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B.S., C.N.C.

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This is information I have researched for about 6 years. I still have much more to add to it, but, felt that this is a good place to start. Always remember "knowledge is power". Please use this and any information you research on your own to give you the strength and power to combat cancer or any disorder you may have.

The words "you have cancer" are very devastating. Those three words, for most people, set the stage for a very horrific, painful, stressful quality of life. Is there any wonder that there is "no cure" for the disease and most people immediately consider it a sentence of death at some point.

My goal is to enlighten and empower people. Whether they are cancer patients, cancer survivors, or people who don't wish to get the devastating disease in the first place. Holistic or alternative therapies can be such powerful tools when used adjunctively with conventional medicine. I have had many instances where clients have taken my information to their oncologists and - after going over the information - have been told, "if you would have followed this before, you probably never would have gotten cancer". Conventional medicine does have it's purpose.... the surgeries or toxic chemicals do definitely lessen the tumor burden on the body. However, at what price? Surgeries disrupt the cancer cells and can cause metastasis to other parts of the body and the toxic chemicals kill beneficial cells, good bacteria, lower immunity, and just overall destroy bodily functions. If we could remove the blinders from conventional MDs and open their eyes to the benefits of herbs, vitamins, proper nutrition, rest, exercise, and proper oxygenation -- in addition to their protocols (or even in place of them in some circumstances), cancer patients might have such a better quality of life throughout their treatment and afterwards. They may even experience total remission without experiencing the pain and suffering of conventional therapies alone and without the very prevalent risk of secondary cancers that loom over most cancer survivors.

I'm familiar with many therapies that are known to be very effective in treating cancer. These particular therapies are outlawed in the United States, for the most part, and people wishing to use them must leave the country and go to the Bahamas or Mexico. There are many MDs in the United States who use alternative therapies, but, they also have to be very careful - at risk of being shut down or thrown in jail. My goal is to make available all of the information that I have found and used for many years in my consultations with cancer patients and their families. As a consultant, that's all I can do...... impart knowledge. But, since "knowledge is power", it's a very good place for cancer patients to start. You'd be amazed at the transformation in a cancer patient once knowledge is given to him and he feels he can have some control in fighting the disease. Instead of being a passive bystander, he becomes an active fighter. A cancer patient's body and health is his own; it should never be given up blindly to another to take care of. We must all be responsible for our own health and well-being. When we give that responsibility to someone else, we've lost control and that drastically affects the outcome.

The body/mind connection is a very important aspect of cancer therapy. To win against cancer, attitudes need to be hopeful, optimistic, and life affirming. They need to be assertive about your own needs. Feeling a sense of control is vital to health and resistance to disease. The cause of cancer is not the presence of a carcinogen alone, but is in combination with the body's weakened capacity to destroy cancer cells and tumors as they arise from the influence of carcinogens. Emotional stress is increasingly being linked to cancer. Under emotional stress, the adrenal glands produce corticosteroids; these weaken the immune system and accelerate the neo-plastic (cancer-related) process. Stress is a reaction to any stimulus or interference that upsets normal functioning and disturbs mental or physical health. This can be brought on by pain, illness, emotional bereavement, financial problems, loss of job or spouse, relocation, ionizing radiation, food allergies, or man made electro-magnetic fields. Stress leads to hormonal imbalances, which interfere with the immune function. It further damages immune function by over activating the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system which initiates adrenalin and cortisol release. It is very important for people with cancer to take an assertive position toward their illness and recovery process. Mind/body links may play a major role in determining a person's ability to survive cancer. Research shows that the persistence of cancer cells depends, in part, on internal body controls that restrain or stimulate tissue growth. Neurological, hormonal and immunological pathways appear to regulate these controls. Hopelessness is ranked as a serious contributing factor in both the emergence of new causes of cancer and heart disease and for death from these diseases. The mind is the key to both prevention and treatment of cancer. Meditation, prayer, visualization, biofeedback, guided imagery and relaxation are many body/mind methods used by cancer patients. Patients who are non-compliant, assertive and experience normal anger have shown less tumor growth and invasion. Remember, surgery or removal of the tumor (by chemo or radiation) does not cure the cancer. It cures the result of the cancerous overgrowth, but not the cause - which in most cases, is systemic (within the whole body). When treating cancer, the whole patient must be treated. Antibiotics alter the immune system, which increases intestinal overgrowth of candida, which further suppresses the immune system. There is not one double blind, placebo-controlled trial testing the effectiveness of chemotherapy over the past 10 years on Medline. Chemo drugs are unsubstantiated by the very clinical trials regarded as standard. This does not mean, however, that chemo is ineffective. In many cases, such as people with blood type A, or AB, who are at risk of or have 90% of the known cancers, it is imperative that they pursue an aggressive course of action and employ every means available to get rid of the cancer. This includes therapies such as chemo, surgery, radiation, and all alternative therapies available. Because the immune system of people with blood type A, or AB, does not recognize the invading cancer cell (which has the same or very similar antigen on it as the blood type A cells) as foreign, it will not be stimulated to fight the cancer. This is why every means must be taken to not only get rid of the cancer, but to stimulate the immune system. People with blood type O who are at risk of or have leukemia or lymphomas have the same problems as the A's in recognizing and destroying cancer cells. Those cancer cells are recognized as "self" by the immune system, therefore, the immune system does not attempt to destroy them.

