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How To Be A Playa'

The Player's Lifestyle! Keep It Pimpin'!

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A True Playa...

* Is a Male or a Female applying the rules of The Pimp Game to the Playa Lifestyle.

* Is motivated by money and prestige not hoes and sex!

* Recognizes Playas from tricks.

* Never playa hates on other Playas but learns from them.

* Should also never openly speak bad about another True Playa.

* Only associates with tricks and Playas that can help make her rich!

* Should always have his mind on Making MORE Money!

* Doesn't worry about money because her mind is always focused on the things that will make her money.

* Is streetsmart first, business smart second, and commonsense smart always.

* Stays in touch with all aspects of his surroundings.

* Should only bond with her Real Family and her Clique which is also her "Family".

* Should never depend on Anyone.

* Should always be neat and clean if not sharp as a razor!

* Make sure that your tricks look good when they are with you. A dirty trick is a nasty and lazy trick.

* Understands human emotions and uses this knowledge to his advantage.

* is Always a Leader but knows when to follow.

* is Mercenary and lives the Playa Lifestyle.

* is Mercenary but also a Diva!

* Has a small circle of friends but many associates that want to help her succeed.

* Should always believe in herself.

* should Never chase tricks - that's a job for hoes!

* A True Playa' doesn't "play games". His mind has to be on hustling and making money not screening calls and dodging people!

* Should Always put business before pleasure.

* Should Always have a back-up plan.

* Loves to Negotiate.

* Hustles to make her Dreams come True.

When it comes to Tricks...

* Never put your full trust in a trick or another Playa.

* Always give a trick a deadline to have your money. If you don't they'll pay you when they are ready.

* If a trick is late with anything that concerns you then put that trick in check on the quick!

* Never allow a trick pick you up late - especially with your own ride.

* Never abuse or take advantage of your tricks. They'll look out for you and keep you safe.

* Always be attentive to your tricks. Ask them about their life but don't boast about yours.

* Never acquire more tricks than you can keep track of: Two are good, three are ok, but only get a fourth if you need a new starter for your team.

* If a trick is working hard to be a Playa it's OK to coach him/her and to give advice, but keep the trick and Playa' relationship in place.

* Never get loud with a trick and never let a trick get loud with you.

* Avoid associating with tricks you don't know unless you meet them through mutual friends.

* Never believe your tricks are faithful. Always make them prove it!

* Never flatter your tricks but be attentive to them - a compliment or kind words are a plus!

* Never let your tricks see you weak or confused. It's harder to regain their confidence in you if you lose it.

* Do Not speak with your "Superiors" in the prescence of your tricks.

* Always have something good to tell your tricks. Try to build your tricks' self-esteem, but keep the trick and Playa' relationship in place.

* Never allow your tricks to act like clowns or your life will be a circus!

* A faithful trick is better than a companion and two faithful tricks are better than one!

* If you find a good trick make sure you have not strayed upon a Pimp in tricks' clothing!

* If a trick tries to treat you like a trick put that trick in check or let that trick go!

* Many tricks will apply at your camp but only a few will make the team. Keep the ones you don't cut on the cheerleading team and in reserve.

* Teach your tricks to think and act as you do. This will make your work easier.

* Never allow your tricks to play with your emotions.

* Never allow anyone to disrespect your tricks in your prescence.


* Believe in Yourself and the Tricks will believe in you too!

* As long as you keep your game tight and your mind focused the money will come.

* The True Playa Lifestyle is not for kids.

* Stack your dough! And put the ass on hold!

* The True Playa Lifestyle does not revolve around "games" only The Pimp Game.

* Being a True Playa requires the utmost seriousness.

* Always present yourself as a person in charge.

* Money is not only a necessity it is a tool!!! Use it to make more money!!!

* A Playa must be in Constant Motion looking for opportunity.


* Sometimes you have to pimp yourself in order to get to the top!!!

* Commonsense is the Equalizer!!! Action is the Advantage!!!

* A Playa must stand out apart from the crowd.

* A Playas personality is lively yet intense.

* You are a True Playa representin' The Game and The Lifestyle!!!

* Laziness, Drunkeness, Lack of Communication, and Uncontrolled Desires are the downfalls of all who fall short of Lifestyle.

* Remember to feed your tricks the Pimp Rules a little at a time, but make them swallow YOUR Rules whole.

* A Playa' always wants the Very Best Deals. Work on your negotiation skills.

The Playa' and Pimp Lifestyle...

Attention! This site is dedicated to Players only! This includes Playas, Divas, Ballers, pimps, Hustlers, Macks, and all Aspiring Players who wish to live The Good Life and The Player's Lifestyle... Big Pimpin and Supreme Game is what it's all about! If you're a player-hater, lame, scrub, or sucker, with no love for The Game, then please move on... All others - KEEP IT PIMPIN! Play on Playa! Play on pimp! Play on Diva!