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Hi - My Name is Holly, and this is my mother

She does have her hobbies

My mother. What can I tell you about her. Just take a look at this picture and you can see that she is back to normal. Seeing her with a wine glass in hand is something I will get used to I suppose, but just for now I shall pretend I am looking the other way. It is warm and cozy down here, and I can also have a bite to eat as the same time. Just wait until my first little teeth come through, then we'll know for sure if that wine really is numbing the pain. That's it for now - check in soon for some more update in my life. PS: Guess you all noticed the washing on the radiator behind us - just wait till I have my own clothes and we shall see who owns these radiators. I am not going to be made to wait if I have better places to be.

Click on me for my second page - you know you want more
