D
someone told me i talk too much how harsh geez
like..i mean.. who states the obvious like that..
im dyin.. im so sick...=(
whered jackies cp go??
what an idiot... who just..deletes it..
anywhoooz not too much to sai
cept that i ended up NOT goin for food
you should be proud
ill get fat next week=D
i got my job interveiw tomorrow

2khute4u on Sat May 17 2003 00:21:04 am wrote:
Hello guy! How are you?! Today
was pretty fun eh? hehe. With
the fire and everythang haha.
Too bad you didn't get to see
Dex...lol awww JT wanna kick
his arse? Lol. Awwww I was
sooo sad today...but tryin to
hide it as always. I swear...
okay he can not talk to me...
fine but..give me evil glares
ain't that a bit harsh?! geez.
Wow today didn't go to plan
at all...barely anybody was
there and we didn't go for pho
or bbt or anythang. Just stayed
at Chinook for 88 hours and
play at the arcade. Hehe. Don't
you think I'm getting better
at ddr?! Yay I'm so happy.
but I hate that friggin ugly
machine at Chinook. Man...
well meeh gonna go now...luv ya!
gave you a special shout on my
page. look look! hehe
buh bye...luv ya always,
- thien - 2khute4u -

addicted2luv on Sat May 17 2003 11:10:11 am wrote:
damn i haven't tagged for a long timee..
mangg johnny boi never tellz wut'z up anymoree..
i dont' even knoww wut'z wrongg..
awee makez me sadd too..
but hey thankz yoor a realli niceee boi
juss if yoo need anythingg..
belle'zz here kai??

luvaGIRL GEN!UZ + BeLLe + <3

oOEkiOo on Sat May 17 2003 01:48:33 pm wrote:
awee... are yooh still mad at meeh?? =P

azn_lily on Sun May 18 2003 11:38:55 am wrote:
no subject
i'm sorri!!
i was TOO LAZI to go over here and sign THIS book.
hehe... anywayz... yes, i realize that john!!
i'll bring the make-up soon!!

luv lotssssss....
-diane- :)

mistikal on Sun May 18 2003 12:14:51 am wrote:
no subject
hea to return the fav later

2khute4u on Sun May 18 2003 12:33:50 am wrote:
Johnny!! We gotta go to Dragon City and bbt and Eau Claire again!! Man that day was sooo fun! Ahaha. It was the first time we met. =D hehe. Sign my g-book more! Geez. I'm getting so..unpopular *cries* hehe. Lol oh yeah! I gotta get my friggin film developed! Lol and post the pic of our ruins on my page. Lol aww shiet ...should've taken a pic of the damn perfume bottle. Before we burned it! Hahaha. Awww I feel soooo special to have the only shout on your page! Ahahaa. Yay! Thank you Johnny! You still gotta meet Dex haha. Maybe next Friday! When we go get some bbt!!!! We better cause we always say we will but we don't anyway hehe. Well me gots ta go. I'm out. Buh bye Johnny! I love you!!!

Luv alwayz,
- thien - tinylicious -

oh yes I'm that yummy! Ahaha.

princess_pnay on Sun May 18 2003 01:14:40 pm wrote:
no subject
hey! nice page! well gotta go now! tag back if you have time bye !

LITO_DEVIL on Sun May 18 2003 01:31:26 pm wrote:
boo !
hmmm .. heyy .. haha
havn't i seeen you beforee?
at like.. hmmm.. chinook
or something?
hahaha errr well yeah..
wassssssssssuppp ?

LiLKiTtY on Sun May 18 2003 01:36:13 pm wrote:
johnny boi!!
:O *gasp*
its been SO long since i tagged you last...
three days almost
yup, got me a job
i go in on wed to see whichhh job..lol
booyah tho!!
an i get $7.50 an hour or more =D
an thats just to start
oh wwwwwuuuuttttttt
sheer brilliance
anywhoooz im in a bit of afunni mood
cya later

swit_pinay_angyel on Sun May 18 2003 02:31:27 pm wrote:
no subject
nice page!
tag me back

LITO_DEVIL on Sun May 18 2003 04:04:28 pm wrote:
no subject
lol yeaaaa i knoww all
of themm =P hahhaa yeah
wasnt that youu at chinook
up in famousplayers and i was
talking to joy.. then u camee
or something? lol hmmm haha
maybe that was someone else?
err well are u going to
chinook tomorrow ?? haha

LITO_DEVIL on Sun May 18 2003 04:31:53 pm wrote:
no subject
ummmm i think rheaa and diane
are going tomorrow haha
but i dont know about
everyonee else.. hmm
awee hahaha i'll help u
find ur contacts hahahaa
wait no .. cuz im uglee
that way u wont see mee
and run away hahahaha =P
hmm.. i might go tomorrow
like in the afternoon or
something lol. if i seee u
i'll sayy hi too heheee =P

oOEkiOo on Sun May 18 2003 05:36:32 pm wrote:

2khute4u on Sun May 18 2003 05:44:05 pm wrote:

2khute4u on Sun May 18 2003 05:44:29 pm wrote:

2khute4u on Sun May 18 2003 05:44:30 pm wrote:

_Jona_ on Sun May 18 2003 08:16:45 pm wrote:
mahn i need candy i need sweetzz
im feeling soo eneryfull haha i feel soo happy but sad at the same tyme haha yes jon aish wierd when it comes to candy haha well no worries ur always there every friday haha soo maybe u should get more candy and gimmie some next week if i go ahite haha peace out
kuv yah
j o n a__

b_boy_lover on Sun May 18 2003 09:22:59 pm wrote:
hey Johnny! omg Im sorry for not calling yoo latley...UGH, like Ive been soooo busy Im sooo sorry! And whats this that I DONT WANNA BE INVOLVED WITH YOO ANYMORE?? jeeze of coarse NOTT! I will never forget yoo too! my minds sooo fukkin messed up latley iz not even funny. yeah I think Im like...dying....hehe oh well yoo dont even CARE!! jk, jk, welll anyways I will definatley call yoo fo sho so be patient okay?? and wee gotta chilllll!!! okay?? well I gotta fly~now so ttyl Johnny~~~~ buh bye^.~
*hugs* & *kisses*

ALways Rie~*

inheaven on Mon May 19 2003 04:13:25 am wrote:
hi johnny
i appreciate the gb entry you left me. thanks btw!

2khute4u on Mon May 19 2003 12:40:49 am wrote:
Omigosh I'm soooo sorry I didn't
come with you last night. Geez.
I was having lots of fun at the end.
Hehehe. Stupid Dexter...don't you
think he's stupid?! Haha. Well
I got in trouble too...my mom
was like why did you come home
so late and crap. More bs and shiet.
Geeez. Lol.

2khute4u on Mon May 19 2003 12:42:36 am wrote:
no subject
Oh and thanks for being my 1000th hit!
and making my 6th page. Hahaha.
Awww now i feel sooo loved hehehe.
Yeah sorry barely anybody got
some booze last night. cause
Dan got the last big bear. Oh well
it's okay...damn I wish I was more
hammered...so i could forget that whole
night. And not think bout Dex.
Oh well whatever...

2khute4u on Mon May 19 2003 12:43:35 am wrote:

2khute4u on Mon May 19 2003 12:43:47 am wrote:

2khute4u on Mon May 19 2003 12:44:03 am wrote:
did i make your 6th page yet?

2khute4u on Mon May 19 2003 12:44:52 am wrote:
Who's the bomb! ME!
cause I made your 6th page.
like you made mine. Ahaha
okay i'm out
love ya tons johnny!
- thien -

Jai_Jai on Mon May 19 2003 07:48:54 pm wrote:
no subject
Sup sup???? I'm BORED.... WOW U KNOW TENSHI_FOREVER ON CP, mang I wish I do.. lol don't ask, I started doin that last nite lol, but anywho, I didn't mean to be rude at all, cuz I didn't know u were behind me... seriously... lol, ya ya, so sup sup? did u go to chinook after? well I gotta go takecare aite.. pce pce
Jai Jai

asianballer08 on Mon May 19 2003 11:26:14 pm wrote:
no subject
Hey Johnny,
What up man?
I guess you found me hahaha, I tried to look for you.
But I didn't know your CP name I forgot it hgahaha.
But its all good, ya my dad just got home.
I saved you man.


Bebe_69 on Tue May 20 2003 03:58:46 pm wrote:
haha hey hey
johnnnyy hahaha ...we should chill again..that was fcuken halirous haha

viet_prince on Tue May 20 2003 05:59:12 pm wrote:
sup not good enuff to be on your friends list man shiet nigga hahahaha
well yah i am outs

oOEkiOo on Tue May 20 2003 08:25:42 pm wrote:
no subject
i don't mean to make yooh feel badd
i'm jusss joking >.<
but.. i'll stopp.. cuz it gets on yoor nerves
anywhoo.. don't feel left outt

pockykatie on Tue May 20 2003 09:36:10 pm wrote:
haha just jokes
i remember now i tagged you on EP. i think. well i tried to anyways hehe. yes this is wasting so much of my time..... if i had any
hehe so you should feeeel specialllllll
this is a gay tag
i'm sorry
but cp is so slow and
yeah haha

viet_prince on Wed May 21 2003 04:28:31 pm wrote:
hahah wtf haha if you look carefully it might help right hahhahaha

LITO_DEVIL on Wed May 21 2003 05:05:42 pm wrote:
uuuuuuuuu !
u left lizlo all alonee
hhaha =P grrrrrrrrrrrrr
aweee lol its alrightt hehe
soo how are uu huhuhuh
niceee to meet u hahahha
i think we met like wayy
before... u prolly just
dont rememberrr
hmm.. welllll see u aroundd

Tenshi_Forever on Thu May 22 2003 00:26:42 am wrote:
You will live in Mansion.
You will drive a Green Mitsubishi Eclipes GTS.
You will marry *** and have 3 kids.
You will be a Air Force Pilot in Hong Kong.

