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Horse Cloud-Members
Horse Cloud

Hi everyone, my name is Anna. I'm Melissa's (the owner) friend and we talk almost every day on AIM. People have referred to me as gothic with my blue hair and dark clothes, but I just like to think I'm 'The odd one out'. I do have an uncontrolable love for horses and have 2 of my own, Pops and Specko. I'm honered to be part of Melissa's site, and my site is just around the corner (Hey, where's my link Melissa?? Hehe) Anyways, I hope you like this site as much as I do!! Great job Melissa!! ;-)

ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves! Horse Cloud-Art Gallery
Horse Cloud

This is a page were we show all of our horsey art! If you would like to submit a picture please E-mail me! If you want I can put that the picture is by 'Anyonymous'. Just tell me if you don't want anyone to know you drew it because it might have a special meaning people might figure out and laugh about, and please do not insult anyone's art! Excuse my spelling, I'm pretty sure i spelled anyonymous wrong! Thanks you everyone! Enjoy!

"Paint Horse of The Heavens was submitted by Melissa(me) or horseluver689 on Neopets.
"Paint Horse Of The Heavens" ゥ Melissa A. B.

ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves!
Horse Cloud
Horse Cloud

This is were I'll display all the horsey banners I've made! They'll link back to this site if you click on them though! Please do not alter the codes! Just copy and paste the code you see in the text box under the picture of the banner you want. Thanks for stopping by!

ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves!
Horse Cloud
Horse Cloud

Melissa's Contacts
E-mail me!
IM me!
AngelTrot's Contacts
E-mail me!
IM me!

ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves!
Horse Cloud-Contests
Horse Cloud

E-mail all answers to me !
Guess The Breed

Trottin' Trivia
What is a piebald?

Word Scramble

ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves!
The Neopian Guild HQ.
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user : horseluver689
pet : i_can_fly13
NP : 0

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The Neopian Guild HQ.

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Horse Cloud Welcome to Horse Cloud, a small equine guild!
horseluver689: Pony Princess Neighbourhood: Air Faerie Cloud
Horse Cloud
Guild Council
I. horseluver689
II. moonlight_s...
III. Apply For Position
IV. x_showjumper_x
V. peace_paint...
Guild Stats
Page Views: 17598
Members: 36
Messages: 13
Photos: 8
Founded: 10/06/2002
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  • Melissa- OK I'm putting this layout back up and I'm going to make a new webbie, so no links right now! OK everyone who has layout admin., please put your name here and you can put your blog thingie! Arg, this is goiong to be tough getting the guild back to it's normal self! OK everybody this layout is staying up until I get the webbie up and running. Sorry! It needs to be on previous layouts. Busy busy busy, I'm very very very slowly figuring out Psp8 and it says it comes with Animation Shop pro, but I can't seem to be able to use it, I E-mailed the company about it though and they'll help me figure it out, I made a really nice top picture for our next layout-the problem is it's going to be like a slideshow and I need Animation Shop Pro for that, anyways, we'll try hard to get the guild up and running again soon!

    Anna~Okay, I'm back for a short while! I wish I were on more often, but my mom only gives us 2 hours on the internet. -_- Soon, though, I will get all day to be on! Like, Monday or so. Anyways, I took another fall, so that makes 7 ppls! I'm getting so close!! Anyways, now I have a giant bruise that looks like a 'T'. Lol, well, i g2g, so tyl! ;)

    Shellie~Hi! My sis went to a horse riding camp. I can't go cuz I'm too young! :( And last Saturday I missed horse riding cuz I was sick... UGH!!

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    Horse Cloud-Horse Photos

    Horse Cloud

    If you have any horsey photography you've done please E-mail it to me at !

    ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves!
    Horse Cloud-Horse Photos
    Horse Cloud

    Please E-mail me at with all the info on your horses and/or ponies including a picture if you have one and it will be posted on this page!

    This is Bambi, Melissa's favorite pony! Sorry the picture isn't that good, a camper named Shannon took it and I guess the picture didn't turn out too well!
    Anyways, Bambi is a bay roan-strawberry roan pony with a snip and a blaze! She probably around 14hh tall and she's probably under the age of 9! She has long mane that sticks up and is really hard to braid! She speeds over the jumps and I have to hold her back and she still is a little speed demon! She's a really fast and obiedient pony and I wanna buy her even though she's not for sale!
    Submitted by: Melissa


    Timolyn is a great buckskin paint that I met at camp over the summer! She is still in training for her jumping abilities, but she's fabulous anyway!
    Submitted by:Michelle

    ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves!
    Horse Cloud
    Horse Cloud

    I am VERY proud to announce the finishing of this site! All I have to do is put all of our previous layouts up, and find "Miracles Happen" and "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" music codes and then when we get more memebrs of course put their pages up and stuff! I hope ya'll enjoy-a TON! Yay I did the whole website my self, yes I coded it and everything and made all the graphics! I'm so proud! Anyways, I'll try to find the music today and find some things to put up on the Memorial Page! I'll also do some art for the Art Gallery and see if I've taken any good photos for the Horse Photography page-remember though the Horse Photography page doesn't have to be all really good photography you've done, it can also be pictures of you and your horse or something like that!
    I just had a Krispy Kreme for breakfast! Those things are so good!
    Thanks again for visiting!
    The current mood of at
    Anna put your text here! The current mood of at

    ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves!
    Horse Cloud-Join
    Horse Cloud

    This is how you join the site!

