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All the news thats fit to shred!


In the trade of the modern skateboarding world, there are quite a few magazines.  And one can ask three questions. About choosing the magazine I mean.


1)     Why do we skateboard/ read about skateboarding?


2)    What shall we use to skateboard with/ to read about skateboarding?


3)    Where shall we skateboard/ Which skateboarding magazine should we read?


The answer to the questions are as follows:


1)     Cause it is fun .


2)    A skateboard/ A Magazine (duh)


3)    Anywhere/  HILLBOMBER.



Now that that basic stuff is down, follow dem links.  And download dem PDFs.

Oh yes one more thing.  I am a fan of Douglas Adams, not a plagiarizer


Issue 1


















Why the heck the character G is just a box in issue 1, nobody knows.