All4U69er on Thu May 22 2003 06:31:19 pm wrote:
no subject
hihi ooooo iz wus his face johnny...hahaaa heyz sexxaxi sup boi sorri i hvnt called u in a while but real busy.. y dun u call me instead! geezzz.. u bugga.. well me gon go aite? bibi sezzi boi

xo. mary

oOEkiOo on Thu May 22 2003 06:31:39 pm wrote:
no subject
haha.. whyd yooh sign yoor own boook?
yooh should've put it on yoor page
haha o well.
too bad the *** isn't obvious huh?
ritee.. anywhoo
yeaa.. i duno.
what to sai
lalala.... i'm leaving.. on a jett plaannee.. don't kno when i'll be back again.. oh babeee.. i have to gooo =D
hehe.. anywhoo
i'm outt

The_Psychiatrist on Thu May 22 2003 07:49:11 pm wrote:
hello there.
I'm new and I want you to be my first patient. Come by, and ask for any advice. Send either a message or a tag in the book. Thank you for your cooperation.

oOEkiOo on Fri May 23 2003 00:24:23 am wrote:

2khute4u on Sat May 24 2003 01:24:29 pm wrote:
lol hey. sorry i didn't go to chinook yesterday.
aww man lol went to a party instead.
thanks for being my 1111th hit lol.
i'll tell you what it means on msn k?
well ttyl.
bye bye

- thien - teenylicious
I'm so yummy!

LITO_DEVIL on Sat May 24 2003 03:56:03 pm wrote:
no subject
hoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy =P

bebe_d69 on Sat May 24 2003 07:56:54 pm wrote:
no subject
heyy john.
new name.
diane__ ^-^

oOEkiOo on Sat May 24 2003 09:00:27 pm wrote:
no subject
hahah i see .. what yooh were trying to doo thennn
haha itss nice
but yea.. the lines before.. >.<
yea.. juss hitttinnn upp yoor pagee
tagg me back yooh bummm

KiNkYaZnPlaYeR on Sat May 24 2003 11:10:56 pm wrote:
remmber me !? i was the one that accidentily threw that snow ball at ur ass :D

Shmoo_Gurl on Sun May 25 2003 11:30:57 pm wrote:
no subject
don't get me started about american idol dude..not very bright..well..since now you got me started..guess i'll hafta start...
ok i'm done..i wonder how long it is.. =P

lil_angel888 on Mon May 26 2003 11:03:17 pm wrote:
haha wat are you talkin about... my birthday is today!! haha sheesh... you didn't even give me a hug... =(
haha but thanks for wishing me happy birthday on cp... haha
well bai bai!

lil_angel888 on Mon May 26 2003 11:26:24 pm wrote:
cp is how me and you communticate! haha

YounG_ThugstaR on Tue May 27 2003 02:09:00 pm wrote:
yo thnx for the tag

_lancey_ on Wed May 28 2003 06:47:48 pm wrote:
wat is this *beep* john??

azn_princess_18 on Wed May 28 2003 07:04:09 pm wrote:
im sorryy....

lil_angel888 on Wed May 28 2003 10:22:16 pm wrote:
cp is cool..
haha it's our communticating system!

TiIVI on Thu May 29 2003 05:43:21 pm wrote:
heey johhn
heey man... thnx for the shout! soo touching! *tear* haha i can never forget that you were one of my first new friends that i met in jr. high... good ol' days...
i should really hang out with you more often... maybe next week i'll chill with you


lil_angel888 on Thu May 29 2003 09:19:58 pm wrote:
i'm boring! no way!
hahaha the boring one is you!
haha jk jk
newhoz... nice page... hehe
change it i wanna see more! hehe
hm... so wat ya doin tomorrow?
well ttyl bai bai

luv_me_plz on Thu May 29 2003 10:06:33 pm wrote:
hi *waves*
hey john..whats up? yea we havn't talked or seen each other for so long...hmm things are okie for me...whats new wit yea...hmm OoOo me missed yea lots =) it would be koo to hang out wit yea again, but then u seem to be busy every now and then...hmm yea i betta get going, nice to hear from you again..

baiz *Joy*

diesel_gurl on Fri May 30 2003 08:32:31 am wrote:
no subject
hey thanks for the tag, your pg is so nice hahaha cya

lil_angel888 on Fri May 30 2003 11:47:00 pm wrote:
jo's not askin you out! haha
geez... haha =P
o... your goin to josh's party eh?
kew kew... haha

