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Game: Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past

System: SNES

Glitch: Exploration Glitch

Discovered by: Unknown. But I heard about it on

Description: An odd glitch which allows you to explore all the dungeon rooms in the game and skip to almost any dungeon. There are several different methods to do this glitch but I'll retell the one I've had most success with and can be done on a normal SNES, not an emulator. Simply begin a game, play through until you can enter the castle through the front gate, once inside the castle go through the first door on the your left, you should now be in a long vertical room with a bridge over it. Now walk up to the door at the top and press Up and Down at the same time, this can only be achieved on a normal SNES by opening the controller, removing the d-pad and pressing the buttons directly. WARNING: This may damage your controller, so only do it if you have spares. You should walk North through the door while facing South. Keep going and you should warp downwards, keep going and you should appear in a room with no doors and you should not be able to see Link. Now have fun exploring, you can now walk normally again, you can go to almost any room in the game. in some rooms you can get back into the rooms by hitting certain obstacles, such as stairs or holes.

(NOTE: Using this glitch you can complete the game in around three minutes, with only a sword and shield! A video of me doing this can be found below.)

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: Download

Glitch: Across pits without a hookshot

Discovered by: Clark Beyer

Description: This glitch allows you to get across pits WITHOUT a hookshot! Okay. First, place a bomb near a pit, then stand in between the pit and the bomb. When it explodes, it will launch you across the pit! You can use this glitch to get the moon pearl early (without having to drop from the above floor)! Try it on pits that you can't cross otherwise.

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: N/A

Glitch: Freeze Link. | Submitted by Cloaked_Dude

Discovered by: Unknown

Description: First, I suggest you save because you can't save while Link is frozen. Go to Kakariko Village, and run(use the Pegasus Boots) into a lady that will call an enemy to attack you. When she calls out someone, she will run into her house, but Link will be stuck! When the enemy touches Link, he will still be stuck, but he will have the "hurt" look, and the enemy will walk on Link! While Link is "frozen", you can't pause or save. NOTE: I did this glitch on the GBA version, so I don't know if it works on the SNES version.

Screenshots: N/A

Movie: N/A