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Kajun Software
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Inertia Engine

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Aug, 19 2003
I just uploaded Inertia Engine Alpha 2.0!!!! This release features tons of improvements.... You can now use any size tile sets, any number of tiles.... Any size, and any number of frames of animation for walking sprites..... I added tile based collision detection.... I made it to where you can hold down the mouse button and place tiles continuously without needing to keep pressing the button for each tile... I also added a highlighting box to show where you will place the tile in the map, to reduce errors when making maps... I also completed the script engine... currently only has 11 script commands, MANY more on the way... and only 15 predefined varibles that can be used in the script system.... a lot more predefined varibles plus the ability to define your own varibles will come in future releases... Lots of bugs fixed... and just overal improvements... Next on the list for Alpha 3.0 i'll be working on tile animation and Events.. if you have any suggestions for things you'd like in those systems contact me and let me know, I love getting user feedback.... Oh you may have noticed i redid the webpage somewhat.... It still doesnt look that great, but better than it did i suppose.... In the next few days i should be uploading some tutorials to explain how to use different parts of Inertia.... well without futher hesitation, go download it :) Its approx 400 kb file.... Tell me any bugs you find, or just suggestions or compliments anything! thanks
Aug, 12 2003
ISP is going NUTS!!!!! So I will only be able to check the message boards and reply to emails maybe once a day or once every other day... but keep testing out Inertia..And hopefuly my ISP problems shoudl be resolved in a week or so...
Aug, 11 2003
I just uploaded Alpha 1.1.... Several minor bugs were corrected in this version. The Editor is more crashproof now as it doesnt allow the user to enter bad information which would cause the program to close in Alpha 1.0..... So check out the update and let me know what you think.... Next version should be released in about a week, Alpha 2.0 will have lots of new things in it, so stick around and check with the site often. Thanks for your support... Oh yea, the Alpha release is only approx... 178 KB... so its a really small file to download!
Aug, 10 2003
Inertia Engine's webpage has finally been uploaded. I'm also releasing Alpha ver 1.0. I have only been working on Inertia for 2 weeks, so its still in very early developmental phase. However, I think its time to make a release so that bugs can be found. If you find any bug, have suggestions, or just have some general comments of incouragement concerning Inertia, please post in the Forums.