69azn_pryde69 on Sat May 31 2003 06:44:09 pm wrote:
hey johnny. we seriously gotta hook up lol. add moi as friend even if we only met once and i dont remember it that well lol. good times.. (sorta) PEACE

addicted2luv on Sun Jun 01 2003 01:51:11 am wrote:
hiii johnnyyy
juss thought i would tag yoo
it'z been awhileee
i knoww we alwaz drift away for aweilee
and then for another while
we'lll be all tight 'n stuff..
it'z weirdd
i've known yoo for a REALLI long time noww..
and it'z juss realli nicee meeting yoo 'n stuff..
cuz even tho we get mad at eachother..
yoo still listened to me when i needed yoo to..
rememberr when i had problemz with Jay?
yeah..that was a long time ago huh?
but yoo stuckk by
with all my shiet..
and im so gladdd that yoor still there
i know thingz aren't going well
but i hope yoor happi 'n thingz are betterrr
remember im here for yoo
and forever
candee friendz remember? =]

loverGIRL genius . xoxbelle<3

Gr8_1 on Sun Jun 01 2003 06:42:28 pm wrote:
no subject
Boo. Change your layout!
Lol! Soo old man!
Come on! You have Premium!
Take advantage!
Doo it...
Well imma go
your gbook is hurting mah eyes for some reason

Conquered_haze on Sun Jun 01 2003 08:38:24 pm wrote:
no subject
wai wai
hehe thx for da tag..
ur page is way betta than mine..
well ne ways... ttyl kk??


oOEkiOo on Mon Jun 02 2003 01:30:59 am wrote:
no subject
LoL.. yeaa you haven't tagged my book in the longest time!!.. lol i haven't tagged yoors either.. so we're even kai?? but anywhoo.. yea.. me.. nd moood swings.. haha >.<.. its juss mee.. and theres been alot of shiet going on lately.. but i'll be ok =D anywhoo.. i'm outt

lil_angel888 on Mon Jun 02 2003 07:23:53 pm wrote:
hey hey
wow you got that 7 day premium thing eh?
hm... newhoz... wut up?
was josh's party fun fun fun??
haha well ttyl bai bai

xxazn_raverxx on Mon Jun 02 2003 10:06:00 pm wrote:
heyz dere
came by ta tag yoo bak.
how r u?!
I'm so frickin bored.
lol ohh I see youve
gone cp premium geek too!
lol alot of ppl have lately.
i think itz that whole trial thing.lol
wellz, hit me bak aiight!
I'm outt...

Asian_Defender on Tue Jun 03 2003 10:30:31 am wrote:
no subject
OH WTF u got preminum u lucky bastard....i wish i had preminum but anyways sup mang gottin any better at initial d yet? if u have ill race u before i retire well nuff said from me

E_n_R on Tue Jun 03 2003 06:05:24 pm wrote:
no subject
u noe tim eh?...he doesnt noe me but his mom is friends with my mom...later!

WRX on Tue Jun 03 2003 06:06:17 pm wrote:
THanks for the
Hit !

2khute4u on Tue Jun 03 2003 09:45:25 pm wrote:
omg sooo sorry i never return
your tags! haha. I never have
time anymore...always on msn
and shiet haha. hmmm you comin
to chinook this friday?!?!
watch 2fast2furious?! oh man
i can't wait! hahaha. omg and
hmmm wow...well umm what's there
to talk about? haha. hmmm
well if you read my thoughts
annndd comment on them...you
might start to understand my
emotions haha. hmmm well hope
to see you this friday...love you!!

loooooove alwayz,
- thien -

xxazn_raverxx on Tue Jun 03 2003 10:31:20 pm wrote:
lol yeah Ive been bored lately too.
No one interesting to
talk to on the fone.
Or hang out with.
haha, but yeah,
lol dammit I forgot whut yoo
wrote to me.
well anywayz hit me bak.
I'm outt...

LiL_QuTTi on Wed Jun 04 2003 01:38:06 pm wrote:
Hey John
Thanx for the tag, your so sweet, Anyways.. call peter some time this week for that hair appointment.. i'll see you soon.. take care.. bai now

bebe_kisses on Wed Jun 04 2003 07:24:07 pm wrote:
Hey Johnny
Man it has been awhile since
i have signed your page well
here i am signing.It also has
been awhile since we have
talked and thats very weird
we go to the same skool and
we don't even talk anymore
what happened.I think it all
started hanging out with your
new friends in the south.But
you gotta start hanging with
us to again you better since
you said you would well i g2g
ttyl better tag me back

viet_boi on Thu Jun 05 2003 00:37:14 am wrote:
It won't last for long Johnny! Ah...at least you got it!
Take Care Johnny!

viet_boi on Thu Jun 05 2003 00:37:14 am wrote:
It won't last for long Johnny! Ah...at least you got it!
Take Care Johnny!

