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An open letter to George W. Bush..

Dear George W. Bush,

My name is Kris Barnes. I am a 13 year old kid. What you are doing to the world makes me very sad, because I'm really the one that has to live with what you're doing.

I really love the environment, and you are destroying it. While lowering the maximum amount of gas SUV's can use would save more gas than drilling in Alaska's wildlife preservations (and cut air pollution a lot more), you continue to call for drilling. I guess people's ability to drive big cars is more important to you than animal's ability to live.

Global warming is an important issue in this world. In my lifetime alone, the temperature is expected to rise 3.5 degrees celcius. Whole islands and coastal regions are expected to be covered with water from the ice caps, and yet when the majority of scientists say our CO2 emissions do make the world warmer (many of the others are pressured by the industries that do burn fossil fuels), you pass it off as an incomplete science to be loosely, if not at all followed. You withdrew from the Kyoto agreement that said we would reduce CO2 emissions, which all industrialized nations signed, weakened the Clean Air Act, and reduced funding for clean energy sources on the basis on our economy. Is a bit of money more important than nature?!!

And yet even though you say that you are for the economy, the USA is in the biggest debt ever.

You are using depleted uranium tipped munitions currently in the Iraqi war. People exposed to them in the Gulf war are now getting cancerous diseases. And even though we haven't found any Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, it shouldn't matter if we had, because we have thousands of nuclear bombs here.

You ridiculed Bill clinton for cheating on his wife, but yet you keep it secret that you're sending Haliburton Oil Company to Iraq, a company which Dick Cheney has much stock in. And though the Iraqi people were being mistreated, we could have planned a bit better, and not had rioting, crime, and poverty all over Iraq.

I love democracy, and the principles that our country was founded upon, and without freedom of speech I wouldn't be able to post this open letter without fear of pursecution.

You say you're protecting us from terrorists, but you scare me more than any terrorists I've seen.

Kris Barnes, Syracuse, NY

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