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Taking Action, Getting Results. 

Vote Kelly Egan for Freshman Rep!

    Hey! I’m Kelly, a candidate for Freshman Representative for Student Council here at UW-Madison. I’m a Taurus who enjoys candlelit dinners, hopscotch, and haunted houses…

    Ok, all jokes aside. I am the best candidate for Freshman Rep because I am an experienced leader who will stand up for the voice of the over 5,000 freshmen here on campus. Our voices sometimes seem get lost in the hustle, and I’m willing to work hard to make sure we are heard. Already this semester I’ve gotten involved in the grassroots level of ASM (Associated Students of Madison) working on such issues as establishing a Book Rental program, promoting diversity on campus, raising the minimum wage, and getting students involved in student government.

    I would love to hear some of your thoughts and concerns as to what is going on here on campus. Email me at or stop by 529 Chadbourne.


Now for the important stuff:

The election is October 14-16th

All the voting is done online, click to be taken to the voting site:

Important: Because there are two seats available for Freshman Rep, you can vote twice!  This means you can vote twice for me!!

To vote you need your student ID number and your pin #, which can found on your student record in your MyWisc account (scroll to the bottom and look in the Pin Change Box). Most likely it’s your month and date of birth, unless you changed it.


Make sure to vote October 14-16th!



This page was built by Afsheen Foroozan,