azn_princess_18 on Thu Jun 05 2003 08:10:27 am wrote:
hehe iy made 7th page?!
haha.... soo johnny sup sup?
iy have a new e-mail (on mah page)
so add me upz aiight?
sooo whut have yoo been up to lately!?!
haha i've been realli bored >.<
Ummmm iy hope to see yoo 2morrow!!
welpzzz tagg me back kaiz?
bai baizz

lil_angel888 on Fri Jun 06 2003 11:24:31 pm wrote:
your page takes forever to load!!! >.<

xxazn_raverxx on Sat Jun 07 2003 00:01:03 am wrote:
yoo dont tag my book that much!
lol only 3 timez.
yea I'm the one that said you
are cute with a moo.
geez forgot alreadi?!
hit me bak.
I'm outt...

xxazn_raverxx on Sat Jun 07 2003 10:59:25 am wrote:
i sent it cuz I think ur cute of course.
Kinna cheered yoo up?!
Were you feelin' down before?!
lol well hit me bak.
I'm outt...

xxazn_raverxx on Sat Jun 07 2003 11:22:07 am wrote:
yoo dont hav to tell me
if itz personal.
But dont be down.
Smile cuz ur sucha kewtie ok!
hehe dont be sad hun!
hit me bak!
-Justine *muah*

LITO_DEVIL on Sat Jun 07 2003 02:15:41 pm wrote:
no subject
hahahahah sorry
lol im here nowww
aweeeeeeee im not meann
aiyaa haha at least i wasnt
the one who left that time
at chinoook without
saying byeeee =(
lol =P sheeesh did u go
to chinoooook yesterdayy
haha damn i wish i wentt
err well ttyl
byeeeeeeee =)

broken_bracelet on Sat Jun 07 2003 03:24:38 pm wrote:
i usually don't talk like that, but i'm just hyper right now. i love Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru. She's such a great singer. kk..to the point. thanks for tagging my page even though i did not really send you a cow or tag you..hahaha. thaaanks. um...rachel and mary go to the same school as mee? so that's how i know them?? that's as simplest as i can put it. your page is cool. it has a matrix feel to it.
take care

xxazn_raverxx on Sat Jun 07 2003 07:35:55 pm wrote:
did you go to sunridge today cuz I swear I saw you. lol Geez it was so weird cuz I kept seeing you or sum guy that looked like you walking around the mall. lol If you did go to the mall and saw sum flip chick with a denim skurt and black top, that was me. lol If not, I'm jus sum weirdo. haha anywayz hit me bak.
I'm outt...

PriNcEsS_25 on Sat Jun 07 2003 10:17:34 pm wrote:
wuts up buddy?
ehhe havent seen u in a while!! go to yfc!! geezeee
n not savin m e?! wuts up wif dat? im hurtttt hehehe. jkes ne wayssss cool page buddy.. imma go now kk cya! byebye

lil_angel888 on Sun Jun 08 2003 00:08:54 am wrote:
did u delete stuff?
cuz it's still taking awhile to load... =)

oOEkiOo on Sun Jun 08 2003 01:02:00 am wrote:
omg omg omg
AHHH im sooo SOLEEE!!.. LOL.. it slipped my mind.. cuz it was like.. i forgot what time.. but meh.. so yess i'm returning the favor.. but anywhooo.. whatss up?? wow mangg.. i'm happi now.. cept for the fact.. that finals are coming up.. >.<.. so anywhooo. mehhh hahaa i duno what to say.. nd yeaa.. i'll tell you when i have the pics up on my page kai?
i'm out

broken_bracelet on Sun Jun 08 2003 10:06:41 am wrote:
no subject
okay, i will tell them you said hi.

YellA_dRagon on Sun Jun 08 2003 12:26:08 am wrote:
no subject
oh what ups up bud hah ya i rmemeber u at that place haha they just ended up in my car i dunnow how but they did.. hahah peaCe

Shmoo_Gurl on Sun Jun 08 2003 04:27:12 pm wrote:
no subject
=( all gone no morepremium =(

xxazn_raverxx on Sun Jun 08 2003 06:04:10 pm wrote:
haha I knew it was you. I was gonna say hi but I wasnt too shure if it was you. haha I passed by you an I was staring at you to see if you would recognize me but you didnt so I was like "maybe ish not him after all" DAMMIT! Shoulda said sumthin. hahaha Oh wellz, we'll chill next time. hehe So in a way we hav already met each other in person. lol Prettie kewl. I was wearin a skirt an a black top. Are you shure yoo didnt see me. haha damn. We'll chill next time tho kay?! hit me up!
I'm outt...

xxazn_raverxx on Mon Jun 09 2003 07:10:59 pm wrote:
yayy I get to hang wif Johnny! haha kewl kewl. I went cp premium geeky!! hehehe Whut r u up to?! geez I'm so bored, so hit me bak.
I'm outt...

PriNcEsS_25 on Mon Jun 09 2003 11:36:14 pm wrote:
hehe. meeh too imma save u
was bout to but i had to get offf. n i havent been on this shiet for a while now. hehe. ne ways wut else to say/ hehe ooh u better go on sat! ders an assembly at st thomas moore u better go!!

