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Neo-Designer's Extra

Welcome to our first website. I hope you all like it. Yes it wont be perfect but this is where I will keep all the news that isnt found on the guild. Contest, banking loans, and much more news will be posted here. So please I encourage you to check often to make sure you're with the guild. The contest are held at one time per week and we have a new one every week. This info can be seen on your top-right. The banking loan system and how it works can be found on the bottom-right. Other news will be posted here.

Please provide us feedback on what we should add and provide. All request should be forward to one of the council members. Together we can make a good guild with things for everyone to enjoy. I will be giving council seats away one by one, once per week till the council is filled.

More news wil be added shortly.

Guild's Rulez

1. Be active whenever possible
2. Respect the ppls and council in the guild.
3. Try to help in any way, you are important to us!
4. Inactive account will be deleted / one week unactive.
5. Neo-mail council if you are going to be away for more than 1 week/thx!
6. Spamming, cheating, hacking, or multi-account will get you suspended forever from the guild!
Thats all for now, more will be added when needed.

Our FAQ are posted here.

What should I do once I joined?
You should be active and help the guild in many ways such as helping, posting useful messages and advertising us.

How can I get council?
Remember, no one can get council just by asking. A way to get a better chance of serving on council is to be active and following what I posted in the first question.

How can I get a higher rank?
You can recieve a higher rank by any of the following, inviting members, donations, and helping the guild.

How can I apply for a bank loan?
In order to apply for a bank loan, you must have be promoted to the next rank, active. Once there, you can apply for NPS, higher ranks get to request a higher loan.

More questions will be added soon, if you have any you want to be added please neo-mail the councils, Thanks!

Current Contest
Contest # 2&3

Referral Contest: Refer the most members till we reach 50!

Prize: Winner gets three paint brushes (they match our guild's color)

Donation Contest: Whoever donates from april 24th - 30th is entered into this contest. Ill neo-mail all who has been enetered.

Prize: 10,000nps to Winner

Bank's Loans
Would you like some extra NPS? You can apply for a loan provided by the guild.

In order to apply for a loan, you must have a rank higher than your first one. The higher your rank is the higher loans you may request. To request a loan, neo-mail the council, thanks!

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