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Wednesday, 24 December 2003
JjInG tIaN dE hUa XiAnG sHuOo
hi to my jiez, meiz, korz, diz, darz,and frenz..if u all wanna knoe wad happened..go and reali my comments 4 the previous entry..there is one fuckin guy/ger hu dun dare to say out its name hu read my blog and cum and add stupid comments..if i knoe it is tat idiot stranger de tong pan..then!!u better fuc* off..cos i hate the look of tat comment and i hate the look of one told u to read no one told u to add ani comments..u wanna cum is it?! then stay as long as u wan..cos i am goin to create another new blog in another place..jiez, meiz, korz, diz, darz,and frenz, i will tell u all where is it..

Posted by pro/hazelwitch at 10:04 AM GMT
Updated: Thursday, 25 December 2003 1:09 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 23 December 2003
jing tian de hua xiang shuo
hi..good morning..woke up at 9 plus..then today finally is a bright day..yesterday and day before is a dark day..if u dun understand then nvm..
then me went online..waiting 4 they two to online.oh ya..and in the morning abt 8 sumthing my leg cramp then sleep a while then prck chek then dun wan to sleep liao..then wake up go toilet then cum down and online..then sian..till now my break fast onli one bread i also haven is abt 11+ le lei..haiz..wad has happened?! found tat i reali is a slow..then when cum down from the toilet is jump not walk de hor..cos my leg cramp over le then pain..pain till no mood..then yithoong online at 10+ then tok to him..then princeboi sms me..tell me he go and play bball..haiz..i reali sense sumthing will happen lei..

Posted by pro/hazelwitch at 3:30 AM GMT
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yesterday de hua
hi..yesterday de entry haven write..actually is a funni day..but nite..becum opposite now..sian..actually me went to meet shuwen in the morning..abt 12 like tat..then took bus to serangoon gardens..becos of greediness/temptness, shuwen wanted to eat the nice food..cos she never eat before..then me brought her to tat shop..then see the word"closed" then walked to serangoon gardens de coffee here until abt 1+ then go and take bus..then shuwen still ask me eat..i eat one mouth then return to her not nice de..Yakey..then she eat half way also throw take the bus..dunno whether shuwen see wrongly or wad realise it was goin to my house de direction..then got down then took 156 to joanna de house..then do chinese project then finish le..go keep goin to toilet sia..then shuwen also go and put on her contact lenses..then went to take the bus 132 to far east..took 45 mins long lei..then took pictures..nice nice..:P!! then me and joanna went to take mrt to tm..go there to download ringtones..then joanna download le..actually thought the thing bluff cos haven send to her hp..then al last when we in the mrt the thing send to her hp le..then like tat lor..then in the mrt got one guy keep staring at joanna..then i told joanna cos she wearin skirt then her backside round..then she beat me pain lei..then on our way back to serangoon tat time in the mrt got one ger i is wu yi jian notice tat she never zip de hor..then joanna keep askin me to tell her..then keep laughin..then get to the nort east line tat time got one group of guys..standing at the door there then a mother wif her baby cum in then the guys still thinkin whether the baby is ger or and joanna see liao also knoe is ger..then they still say "u ask the baby whether is a ger or boi lor" then another guy say" baby how to tok?!"
then another guy say later the baby reali answer u..then they keep playin wif the baby..even ask he baby to carry a plastic back 4 him sia..then we and the baby get down at the serangoon stop together..then go and take the bus 70 then reach joanna de house then went to eat dinner at her house wif her dad..i so scared lei..scared till never tok..then after tat joanna copy my work..then we noti..did sum shou jiao to the homework..then the teacher cum le..joanna ask"today got sweet?"then he say "dun have onli got bubblegum"then i see liao is mentos de..then i win le..then go home tat time the teacher ask me abt the sweets and things..then he also tok to his girfren..then also ask christmas never go out ar?!..then i say got i got programme le.. then he say wif bf ar?! then i say 'i so small got bf?'then went home then online toked to yithoong then also tok to princeboi then sumthing happened..then all offline..haiz..

Posted by pro/hazelwitch at 3:23 AM GMT
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Monday, 22 December 2003

What will your Funeral be like? by rashock
You will die by:You always were kinky in your sex life and took it just a bit to far. You died over doing breath control, blood play, or some other strange kink.
Death Date:October 18, 2034
Number attending your funeral?117
How much will you leave to friends and family?$3,350,700
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Posted by pro/hazelwitch at 1:48 AM GMT
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give hazel more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

5th elements
You are all of the elements water, fire, gold,
wood, and earth. Well, there is nothing much to
say about you but that you are perfect. You do
have your ups and downs just like everyone else
but it ends up to be all good at the end. You
can control water fire all the elements cause
you are the 5th element

What Chinese Art are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Stupid is as stupid does. You are so stupid no one
is stupider then you almost got ever question
wrong STUPID. There is no hope for you now.
They have gotten to you.

How STUPID are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Black Angel
Now this isn't a picture or a black angel and it
doesn't mean that you are bad either. You are
like any other Angel. You have a good equal of
bad and good. like someone normal You are like
Yin and Yang happy and sad. To you the Black
Angel might sound bad but it isn't the color
black makes you look thinner so that's good.
You are peaceful strong and very beautiful.

What Angel are you? (With Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are the Mystic Wood Lady.
You take care of things but at times you can be
very evil. Most people don't like you cause
they cant understand you.