PriNcEsS_25 on Mon Jun 09 2003 11:36:16 pm wrote:
hehe. meeh too imma save u
was bout to but i had to get offf. n i havent been on this shiet for a while now. hehe. ne ways wut else to say/ hehe ooh u better go on sat! ders an assembly at st thomas moore u better go!!

lil_angel888 on Tue Jun 10 2003 08:01:25 am wrote:
hey stupid!
geez... fine... i'll give you a spot light...
yay your page loads faster now!
cuz of the premium stuff haha

xxazn_raverxx on Tue Jun 10 2003 05:51:32 pm wrote:
ur cp premium thing ish gone?!
how come yoo still gotz
an avatar thang?!
lol I jus got the trial shiz.
Yupperz!! lol
Ur not online righ now
so I cant reallie ask about
ur digitz.lol
Hit me bak. I'll get ur # when ur online!
I'm outt...

tenshi_boi on Tue Jun 10 2003 07:55:48 pm wrote:
haha... i like ur name. =)
reminds me... of me.
anyways haha... nice page... and... is it a cactus or a cucumber for ur avatar? haha.. friend was wonderin bout that. >:)


preciousdyan on Tue Jun 10 2003 08:34:04 pm wrote:
whats this???
I thought i was your friend =(
and you don't even tag me or
save me as a friend.. thats
sad.. lol jj

lil_angel888 on Wed Jun 11 2003 08:29:46 am wrote:
fine i'll ask you nicely to come visit me... hehe =)
oooOOoo i like the techno music in your g-bookie! haha
is diane putting makeup on you on thursday?!?!?!
hehe aw... your gonna look sooo bootiful! haha
well ttyl pc pc

All4U69er on Wed Jun 11 2003 12:46:30 am wrote:
no subject
yo mangg dun call me no bum now.. hahaa luv ur songz coolioz well i skipped sum classes n chillin at nats house yayyy we're frds now im happi. b happi 4 me peys yo i gotta go get the code fo "fighter" suits me n bruce ahahaaaa peys out sezzi boi

Shmoo_Gurl on Wed Jun 11 2003 04:05:14 pm wrote:
no subject
you have the avatar..but i gotz the skinzz

Shmoo_Gurl on Wed Jun 11 2003 07:28:46 pm wrote:
no subject
who says it's a code

Shmoo_Gurl on Wed Jun 11 2003 09:39:17 pm wrote:
no subject
maybe... =P

Shmoo_Gurl on Wed Jun 11 2003 09:43:06 pm wrote:
no subject
and why you looking at my source anyway!

oOEkiOo on Wed Jun 11 2003 10:04:30 pm wrote:
no subject
WHATT what are you talking about??
i was GONNA sign your book newaiz.. and then.. you call me a BUM
.. welll then.. >.<
haha anywhoo.. im outt

Vietlan on Wed Jun 11 2003 10:56:09 pm wrote:
sure i can do that!
hey johnny hows it going over there?
yeah i remember you but we didnt
talk as much thats all.
yeah i'll try to convince my sister =)
i'll talk to you later okay


PriNcEsS_25 on Wed Jun 11 2003 11:51:18 pm wrote:
no subject
haha thats right!
u better go or else!!1
hhee jkes!
but ya u shuud!
missin to much yfc now!

xxazn_raverxx on Thu Jun 12 2003 07:37:09 pm wrote:
you wanted a tag you got ur tag. never said it had to say anything important. BLAH haha lub yoo Johnny. hit me bak.
I'm outt...

LITO_DEVIL on Thu Jun 12 2003 08:39:57 pm wrote:
no subject
ohh what haha im ur 6000th
hit buddyyy =P
haahaha aweee i always go
to ur page ....
sorta. ..hahaha awe u going
to chinook tomorrow?
hmm i havnt seeen u for awhile
hahahaa i better get a huggg
wen i see u .. or elseeeeee
i'll be sad =( lol
alright alright.. ill talk to
u laterrrrrrrrrr ;)

swt_azn_guy on Thu Jun 12 2003 10:11:37 pm wrote:
add me as friend u mother f:u:kin b:tch lol fine ite im out man thanx f da tag up peash

azn_lily on Thu Jun 12 2003 10:17:23 pm wrote:
no subject
heyy john!!
yay!! it was fun todai wasn't it!?!?
man... u had to walk?!?! but the deal was that u would wear it on for a dai.
and u didn't do that. ^-^
anywayz... byebye!!

luv lots.
-diane- :)

asianballer08 on Thu Jun 12 2003 10:29:48 pm wrote:
no subject
Thanks for the tag.
Ya, we have been together for almost a week now.


