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Image by Lana iz tha best vieT grL u wIll evA seE
:~*~*~*: shOuTouTz :~*~*~*:
tO my pReCioUS faMiLy .. cuZzinz.. frEns.. i luhv yall like a fAt kiD luHvs cAke mUh gUrLs~ giNa kAndiCe eN maLLorY ..gina thanx fo bein a tru en koo en tite fwend en you tew MaL, EN kAnDicE eN evEryOne uP iN eHrHarDt ahah LoL miSs yaLLz like krazY but eVen if i dOnT mEmbUh alL u GuyZ i stiLL miSsin yaLL liKe krAzy LoL...j/k.hehe shOut tO mY frEns aT eLLiOt likE.. saNa jaCkiE raCheL en aLL dEm uP in Over ThErE if U dOnT sEe yA nAme..tOo bad i FoRgOT..ahaH naW juS pLayIn i'Ll puT iT in..yoOh kNow Im nOt tHat MeAn!!
:~*~*~*: mUh fOUr doUbLe OnE :~*~*~*:
nAme..LiLmiSs LaNa aGe.. aLL yaLL shOoLd juSs liKe oNe of YaLL naTioNalItEe..viEt tEw dhA fulLesT LoCaTioN.. eLk grOve, caLi skOoL.. gaY aSs skOoL..fOrrEalZ..LoL hObbiEs.. onLyne.. pHonE.. shoPpinG..muSic..bbalL..ddr disLIkE.. im not a hater but i only hate on haters who hate on me cuz they be drinkin toO much hatorade ahah j/p liKes.. everyThiNg..exCept fOr haToRaDe.. LoL j/k sEx.. gUrL tHaS boUt iT oN mY fOur OnE oNE..i tHinK..LoL
hEy YaLL, I juSs AlSO wAnnA gIVe ANoTha SHouTOut TeW MaH koO cUzZoS KaUzE tHEy Up IN uTah..I MIsS yAH guYs..PaYcE..WiSh YaH GuYs kAn CuME bAK tEw CaLi..... En AnThOa SHouTOut TeW MaH FaMIlEe EN sTUfF...lUhV yOoh Soo MuSh...<3

!bLiNg BlInG!

K!SS muh @$$
