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B.S., C.N.C.

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This is some additional information that may be beneficial regarding uterine fibroids. Much of the information is intended to keep the level of estrogen decreased, as it is known that fibroids are a result of estrogen dominance. It goes without saying that if you have anything abnormal going on inside your body perfect nutritional choices are of the utmost importance.

--It is known that wheat and dairy are highly allergenic and increase the incidence of insulin resistance. Blood Type B is known to tolerate dairy, therefore, they are able to tolerate occassional mozzarella, feta, goat cheese or skim milk (organic- no hormones, pesticides, steroids)
--It may be beneficial to decrease or alleviate saturated fats, salt, alcohol, refined sugar, and caffeine.
--Based on your Blood Type, whole grains are a beneficial source of fiber.

--Blood Type O and A may use flax oil or olive oil as needed. Blood type B may use olive oil – approximately 1T. a day. With blood type B, it has been found to be best to stay away from dietary oils as much as possible. Ghee is acceptable to use.
--Blood Type O and A may eat black beans and pinto beans; blood type B may eat kidney beans and green beans.
--Blood Type O and A are able to tolerate sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds and flax seeds.
--Blood type B is able to tolerate a small amount of walnuts or almonds.
--Blood type O may eat very lean hormone free, steroid free, pesticide free beef or buffalo, organic cod, salmon, tuna, red snapper, swordfish, yellow perch, lamb, veal, turkey, or chicken two to three times a day.
--Blood type A may eat 3-4 ounces of skinned chicken or turkey, cod, salmon, red snapper, or tuna once a day. (unless they are an A non-secretor, in which case, studies on biochemical individuality has shown that they are able to tolerate much more protein and less complex carbohydrates such as beans).
--Blood type B may eat occassional free-range beef or turkey (no other poultry), lean, free-range venison or lamb, and/or organic cod, swordfish, tuna, ocean perch once a day.

