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Jake's Page

Welcome to my homepage. Before you enter, I'd like to introduce you to the best friend I've ever had. I've known him for about seven years now, and each day I've grown only closer to him. Picture this in your mind with me: You open your eyes from your sleep. Well, you thought you opened your eyes anyways. You blink a few times, but nothing changes. Everything around you is darkness. You attempt to stand, but everytime you do you fall on your face - because you can't see at all where you are going. You cry out - hoping that maybe someone will hear you. Nothing changes, just the same quiet, and darkness. You begin to panic, and stumble around, but you find no way out, or any solution to the problem. Suddenly you remember a story your Grandmother told you..about a man who brought light wherever he went, he was a protector, and saviour of all who would serve him. The story was told that this man was even killed so that he could redeem, save, and offer eternal life to his servants. In a final effort you cry out to the name of that man your Grandmother had told you about. In an instant there is a bright light that cuts through the darkness - illuminating a narrow path for you to walk upon. You walk that narrow way, illuminated, you know, by the man that you cried out to. You have been saved by that wonderful name - the name of Jesus! That's my best friend! Maybe your grandmother never told you a story about him, maybe you've never heard of him. One fact is universal for us all, though. We are living in a world of darkness and there is only one who can offer that light that will guide us to safety and eternal life. Jesus gave his life so that our sins could be washed away and we'd all have a chance at eternal life if we would follow the simple steps he gave us. There in Acts 2:38 and you can read them yourself, but I'll list them for you. 1. Repent of all your sins - tell Jesus your sorry for all you've done. Turn away from those ways, and then be His servant forever. 2. Be Baptized in the name of Jesus - be fully immersed in water, in Jesus name, and your sins will be washed away. 3. Receive the gift of the Holy Ghost - this part is great. Jesus offers you this's free. All you have to do is reach out and accept it. You will begin to speak in languages you've never heard as he fills you to overflowing with his wonderful Spirit. that you've met my best friend, come on in!

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