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B.S., C.N.C.

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in conjunction with “general suggestions”

This is some additional information you may wish to go through in addition to the general cancer information. Each cancer had it's own little idiosyncracies, but, for the most part, the nutritional and lifestyle suggestions should be the same. This is due to the fact that holistic practitioners regard the body as a whole, not as individual systems.

  • There are various signs and symptoms that might indicate liver cancer. Among them might be: weight loss, abdominal pain, anorexia, fatigue, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, jaundice, or elevated liver enzymes.

  • Surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy is known to be of limited value in the successful treatment of liver cancer.

  • Emergen-C (brand name)may be of benefit in replacing lost minerals, especially potassium and vitamin C. All are known to help to oxygenate the body with the intention of controlling cell growth. A loss of potassium and minerals of the potassium group lower electrical potentials and the defense of the cytoplasm in muscle and liver cells.

  • DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) is known to be a very strong antiviral agent; aids the bile ducts in becoming more efficient, protecting against chemical damage, positively influenceing the adrenals and blood sugar, and increasing energy; has been found to stimulate the production of interferon, possibly inhibiting the replication of HIV; may prevent Hepatitis C from causing liver cancer and cirrhosis. This is not an herb to take carelessly, however. It contains hormonal constituents and may decrease potassium levels, thereby causing high blood pressure, water retention, hormonal problems. It is not recommended to take this on an ongoing basis. (Five days on and 2 days off for 4-6 weeks, then take a break for a month, or so). Always consult a knowledgable healthcare practitioner. It is a very good herb when taken correctly.

  • It is not recommended to use N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) if you have a toxic liver. This is a sulfur containing amino acid and has been found to promote hepatic (liver) tumor growth.

  • Keep in mind that vitamins, minerals and enzymes are stored in the liver and reactivated there.

  • Albumin is formed in the liver, therefore it is important to eat adequately in order to produce adequate albumin. Correct protein choices and adequate amounts will insure this. In people with liver disease and liver cancer, there is a great deal of protein wastage. It is necessary to maintain adequate protein intake to satisfy that requirement. Anorexia, hypoproteinemia, and weight loss are evidence of protein depletion which implies a rapid loss of protein enzymes. It is beneficial to eat small amounts of protein many times a day in addition to the use of free-form amino acid supplements.

  • Daily dietary intakes of 2000-3000 calories per day have been found to be very beneficial. This is the recommended breakdown of those calories –