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B.S., C.N.C.

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in conjunction with “in general” suggestions

It has been found that intestinal type gastric cancer arises mostly among people with chronic atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia.
H. pylori is associated with gastric atrophy (wasting, death of tissue) and intestinal metaplasia (conversion of one kind of tissue into a form that is not normal for that tissue).
People who have had chronic gastric and intestinal problems are at a higher risk of gastric cancer.

Suggestions for intestinal support in ulcerative colitis and ulcers, both preventatively and during treatment, and possibly as adjuvant therapy for intestinal or gastric cancer may be:

--- Decrease or avoid chocolate, coffee, black tea, and mints. All are known to increase stomach acid and the incidence of acid reflux.

--- Gentian or bitters are found to be beneficial when taken ½ hour before meals to assure digestive secretions and adequate digestion.

--- Ginger, oregano, rosemary, and thyme are all known to be anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant herbs - promoting resistance to H.pylori (bacteria that cause stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis, and increased risk of gastric cancer)

--- Slippery elm and marshmallow root herbs are beneficial mucilaginous herbs known to help heal the gastric mucosa.

--- Neem is an herb found to buffer against stress induced ulcer formation.

--- Bladderwrack has shown excellent results in fighting H.pylori. It contains the same sugar (fucus) that H.pylori attaches to in the Blood type O stomach. (Blood type O antigen is the sugar fucose, which is why it is now known that people with blood type O have higher incidences of ulcers). By taking bladderwrack, the H.pylori attaches to the fucus in the bladderwrack instead of the stomach lining – and washes out of the system.

--- Probiotics, especially those high in bifido bacterium, help to protect the stomach and intestinal tract.

--- Arabinogalactan (ARA-6) may be useful for the immune system, is high in fiber, and is known to increase the concentration of butyrate in the intestinal tract. Butyrate concentration is a strong indicator of healthy or a toxic colon. ARA-6 also decreases the concentration of ammonia in gut. Ghee is known to greatly increase the butyrate content in the colon, and is highly beneficial.

--- It may be best to stay away from all "avoid" foods, especially wheat, dairy, potatoes, corn, cabbage, and pickled foods – if you are blood type O or A. (please refer to "Eat Right 4 Your Type" by Peter D'Adamo for other blood type "avoids")

--- Stress reduction is recommended. People with blood type O need to exercise aerobically every day. Running is good and is the most beneficial way for people with blood type O to reduce stress. People with blood type A do better with meditation, yoga, walking or weight lifting.

--- Research has shown that it is best to eat no pork, cured meats, or bacon – nothing containing nitrites. Smoked or salted foods are known to increase the risk of intestinal cancers.

--- Antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables are very beneficial, as are onions, garlic, chives and leeks. They are known to be highly beneficial against gastric cancer due to studies showing that they are antibacterial and antifungal.

--- Salt may induce gastritis by directly damaging the gastric mucosa and increasing the mitotic rate.
--- Whole grains (not wheat) may play a protective role for gastric cancer. The nutrients involved may be lignans, phytoestrogens, trace minerals, antioxidants and fibers.

--- It is estimated that 90% of colorectal and stomach cancers could be prevented in the US by dietary intervention. Dietary fat alone has been shown to increase tumor counts in the large and small bowel.

--- Colorectal cancers may be linked to diets LOW in methyl donors – such as folate and methionine – and HIGH in alcohol (methyl group antagonists).

--- Research has found that increased levels of transforming growth factors (TGF) and vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) may enhance the proliferation, invasiveness, and metastatic potential of pancreatic cancer cells. Therefore, it is never recommended to supplement with colostrum due to it’s high concentration of growth factors.

Please email me if you have any questions.

(The above information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat illness. Sources for the information are the same as the attached general cancer information)