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"Whether a king's palace, a warriors bastion, a wizards
tower, an encampment for nomadic barbarians, a
farmhouse with stone-lined or hedge-lined fields, or
even a tiny and unremarkable room up the back
staircase of a ramshackle inn, we each of us spend great
energy in carving out our own little kingdoms. From the
grandest castle to the smallest nook, from the
arrogance of nobility to the unpretentious desires of the lowliest
peasant, there is a basic need within the majority of us
for ownership, or at least for stewardship. We want to --
need to -- find our realm, our place in a world often too
confusing and too overwhelming, our sense of order in
one little corner of a world that oft looms too big and
too uncontrollable. And so we carve and line, fence and
lock, then protect our space fiercly with sword or
pitchfork. The hope is that this will be the end of that
road we chose to walk, the peaceful and secure rewards
for a life of trials."

R.A. Salvatore
