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Below are some of my favorite and most useful links. All of the below links are "clean," and appropiate for all ages.

(A Little About Me)
I am a 13-year-old, living in a small community. I attend H.J.H. in the 8th grade. As you might, I have to much homework, and only get an average of 8 hours of sleep.

(Extracuricular Activies)
I am currently in Athletics. Well when I go back to school that is. Next year I will take the following courses, reading, math, L.A., S.S., band, athletics, and science. Bluh!

(My Hobbies and Related Items)
One of the many things I like to do is mountian bike, aspecilly during the summer. Many people say that I am a computer genious, but I am not even close. More like an beginner computer genious in training. LOL. I also like playing with my dog Roxy.

(My Lifestyle and What I Believe In)
As you probably read above, I have a active lifestyle, sometimes. But the one thing, or in this case person, is that I always put God first. Without God, you wouldn't even be here. Niether would Earth. God was here since forever. He was here before the beginning of time. Imagine this, you have the best friend in the world, that is always 2 feet away from you. That's God, he is always there, for everyone, your at the supermaket, God is too. Your at the movies, God is too. For those who read this, and you are not a christian here are a few tid bits of information you should know. There is something called a sin. A sin could be anything, lieing, cussing, misusing Gods name, like, "Oh my God" which I here all to often. Even things that in with the crowd, and seam to be ok. Chances are, it's not. But, there is one thing that I will be happy to do for you, if you would like to e-mail me and talk to me about God, just Click Here.If you would like to read more on this topic, Fender Grippers


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