Studies have found that over-nutrition may stimulate tumor growth and progression through stimulation of steroidal hormones. Sedentary lifestyle and overeating increase levels of a variety of growth promoting hormones important in carcinogenesis. These include insulin, IGF, and steroidal hormones. There is a role for growth promoting hormones as mediators or enhancement of cancer. Insulin is shown to promote growth in colon tumors in mice. High levels of IGF-1 is seen as a risk in prostatic cancer and premenopausal breast cancer. Over-expression of EGF and IGF receptors is often noted in tumors and allows excessive growth stimulation to occur even at sub-optimal concentrations. Researchers have found that growth hormone treatment of hospitalized patients may be associated with increased mortality. IGF administration in normal volunteers led to adverse events which led to discontinuation of administration. The importance of high body-mass-index has been found as a risk for colon and breast cancer, and physical inactivity as a risk for colon and possibly breast and prostatic cancers. This indicates that moderate restriction of energy (food) intake during adulthood may be of benefit.

There are many nutritional suggestions a cancer patient can initiate.... some are definitely contrary to conventional medical and dietary information. Many of the suggestions of conventional registered dietitians are absolutely appalling. They have been known to recommend increased caloric intake regardless of the source of the calories. They have recommended ice cream, cakes, cookies - anything to increase the caloric intake - hence "nutrition". Who cares that eating that same food could have been one of the causes of a cancer in the first place! They don't appear to be aware of or care that sugar feeds cancer. All they care about is that the patient needs to increase calories to avoid cachexia. There are much better ways to take care of that. Here is some of the very beneficial nutritional and lifestyle information that I have come across. It's not necessarily "mainstream" but, has been validated in one way or another. (Please note references at the end)

--Eating organic, raw almonds (about 10 two or three times a day) can be helpful. They are known to contain laetrile. Actually, 10 raw apricot kernels, two or three three times a day (limited to 7-10 days out of the month) are higher in laetrile. They are not readily available, but can be ordered online Laetrile is known to lessen the production of the human chorionic gonadotropic hormone which is a marker for the metastatic cancer process. Laetrile, or amygdalen, is also found in apple seeds, buckwheat, millet, cassava melons, and the kernels of cherry and peach pits. Research in Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital found laetrile to stop the growth of small tumors and dramatically reduce the spread of breast cancer in animals. Studies have also shown that amygdalen can extend the lives of both breast and bone cancer patients. When using apricot kernels, it has been found to be beneficial to also supplement with N-acetyl cysteine to supply the sulfur the body needs to convert the cyanide in the amygdalen to thiocyanate.Cyanide is what targets the cancer cells and spares normal cells.