    Would you like to apply for council?

    What's you E-mail address?

    What would you like your username to be?

    What's your name?

    Please put some things about you!

    ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves!
    Horse Cloud-Join
    Horse Cloud

    This is how you join the site!

    Would you like to apply for council?

    What's you E-mail address?

    What would you like your username to be?

    What's your name?

    Please put some things about you!

    ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves!
    Horse Cloud-Join
    Horse Cloud

    This is how you join the site!

    Would you like to apply for council?

    What's you E-mail address?

    What would you like your username to be?

    What's your name?

    Please put some things about you!

    ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves!
    Horse Cloud-Members
    Horse Cloud

    I'm Melissa, creator and owner of the guild Horse Cloud and this site! I absolutely love horses, and I'll probably get one soon! I have to pay for everything, but I think I can do it.
    I absolutely love horses, I like them better than people in fact! I like art, animals, horseback riding, web design, and quite a few more things.
    I take riding lessons once a week and I was taking piano once a week for quite a few years, I guess I'm pretty good but I don't enjoy piano because whenever I have to go to my lesson I'm usually in the middle of something important and I had to practice a lot, memorize too many songs, and I had to do written homework(though I usually "forgot" about the written homework!).
    I just got a major overload of chores, no I brush my teeth twice a day, take out the trash every otehr day, set the table, do 3 way-too-hard math(ugg I hate math!) pages a day, put away laundry, read, practice piano, or write 30 min. a day, take medicine, make bed, and clean bird cage. Some of those aren't that bad-but why on earth do I have to do math work-I mostly A's and a few Bs!

    ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves! Horse Cloud-Members
    Horse Cloud

    This is were I will have all the links to all of the current members of tis site and guild-each horse head is like a star, the more the merrier! If you have a lot of horse heads it means you have HTML experties and horse experties! Council memberz will start out with 3 horse heads and normal members will start out with 1. For the contests, if I think a contest is hard enough you'll get anotehr horse head! By proving your horse and HTML experties and being active you will get more horse heads! Here are the links!



    ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves! Horse Cloud-Memorial Page
    Horse Cloud

    This is a page deicated to those who have sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I think we should all appreciate these horses and pray that they're happy.

    ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves! Horse Cloud-Messages
    Horse Cloud

    Please do not say anything innaproperiate, pretend to be someone else, or threaten anyone on the message boards. if these rules are violated tehre will be minor punishments. If someone is doing any of these things please report it to me and they will be banned from the site for a small period of time and if necassery, everyone will be told is is not you that said whatever the person who pretended to be you said. Thanks! By the way the messages are below the Navigation! Also just Refresh the page to see if someone has posted while you were on the page!
    Powered by TagBoard Message Board

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    ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves! Horse Cloud-Members
    Horse Cloud

    Hi my name is Michelle, i love horses I own a guild on Neopets called !!!The Everything Horses Guild!!! and I ride weekly!
    The little grey pony represents a 10hh pony I rode at Foxfield named Snow White! Isn't she cute?!!!

    ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves! Horse Cloud
    Horse Cloud

    This is a page with links to all of our previous layouts- a few of them won't be posted due to our old website being destroyed so I have lost a few of our layouts! The Foxfield layout and the Misha layout have all pictures of me!
    Foxfield Dreams


    Run Like The Wind


    Digital Horses

    Dark Horse

    Winter Coats

    ゥHorse Cloud-No sticky hooves!
    The Neopian Guild HQ.
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    user : horseluver689
    pet : i_can_fly13
    NP : 0

    search neopets

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    The Neopian Guild HQ.

    Guild Home | Guild Help | My Guild

    Horse Cloud Welcome to Horse Cloud, a small equine guild!
    horseluver689: Pony Princess Neighbourhood: Air Faerie Cloud
    Horse Cloud
    Guild Council
    I. horseluver689
    II. moonlight_s...
    III. Apply For Position
    IV. x_showjumper_x
    V. peace_paint...
    Guild Stats
    Page Views: 17859
    Members: 36
    Messages: 8
    Photos: 8
    Founded: 10/06/2002
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    It's pretty cool, nice work.
    It's OK, but I've seen better.
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  • Ellie~7.23.03

    Ok I am finishing doing the HTML touch ups:)

    I just went to the water park and then fell asleep in the car! I'm having troubles deciding which pony to buy!

    Guess The Breed

    Saddle Scramble


    Trottin' Trivia
    What is a roman nose?


    OK if we get together at least 3 people who want to roleplay then we will set up a weekly time for roleplaying and I'll list our characters here! Please Neomail me (horseluver689) if you're interested in roleplaying and we'll set up a weekly time! Thanks!

    Herd Points


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