--20,000iu of beta carotene per day may be of benefit.
--One 100mg. B Complex per day may be needed to replace the B vitamins that high estrogen levels are known to deplete.
--An additional 100mg. of vitamin B6 three times a day (pyridoxal-5-phosphate is active form of B6)has been found to facilitate the production of progesterone.
--1000mg. vitamin C every hour to bowel tolerance, then back off one dose. This is known to be the most therapeutic way to supplement with this multi purpose antioxidant.
--Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc combination – 500mg,250mg,8mg, respectively, are the recommended dosages. There are different brands that have different milligrams of each. It may be best to get as close to the recommended dosage as possible. The general consensus agrees that these supplements should be taken in divided doses with the smaller dose being taken in the morning with breakfast and the larger dose being taken at bedtime.
--400iu vitamin E - three times a day - is known to normalize estrogen levels ( if blood type O,less is better). --99mg. Potassium – one three times a day. Emergen-C is an effervescent product that contains 200mg of potassium. There are many situations that cause depletion of potassium. It is always beneficial to supplement. (1week before period starts)
--1200mg. Fish oil capsules – two times a day
--1200mg Flax oil capsules – two times a day
--Iodoral* iodine/iodide supplement. There has been extensive research on this particular product. It is known to contain the recommended milligrams and in the form most bioavailable to the body. Iodine is an important element of alertness, and rapid brain activity, and a prime deterrent to arterial plaque. It is also a key factor in the control and prevention of many endocrine deficiency conditions prevalent today, such as breast and uterine fibroids, tumors, prostate inflammation, adrenal exhaustion, and toxic liver and kidney states. Dosage as recommended.
--25000 iu Vit. A. from fish oil (for only 6 weeks)
--For excessive bleeding, it may be good to try Liquid Liver from Enzymatic Therapy or Flora Iron and Herbs
--Stone root ( collinsonia Canadensis) – is known to be a diuretic and pelvic decongestant. Studies have found that it may help remove unwanted tissue mass from the reproductive organs. The recommended dosage is three times a day for 6 weeks.
--Bupleurum tincture – found to be effective with uterine fibroids and breast lumps.
--Milkthistle, dandelion root, and yarrow are all known to be beneficial liver tonic herbs, helping the liver to remove estrogen from system. They may have a mild laxative effect. The recommended dosage is three times a day for 6 weeks.
--Red Raspberry leaf is known to be a uterine tonic, astringent, and may help decrease blood flow. The recommended dosage is, again, three times a day for 6 weeks, then decrease as needed.
--Sarsaparilla, chasteberry, and wild yam have each been utilized as phyto hormones to counter estrogen dominance. They are known to function as phyto-progesterone or to stimulate the body's production of progesterone. The recommendation for herbs of this type are to use them from day 15 to 28 of the menstrual cycle, two to three times a day.
--tumeric, meadowsweet, and white willow have been utilized as uterine anti-inflammatory herbs
--bladderwrack is a type of kelp known to be very beneficial in regulating the thyroid. The recommended dosage is one to two capsules twice a day. It has been found that hormonal problems are often an indicator of a greater endocrine imbalance.
--Wobenzyme (trade name)– is a pancreatic enzyme combination with extensive studies showing it highly effective with many disorders - especially dissolving unnecessary tumor mass. It is recommended to be used on empty stomach; taking 4 tablets 3x a day for a week, then increasing to 6 tablets 3 times a day for two months.
--use soy in small amounts or not at all. It is a known phytoestrogen, much weaker than environmental estrogens, but still estrogenic. Weaker phytoestrogens may help block the toxic estrogens, but since the goal is to DECREASE estrogen, it is not recommended to use soy or other phytoestrogenic herbs at first. Other estrogenic herbs may include – red clover, don quai, black cohosh.
--Calcium d-glucarate is known to be an effective estrogen-blocker, as is DIM. Either of these two supplements may be used every day of the month, and in conjunction with the use of natural progesterone cream the last two weeks of the menstrual cycle.
--Proper elimination is essential; if sluggish or irregular elimination is a problem, toxins may be re-absorbed into the blood stream and the estrogen that the liver has processed may also be reabsorbed.
--yoga has been found to reduce pelvic congestion, relax the muscles, and improve circulation. (people who are blood type O, are known to need to do more aerobic type exercises.)
--visualization has proven to be a very effective technique. It is known that the mind/body connection in health is very powerful. Numerous studies have shown that cancer patients have actually been able to reduce the size of cancerous tumors with visualization.
-- deep breathing (also called diaphragmatic breathing)is known to be very beneficial in controlling stress and the stress reaction. Proper deep breathing does not involve the shoulders or chest at all. When inhaling, extend the abdomen out as far as possible. This pulls the air down to the lower portion of the lungs. When exhaling, flatten stomach completely.

Medorrhinum 200c. – for conditions of tumor formation. 1 single dose is recommended.
Ustilago maydis 6c. – for excessive uterine bleeding and fibroids – used once a day
Folliculinum 30c. – to lower the amount and effects of estrogen in relation to progesterone ( this is a homeopathic version of the female ovarian follicle that releases the egg. It is known to stimulate the body to counter effects of excess estrogen which leads to formation of too much endometrial lining in uterus which is first stage of fibroids.


According to extensive research, progesterone has been found to be VERY beneficial in conditions of estrogen dominance. Clinical studies have found that progesterone down-regulates the estrogen receptors in both fibroids and myometrium (the outer layer of the uterus).
100mg. Micronized oral progesterone ( prescription only) with a recommended dosage of twice a day, taken during the last 2 weeks of cycle (day 14 through 28), then stop for 2 weeks.
Natural progesterone cream from a health food store is a very good choice; even as a first choice. This, also, needs to be used on days 14 through 28. Progesterone cream works well in conjunction with estrogen blockers such as calcium d- glucarate or DIM.

OTHER SUGGESTIONS – CASTOR OIL PACK – Research has found that this benefits the lymph and liver , helping to balance hormones. During the last 2 weeks of cycle, apply a pack to the lower abdomen for 1 hour 3 times a week. Procedure
Heat, do not boil, enough castor oil to soak a small flannel cloth, wring out excess, fold into squares and place on abdomen. To keep warm, place a hot water bottle (wrapped in towel) over the top.

Please email me if you have any questions.