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My World

aim :devilsthin


yahoo im: yasha_yang

yahoo mail:

Never trust urself or anyother trust in Egypt..

This is a song that best discribs me...well its a quick chouris of a song...

I wounder if they'll laugh when I'm dead, Fighting for life, Living to fight,....

Beth Spang is like my older sister. See my mom tries to keep me away from black clothes so Beth is going to by me black hair dye and black clothes and when she does she is going to rip the recet and the tags so she can't find anyway of returning it HAHAH FUCK YOU MOM!!!!!

Black foxes and the names Devils Mind and Bleeding Ivy are the only thing that I really are interested in. Oh yeah and the color black THAT IS MY FUCKING FAVORITE COLOR^^

Beth is treating me out to boyshopping so I will be unsingle and I have a boyfriend to kick peoples ass's LOL J/K. But David will quite beginging me to be his girlfriend OVER AND FUCKING OVER!!!

This is Questions that every body should wonder k'z??? When it rains why don't sheep shrink? If # 2 pencils are so popular then why are they still # 2?Would a fly without wings be called a walk? Why are they called apartments if they are stuck together? How do you tell if you run out of invisable ink? What happens if you get scared half to death twice? How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?

Today I broke into my house!!! It wasn't my fault!! We were locked out and we weren't supposed to be with our friend.. So being the children that we are went to her house and finished her bedroom. We then went to our house and relized that it was locked!!! So... We called my dad at work and he came and unlocked the house... but when he called to tell us that the door was unlocked we didn't answer the phone thusly having him comming to the door and knocked and no one answered/ That was about 11 times we could of gotten in the house!! We were thinking it was fate to get cought! But when we went to check if the back door was open I saw the screen window leading to our basement that has a table underneath it. So i got my sis to climb the back fench by (idea from A-chan ) getting chairs we put in the back. Anna climbed the first chair over the fence and then the second. Tusly she is in the back... So she grabs a broom and then sweeps a ton of dust away from the window then we shoved a couple of things off the table. Then I fit through with a lot of space left. Getting into the house !!! So I went in the back and opened the door for Anna and then opening the door for A-chan. So we I broke into our house..HAHA there is an idea for all of you when your locked out. Good luck^^

I rp so this is my character...

Bleeding Ivy is the main vampiress of all of vampires.