--Use NO white flour, sugar, pasta, bread, rice. These convert immediately to sugar in the body, which throws insulin levels out of balance. Actually, it is better NOT to eat any form of wheat at all and to limit carbohydrate intake. Insulin is known to increase intracellular ph, which is associated with increased proliferation of malignant tumors. Glucose produces lactic acid which is undesirable because it increases the ability of tumor cells to metastacize. Lactic acid production stimulates the production of angiogenic factors by macrophages. In tumor cells, more and more glucose is burned, creating more and more lactic acid. This wastes the energy reserves of a cancer patient and stimulates production of more angiogenic factors. Insulin is closely involved in the glucose burning pathway. It stimulates many cancer cell lines and facilitates angiogenesis by increasing lactic acid production and stimulating proliferation of vascular cells. High insulin levels are common in cancerous tissue and in the plasma of cancer patients. The high insulin levels found in the early stages of Type II diabetes have been implicated as a risk factor for a variety of cancers. Insulin resistance has been implicated in breast cancer. Diets high in Omega 6 oils (vege oils) have been found to promote insulin resistance. Fish oils may reduce insulin resistance. It is best to avoid simple sugars. Their ingestion leads to hyperglycemia which leads to the production of insulin, which stimulates cell proliferation. Also, cancer is a sugar-feeding organism. Therefore, it is best to not eat anything that tastes sweet, or at least never eat it alone or on an empty it at the end of a meal, or between meals with a handful of almonds or walnuts.

--Never use artificial sweeteners. Aspartame can elevate blood pressure, produce insomnia, render one more sensitive to pain, increase the desire for food, contribute to eye degeneration, seizures, mental illness, and possibly cause brain tumors - all in addition to many other toxic affects in the body.

--Don't use salt. It has been found to be best to use a potassium chloride substitute. Cancer fighters need to keep extracellular sodium levels low in order to stop insulin induced proliferation. In order to stop tumor growth, the ph needs to be excessively elevated. This can often only be done by using alkalizing minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and cesium. Cesium has been used to raise the pH of the body as an alternative or complementary cancer treatment or therapy for breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer, stomach cancer, cervical cancer, brain cancer, kidney cancer, testicular cancer, bone cancer, throat cancer, thyroid cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, cancers of the bladder and gallbladder, metastatic melanoma, and cancers in animals including feline, canine, and equine cancer. Activating the Na/H exchanger may explain how malignant tumors produce excessive lactic acid and subsequently acidify their environment. Elevated intracellular sodium may also provide a source for glycolysis (breakdown of glucose to produce lactic acid), hence enabling the hypoxic tumor cells to create an acidic environment. Lactic acid increases the ability of tumor cells to metastasize; it may also stimulate anagiogenesis. It is known that tumor cells cannot live in pH above 6.0-6.5.

--Eat no processed foods. These are known to HIGHLY increase free radical damage by oxidation - which can cause carcinogenesis. In addition to containing toxic chemicals and preservatives.

