we go. these shout outz goes out to people that I like talking to, I know there for me, and I just want you to know that im here for you as well. These are in no special order, I was just typing what ever came to my mind. =p

Michael- hey mikey. my little brother. well what can i say. its true what they say, about little brothers gettin on your nerves. but its not completely true. we seem to have an OK bond for me being the older sister and you being the younger brother. by the time i'm 18 you`ll be 16. we'll probably be tight. but you can really get on my nerves. =p

Nina- well, thank you everything, and for always being there for me. Im so lucky to have cousins like you and Naleeni. I know i can talk to you about anything, you like a big sister for me. also thank you sooo much for helping me with my page, it looks hot.

Naleeni- I would say what i usually call you, but i know how you get already. Thank you for being there for me, and i know you always will be there for me. Im here for you too! just so you know. what can i do? but hey im here for you. i love you and Nina very much. you're like big sisters to me that i never had.