viet_boi on Thu Jun 12 2003 11:29:55 pm wrote:
Johnny, I don't know how to
thank you. Thanks for being
there for me! Um..yeah... I've been stressed "lately",
I'm worrying about too many things in life, i'm regretting some things and most of all, I'm freaking out about my piano exam. Yes it's over, but the mark is the answer to my nightmare.
But yeah, I really thank you again Johnny.
Take Care

oOEkiOo on Thu Jun 12 2003 11:44:18 pm wrote:
no subject
heyyy johnny
whatss up?.. mangg.. i'm sooo bored..
hahahaha.. but yeaa.. heres.. your tag
didn't i tag you yesterdai??
ahh.. you got alot of tags.. since yesterdai..
nobody tags my book anymore =(
i'm out

oOEkiOo on Thu Jun 12 2003 11:44:19 pm wrote:
no subject
heyyy johnny
whatss up?.. mangg.. i'm sooo bored..
hahahaha.. but yeaa.. heres.. your tag
didn't i tag you yesterdai??
ahh.. you got alot of tags.. since yesterdai..
nobody tags my book anymore =(
i'm out

2khute4u on Fri Jun 13 2003 01:33:08 am wrote:
long time no talk!
you don't looove me anymore...
=( I feel so unloved.
hehe. oh mang
kay shiet mang...
you gotz me addicted to that damn song on your page
oh mang i loooove that song i swear
haha always listening to it nowz hehe
kay i better see you at chinook tomorroez!
awweee mang I'm only gonna be there til 4
cause I chillin with my best fwendz hehe
oh mang....kay we haven't talked for soooo long
oh and thanks soooooo much for making my 8th page!!!
looove you!
sowwiez i never like tag yoou back lol
ahhh so many things goin on...
no time for johnny...
awwweeeee i swear i'll make it up to you kay?!
kay well i'm outs...call me sometime!! =D
looove you johnny! oh mang
might not see you for a loong time.
but til than...never forget meeeh!!!
personal reason hehe...i'll tell you later =D

looooooove you,
- thien -

viet_prince on Fri Jun 13 2003 07:46:30 am wrote:
sup? i have nno fricken idea!
i dunno i just met stay home and chill and relax till next wekk b/c of fricken exams goin on hahahah
wlel yah i am out

LITO_DEVIL on Fri Jun 13 2003 11:45:57 pm wrote:
im gonan save u =P

PriNcEsS_25 on Fri Jun 13 2003 11:53:09 pm wrote:
no subject
hey guy
hehe u better go!
haha good
coz i myt go
if i rem
but i think i have to
which is a good thing. hehe
wells wers my pix? geeze im sad:( no pix of me? hehe jk

nammer_boi69 on Sat Jun 14 2003 00:17:37 am wrote:
josn gay
hahahahahahahahh sup meng? du ma imt bored u shud update ur page and i shud to once i learnr how to do the fcukin layouts



sweet_hunie216 on Sat Jun 14 2003 11:31:26 am wrote:
no subject
r u guys mad at me?

Rina on Sat Jun 14 2003 11:31:30 am wrote:
i was just woundering around cp and i happend to have stumbled on to your page so i decided to leave my mark and hopefully you'll return the favour, nice page by the way. ne ways i got nothing else to say so just tag me back when you have the time bye =)


swt_qt_boi on Sat Jun 14 2003 11:47:55 am wrote:
what's up john ?!
how you do that custom cow thingy? tell mee !!! peace awt

xzxxzx on Sat Jun 14 2003 12:24:15 am wrote:
ahh i like your song soo much
and remember jp? hehe but we
have a problem though j likes
a guy named mike now!! noo!
hehe well how is life? it was
really fun yesterday neh? i
still want some moore pho!
and u should totally come to
the south on saturday (today)
then we should go out for
bubble tea and grab a whole
bunch o ppl! hehe well u
should tag me bag soon u no?


xzxxzx on Sat Jun 14 2003 12:25:54 am wrote:
gonna make yur 10th page i swear...

xzxxzx on Sat Jun 14 2003 12:26:16 am wrote:

xzxxzx on Sat Jun 14 2003 12:26:58 am wrote:
did u have fun yesterday too?

xzxxzx on Sat Jun 14 2003 12:27:16 am wrote:
u owe me now wahaha

xzxxzx on Sat Jun 14 2003 12:27:37 am wrote:
did i make it?

xzxxzx on Sat Jun 14 2003 12:28:45 am wrote:
props to christianna
yay! go me! omg i am so bored
rite now geeze.. hehe


LITO_DEVIL on Sat Jun 14 2003 02:32:45 pm wrote:
aweee i didnt ditch u yesrtday lol sorry haha i was out with a friend at westhills..hm .. was it fun yesterday? hahahaha mikko cheating on me with u? lol haha tsk tskkkkkkkk .. thats cutee : / hahahahaha well yeah .. im soo boredd =P grrr ttylllllllll byeee

lil_angel888 on Sat Jun 14 2003 05:26:46 pm wrote:
hey hey
haha geez... you should of told me you were heading to chinook haha
you gotta tell me these things haha
so did u go to eau clair after??
well ttyl pretty boi haha
bai bai

PriNcEsS_25 on Sat Jun 14 2003 07:53:56 pm wrote:
no subject
whoa mr popular!!
10 pages already?!
d last time i signed was nine!
hollyyyy man!
too popular!!
well imma look for the worst pix hehehe
ooh wait
all of them r!
hehe im that ugly!:p

sweet_hunie216 on Sat Jun 14 2003 09:44:28 pm wrote:
no subject
fun.. without me?
no! wai! lol
just kidds.. well
am just making sure..
am very sorri..