--Fat intake (bad fats) can affect cancer growth. The best fats to take internally are omega 3 fatty acids. These are known to improve the immune function. Omega 3 plus L-arginine combined with lysine has been found to enhance the anti-tumor effect of doxirubicin in lymphoma and reduce the concentration of insulin and lactic acid. Low lactic acid concentration is associated with greater survival. Flax oil was promoted as effective, however, continuing research has found that the alpha linolenic acid, of which flax is about 57%, disrupts eicosanoid production. This, in turn, could promote tumor production and inflammation. One should also stay away from vegetable oils. It has been found that a diet high in omega 6 (vege oils) may decrease immune function and may increase estrogen production. This is especially bad for breast and hormone related cancers and prostate cancer. Eicosanoids in omega 6 play a role in the initiation, promotion, and progression of cancer; they increase inflammation. The EPA in Omega 3 has been found to effectively reverse cachexia. Fish Oil, cod liver oil, and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) have all been found to inhibit invasion, angiogenesis, and metastasis. They are also highly nutritive for the heart, joints, and muscles. Fish oils do much in preventing tumor growth and regulate apoptosis (regulated cell death). EPA and DHA in fish oil are found to effectively slow growth in virtually every cancer cell line studied. An increased intake is associated with reduced prostate cancer. There are a number of mechanisms by which omega 3's inhibit cancer - including increased free radical damage, increased PGE3 production, reduced platelet aggregation, decreased production of angiogenic factors, decreased cachexia. Omega 3 also displaces arachidonic acid in the cell membrane, thereby decreasing the arachidonic acid available for PGE2 production, and inhibiting the desaturase enzyme that allows PGE2 production. Tumor cells produce high PGE2. High levels increase inflammation, and have been linked with tumor metastasis to the bone and poor survival in breast cancer patients. The EPA/DHA combination has also been found to inhibit growth of lung tumors. Research has found that metastasis is significantly suppressed by fish oil. There is some evidence of antitumor efficacy and restoration of immunocompetence by fish oils. EPA and DHA enhance lysis of tumor cells by compliment-mediated cytotoxicity and T-cell mediated toxicity. The DHA component of fish oil has been found to markedly accelerate retinoic acid-induced differentiation in human leukemic cells. The effect appears to be due to the ability of DHA to alter plasma membrane fluidity, which is associated with greater freedom of molecular motion, greater drug transport, increased metabolism, and a greater capacity for division. Dietary fish oils lower the levels of platelet-derived growth factor in human mononuclear cells. As little as 3grams/day has been found to be of benefit in breast cancer. The ideal ratio of dietary omega 3 to omega 6 is 2:1 or 1:1. However, most people are exposed to vegetable oils in their daily lives. So, it is often found that the most beneficial supplementation is with a good source of fish or cod liver oil. It has been found that molecularly distilled fish oils are the most toxin free. CLA has been found to be anti-carcinogenic and shows inhibiting effects against mammary cancers. It is cytotoxic to a number of cancer cell lines including malignant melanoma, colorectal, breast and lung. CLA is known to selectively inhibit proliferation of estrogen positive MCF-7 cells. Ground flax seed oil is excellent for certain uses and contains Omega 3's but it does not actually contain any DHA or EPA at all. Instead it contains alpha linolenic acid which your body has to convert to DHA and EPA. In many people, particularly the elderly this conversion process is very inefficient. To give you an idea, it is estimated that most adults would have to consume 10 - 40 grams of flaxseed oil to produce just 0.2 grams of DHA. So, if you want to get the proven benefits of DHA it is best to not rely on getting your Omega 3's from vegetable oils such as flaxseed.

--Eating the wrong foods clog the intestines, blocks nutrient absorption, creates toxicity, and causes disease. Once the bowel is toxic, it creates toxicity for the entire system. When you eat mucus producing foods,they slow down transit time, allowing more time for putrifaction, for harmful microorganisms to flourish, for probiotics (good bacteria) to die off and toxins to develop and poison tissues. Wheat and dairy are 2 of the most mucus producing foods. A sticky mucoid lining in the intestines also produces hiding places for bacteria, yeast, fungus, and parasites that are harmful. A decrease in HCL and pepsin can correlate to the toxicity of the intestines. Emotional or physical stress, use of tobacco products, alcohol, and caffeine, and food allergies all damage stomach cells which in turn decrease HCL, pepsin and pancreatic enzymes. Undigested proteins often pass into the bowel and are converted into nitrosamines which are cancer causing. Much research has been done concerning biochemical individuality and a connection to food. Blood type antigens are just one factor of that individuality; the research shows that different foods also have different antigens. Many conventional researchers and health practitioners refuse to acknowledge that that could have anything to do with one's health and well-being. You are free to choose to believe there is a connection between blood type antigens and the antigens found on food, or not to believe there is a connection. There is definitely substantiated evidence between different blood types and health disorders - cancer, among them. My contention is that when you are fighting an adversary as potentially deadly as cancer, you do everything you can to defeat it - as long as it does not compromise an already compromised body and immune system. I have worked with people for years using blood type as a base for nutritional protocols, and have never had a person complain that they didn't feel good eating that way.

