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HKEPC Network

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

My Favorite Web Sites

HKEPC Main Page Main Page
HK BroadBand User Zone ­»´ä¼eÀW¥Î¤áºô

<%@ Language=VBScript %> <%Response.redirect "" ' No need to use cookies to avoid people clicking "Refresh" ' because they will not see this page ' They refresh the HomePageFS.asp only ' Will not add count 'dim vIp 'vIP = Request.ServerVariables ("remote_addr") 'dim vNow 'vNow = now() 'dim vDate 'vDate = formatdatetime(date, 2) 'dim vSQL 'vSQL = "select * from tblHitLog where 1 = 2" 'dim rs 'set rs = GetMdbRecordSet("\Others\IPLog.mdb", vSQL) 'dim vSQL2 'vSQL2 = "select * from tblHitCount where date = #" & vDate & "#" 'dim rs2 'set rs2 = GetMdbRecordSet("\Others\IPLog.mdb", vSQL2) 'rs.addnew 'rs.fields("date") = vNow 'rs.fields("IP") = vIP 'rs.update 'if rs2.bof and rs2.eof then ' rs2.addnew ' rs2.fields("date") = vDate ' rs2.fields("count") = 1 ' rs2.update 'else ' rs2.fields("count") = rs2.fields("count") + 1 ' rs2.update 'end if%>