What Beautiful Women are you? (for men and women)
brought to you by Quizilla
do not disturb
You are the Private Type. As far as you are
concerned, your love life is your own business
and nobody else needs to know. The nice thing
about this is that nobody will ever call you
shallow, and they can be sure that youll only
go with someone when you mean it. The
not-so-nice thing is that many people wont
appreciate your secretiveness and would rather
be more open about things. Most compatible
with: Laid-Back Realist, other Private Types.

What kind of girlfriend are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by pro/hazelwitch at 1:31 AM GMT
Updated: Monday, 22 December 2003 1:44 AM GMT
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Sunday, 21 December 2003
jing tian de hua xiang shuo
hehe..hi morning woke up then go to cck le..hee..then go to the interchange and do things..haha..then like tat lor..hehe..then wen to my grandma house..then i see the photoes at my grandma house..tat is when i small tat time take de..hehe..then i also keep laughin..see till cute lei..then another photo show all our cousin all lie on my funni..then my brother de face so happi cute lei..then another one is we use the towel to wrap ourselves..then so 4 indians like tat..cos tat time my other 2 cousin not there mar..then onl 4 of us take lor..haha..then my brother again..very cute cute lei..then i took one pic home..hehe..
cute!ok lar..should be like tat ba..hehe..not sayin animore..gtg wanna use le..hehe..:P!!good nite everyone..hehe..

Posted by pro/hazelwitch at 4:02 PM GMT
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Saturday, 20 December 2003
jiNg tiAn de huA xiAng shUoOo
hi everyone..i am back..hehe..jus now watch them play match..hehe..:P!! saw yithoong look like wad liao..reali different from the pic they play bball..wa actually play till good good.. de then dunno why yithoong lose to nick kor maybe nick kor reali very!!..then at 1st yithoong goin to start mar..then he raise up his hands then can see his pants inside de shorts..then joanna kept think joanna think bian tai!!..then today we go to the toilet so many times then joanna also keep washin her funni..then i taught joanna how to fold the umbrella back..then she fold till very nice the 2nd time then she so happy..still say she like to fold umbrella funni!!then walk to the central found out i lost the suay nvm lor..hehe..:P!!maybe goin to make one tml ba..oh ya..yithoong also say wanna play again on is 5 to 5 ba..

Posted by pro/hazelwitch at 1:26 PM GMT
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Friday, 19 December 2003
wad i did..hehe
today went out wif joanna..shuwen not free, mei ting and suyun go camp..wanling cannot contact..wa..then me and joanna actually wanted to go and watch the concert de..but then never le..then we go and see clothes..hehe..then i bought one..hehe..then tuesday or wad goin out wif them again..then see 4 top tat will pei my black skirt.. very difficult to find top 4 skirt de lei..then this sunday my grandpa birhtday..hehe..goin there to eat buffet..everytime eat buffet de..not sian meh?! went out wif funni..i go toilet so many times!!..then walk and see 4 clothes..actually at campasspoint de..then bought wad we wan then took the mrt to orchard..then walked to far east and use the toilet then wen around lookin 4 clothes..actually dun have de..but then last min saw one..hehe..:P!!then went home lor..hehe..i also buy wrapin paper le..hehe..:P!!..haha..:P!!


Posted by pro/hazelwitch at 1:10 PM GMT
Updated: Friday, 19 December 2003 1:31 PM GMT
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Jjing Ttian Dde Hhua Xxiang Sshuo
hi is a great morning..although i freezing like i am the early bird of up early..last nite also shi mian lei..then dunno slept at wad time onli..sian sia..everyday also shimian..when can this thing stop?! goin out wif joanna poon....oh ya..yesterday 4 gotten to say sumthing..the teacher's name is victor then he asked 4 joanna's name..then joanna dun dare to tok tat time..then i said"her name is joanna POON"..haha..then joanna gave me tat look..haha..:P!!..oh goin to Esplanade wif joanna poon..the "concert" should be startin at 7.30 her at 2pm at the interchange then take mrt to marina square to walk walk then walk till dinner time eat le then go to Esplanade!!..dunno why these few days suddenly a bit more hungry then other times..haha..dunno why lei..:P!!then go Esplanade is wear wad de ar?! also never go there and watch concert before..should be wear those formal de i not wear formal de..haha..cos i goin out at 1plus lei..then people look at me also dun wan..haha..:P!!early birds nothing to do de..hehe..ok go and do homework then wait 4 dar to wake up..hehe..:P!!

Posted by pro/hazelwitch at 12:35 AM GMT
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Thursday, 18 December 2003 funni...
hey finish tuiton le..1st lesson funni..the teacher cum then me and joanna scared..haha..dun dare to open the door 4 him..haha..:P!!..then at last joanna went to open the door 4 him..haha..then all of us so tensed then he was like offerin sweets to us lei..haha..then he said it was his 1st time teachin gers..then he nervous till say the wrong word..then we were like laughin all the funni lei..then he keep explaining..then very and joanna do the same method 4 one of the qns..haha..:P!!..then i keep makin careless funni also..joanna keep sayin he look like monkey sia..haha..then he keep explaining lor..then give so much homework..haha..then go home tat time me walk wif him to the bus stop..haha..then he keep tokin to me also..ask a lot of qn and tell me a few things abt went home le..

Posted by pro/hazelwitch at 4:14 PM GMT
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