--Use NO hydrogenated oils or margarine. Hydrogenation of oils results in trans fatty acids. Much research has found that trans fatty acids induce adverse alterations in the activities of the important enzyme system that metabolizes chemical carcinogens and drugs (medications), i. e., the mixed-function oxidase cytochromes P-448/450. Ghee (clarified butter) is a very good non-hydrogenated oil. It is very high in butyrate, which if found to be very beneficial with colon cancer. High fecal butyrate levels signify a healthy colon.

--When attempting to increase albumin levels in cancer patients, it has been found to be more beneficial to provide the appropriate amount of protein - especially a protein source containing 50% branched-chain amino acids - which can nearly double the albumin synthesis rate. Albumin synthesis is inhibited by severe protein and calorie deprivation, ethanol, severe liver disease, malabsorption, early forms of injury, burns, infections, cancer cachexia, and aging. Serum albumin is an excellent predictor of survival.

--Eat no hot dogs/smoked meats/ dairy. They are all a high source of environmental pesticides, environmental estrogens, saturated fat, bovine growth hormone (which is linked to breast and gastrointestinal cancers due to high amounts of IGF-1), and nitrates - all of which can be carcinogenic. Consumption of nitrites and nitroso derivatives from smoked or salted meat and fish, and beer have been found to be associated with increased risk for development of aerodigestive cancers. Alcohol and tobacco increase these risks.

--Eat plenty of fresh, organic fruits (best to eat between meals as a snack with a handful of nuts to slow the glycemic reaction) and vegetables (especially the colorful ones, which are high in carotenoids) nuts, seeds, poultry, fish, and lean, free-range organic beef or buffalo. Eat as much dietary fiber as possible, in the form of these fruits and vegetables. Fiber is very important, whether you are fighting cancer or trying to prevent it. Insoluable fiber is known to bind with toxins - which are then excreted from body.

--Garlic is known to be an immune stimulant and natural anti-biotic, effective against fungus, candidiasis, and viruses associated with herpes simplex. It inhibits cancer by reducing angiogenesis, (the process by which tumor cells construct their own blood supply), reducing platelet aggregation, and increasing fibrinolysis. Garlic assists the liver in detoxification, reduces the toxic effect of chemo, and increases energy. It is deadly to invading pathogens or tumor cells, but harmless to healthy normal cells, and stops the transformation of normal cells to pre-cancerous cells. Studies have found that garlic is a selective toxin against cancer, enhanceing the Natural Killer(NK) cell activity. All allium vegetables are beneficial against gastric cancer and appear to stop the growth of cancer of the breast, bladder, skin and colon, and initial development of malignant tumors of the esophagus, stomach and lungs. Studies show garlic reduces the toxic side effects of doxorubicin on the heart, lowers cortisol, promotes growth of good bacteria, and inhibits inappropriate blood clotting. It is important to note that the garlic MUST be fresh. The active ingredient, allicin, is destroyed within one hour of smashing the garlic. When you use the garlic it will be important to compress it with a spoon prior to swallowing it if you are not going to cook it with food or juice it. If you swallow the clove intact you will not convert the allicin to its active form. Allicin has been found to be the active component in garlic when it comes to fighting cancer.

--Drink pure water. Reverse osmosis, multi filtration is very good. It has been found that drinking distilled water is not good. It is considered to be "negative" water and is known to pull beneficial minerals out of the body. This makes it very good when preparing medicinal herbal teas, but not for drinking. Drinking chlorinated water has been associated with 20-40% increase in incidence of colon cancer. When showering, keep a fan on or window open to decrease the amount of chloroform (from chlorinated water) that is inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Fluoride is the toxic waste product of phosphate fertilizer production. It can produce cancer, transforming human cells to cancerous ones even at concentrations of 1ppm. It also has a cascading effect of other cancer causing organisms. The U.S. endorses 4ppm as safe. Let it be known that fluoride has been outlawed in 14 European countries, Egypt, and Asia. A National Cancer Institute study found that fluoride increases the incidence of oral and pharyngeal cancers. However, the American Dental Association will not endorse a product unless it has fluoride. Boiling water concentrates fluoride, reverse osmosis gets rid of it.

