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In Memory of Johnny

February 12, 1989 ~ February 29, 2008

I won稚 say a word
I won稚 shed a tear
I値l honor your wish
Not to mourn every year

I値l thank my sweet Jesus
As I知 trudging on
For all of the years
When to me you belonged

I値l use your example
My dear son, my baby
I値l smile at the world
And today then, just maybe

I値l grasp how you did it
Without a mere word
Left hearts all around you
So wonderfully stirred

I値l lean on the secrets
Of your gentle stare
That only an Angel
Would know how to share

I値l leave all the memories
Into my heart pressed
Have faith that my Johnny痴
With Jesus, at rest

I値l wait till the next time
A new year will leap
And not till that moment
Will I again weep

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