LITO_DEVIL on Sat Jun 14 2003 10:58:22 pm wrote:
not its not u
i didnt break up with him
because of u ...
so dont worry =P

preciousdyan on Sat Jun 14 2003 10:59:55 pm wrote:
yyoouuu succckkk
because you never tag me
and ummmmmm cuz you didn't go
to the mall with me lol.
hey give me the url to your
picture so i can put it up
on my page k?

PriNcEsS_25 on Sun Jun 15 2003 00:20:59 am wrote:
no subject
hah!!! i found a pic of u
imma put it up
after my stupid emotional stuff
hehe ne ways
aaaahh m y pix is up!!
ahh i look soo bad!
dang!! too smart for me!
geeeze guy

legend_of_azn on Sun Jun 15 2003 01:42:22 am wrote:
no subject
yah man nice guest book back gorund im loving it hahaha yah man add me on msn come on my pg and u well see it but yah send me a a cow man im out

xxazn_raverxx on Sun Jun 15 2003 02:00:26 am wrote:
lol sorrie I didnt tag yoo.
Oh ish ok, I didnt go.
No one else could go
so I stayed home.
then mah best friend callz
me up an askz to go to
sunridge wif me.
but he called too late
an I wasnt allowed out.
After an exam?! shure!
shopping an a movie
soundz fun! hehe
anywayz hit me bak
I'm outt...

lil_angel888 on Sun Jun 15 2003 09:55:25 am wrote:
hey hey
haha finding nemo was soo cute!
teehee! =)
hm... i uno if i'm gonna go out this coming friday... cuz of exams...
gotta study... haha >.<
you should study too! lol
well ttyl bai bai

luv_me_plz on Sun Jun 15 2003 01:22:20 pm wrote:
yea i told her to add you, cuz me wanted to talk to yea...hmm nuthin is new wit me, how bout youz? anywho we should hang out, but didn't u say that before and so far we havn't =\ lol anyhow i should get going baiz..miss you

luv *Joy*

Azn_babybootie69 on Sun Jun 15 2003 02:18:22 pm wrote:
no subject
yeah.. joys was pretty fun.. thats if u like drinking? lol man o man u should've came!! i thought she invited yooh!! don't worry wait a few more months like in november.. and yoo'll party it up then!! guess whos.. mine!! yay!! lol thats like a long ways wait.. but oh wellies.. well.. mister john john i will chat with you later!! bye byes xo's

PriNcEsS_25 on Sun Jun 15 2003 03:44:24 pm wrote:
no subject
hah! imma put it up!!
yaaaa i have a pic of u!

lil_angel888 on Sun Jun 15 2003 05:47:01 pm wrote:
dory was adorable! the short term memory and the speaking whale....
HELLLLLOOOOOO haha sooo cute!
i love it! lol
geez... all you do is sleep and eat and you get good marks?? lol
lucky bum! haha

lil_angel888 on Sun Jun 15 2003 07:18:27 pm wrote:
that would be freaky if you had a fish that could talk to you... haha

asianballer08 on Sun Jun 15 2003 08:02:28 pm wrote:
Just here to leave my mark.

xxazn_raverxx on Sun Jun 15 2003 08:37:11 pm wrote:
yes it is perfect and with you there it will be even more fun. what theatre are we going to and what day are we going. i want to talk to u on the phone but i dont know where u are lol guess ill talk to u later hit me bak
im outt...

Azn_Fligger14 on Sun Jun 15 2003 08:41:29 pm wrote:

Azn_Fligger14 on Sun Jun 15 2003 08:44:35 pm wrote:
sup john,

long time no see so how was ur years n fathere scollen? well newazy nice pg u got here dun 4get 2 tag me back Peace


Azn_Fligger14 on Sun Jun 15 2003 08:45:15 pm wrote:
im gonna gib u a 11th pg

Azn_Fligger14 on Sun Jun 15 2003 08:45:56 pm wrote:

Azn_Fligger14 on Sun Jun 15 2003 08:46:03 pm wrote:

Azn_Fligger14 on Sun Jun 15 2003 08:46:45 pm wrote:

Azn_Fligger14 on Sun Jun 15 2003 08:47:09 pm wrote:
welcome 2 ur 11th pg