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James Hutchison

Alright, day one, my domain has just become active today(4-10-03). As you may have guessed, I'm James Hutchison. I will tell you a little about myself today, then I will add pics and such soon.

Quick Bio:

I am 24 year old former Marine living in Manchester, NH. I recently moved to the area, so any help you can give me on good places to meet people would be appreciated. I have and excellent sense of direction (and a GPS unit) so even if your directions suck, I will probably be able to find the place.

Prior to moving to Manchester, I was living in Oviedo, FL (right next to Orlando, FL), though I am not certain you could actually say that I was "living there". I guess maybe it would be more appropriate to say that I resided there, as that was the place where I was paying for an apartment. Didn't get to visit it or anything, but it was nice to know it was there. (Which reminds me, I have to get down there at some point to get the rest of my stuff out of storage. Ya wanna come?) The reason I never actually got to see my apartment was because of the fact that I was living "on the road" working for a rather large company working as a "material controls geek" for power plant building projects around the country. The money was good, the traveling was fun, but it was time for me to finally just settle down in one place for a while (so I chose Manchester, more about that later).

Not that anyone will notice but I have scrapped the rest of the page from this point on. I have decided to start working on this page again and will be adding pics and some updates sometime soon...hopefully. It seems pointless to own a domain and do nothing with it so I will try to get this thing finally going.