--Monitor the intake of soy. It is highly beneficial in near homeopathic amounts, however, it has been found to cause hypothyroid conditions if used in excess due to the fact that it is a known endocrine disruptor. Many cancer patients exhibit typical hypothyroid symptoms while showing normal blood values. Hypothyroidism has been found to contribute to the cancer process. One reason for this may be the decrease in body temperature. Temperatures even slightly below normal may incease the risk of cancer cell growth.

--Cooked, pureed asparagus is known to be a very beneficial anticancer vege. It is known to have a cleansing effect on the lymphatic system and kidneys. Asparagus can be cooked and pureed and added to soups or drinks. It should be cooked, blended at high speed, quickly, then stored in refrigerator. A recommended dosage is 4T. twice a day hot or cold.

--The tangeretin in tangerines has been shown to stop the metastatic process of cancer. It is also helpful in nausea, even the scent of orange essential oil may have anti-nausea effects.

--Exercise is very important. It increases oxygenation of the body and stabilizes blood sugar levels, which is known to help destroy cancer cells. Cancer is an anaerobic, sugar-feeding organism. Exercise also increases body heat, which can destroy cancer cells, and helps the body maintain proper ph. Exercise aids in detoxification, digestion, weight control and the mmune processes. It stimulates the lymph system, which filters toxins, and helps maintain normal muscle mass. Bouncing on a rebounder stimulates the lymphatic detoxification and drainage. Exercise is also known to raise body temperature and metabolism.

--Relaxation if of the utmost importance, the body heals when at rest. Studies have shown that there is a high incidence of cancer in work-a-holics, due to self-inflicted stress. Stress is the killer. Any type of relaxation therapy is beneficial ( deep breathing, meditation, yoga, etc). Adequate sleep is important. If there is difficulty in sleeping, try herbs like passionflower, lemonbalm, chamomile, skullcap, valerian, (occasionally) or homeopathic coffea cruda (calms an overactive mind to allow sleep).

--Practice deep breathing ( diaphragmatic). This insures proper oxygenation of whole body, which is very important because cancer is an anaerobic organism. It increases circulation, relaxes, de-stresses. Deep breathing technique: Inhale through the nose, DON'T raise the shoulders or expand the chest, rather, push out or expand the abdomen while inhaling. When the abdomen is fully extended, then fill the lungs. When exhaling, flatten the abdomen, then continue to exhale fully. When practicing deep breathing, always do so very slowly. Deep breathing, meditation, visualization, and yoga are all beneficial in handling stress and depression. Studies have shown that the mind directly affects the body and therapy for any emotional imbalance improves the treatment outcome for physical diseases. Meditation has been found to reduce serum cortisol, reduce blood pressure, reduce pulse rate, increase plasma nor-epinephrine levels, decrease serum TSH, growth hormone and prolactin levels, and increase plasma free fatty acids. It may reduce serum gluco-corticoid levels, which in turn, may inhibit metastasis. It is particularly beneficial in breast cancer. It is very beneficial to do deep abdominal breathing during chemo.

--Peppermint, yarrow, elderflower, and ginger tincture-(or combined for tea) has been found to have somewhat the same effect as MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil in as much as it increases thermogenesis (internal temperature), and can cause a slight fever. This is GOOD. Cancer cells and viruses are found to be selectively destroyed by heat. Thermogenesis can activate the lymphatic immune response. (Once cancer cells have metastasized and taken hold, they develop somewhat of a cloaking devise. They form a coating that can evade the immune system (as depressed as it may be) and put it in a search and destroy mode again. It has been found to be beneficial to use these herbs or MCT oil (pure organic virgin coconut oil) in conjunction with a hot epsom salts soak. Used together, the destruction of cancer cells has been found to increase. Increased thermogenesis is known to be very beneficial during colds and flu, since it increases internal temp and heat is the only thing known to kill viruses.

--Hyperthermia treatment modifies cell membranes to protect healthy cells and make cancer cells more susceptible to chemo and radiation. It may allow lower doses of chemo. People with heart disease, anemia, diabetes, TB, seizure disorders or pregnant women may be sensitive to the affects of hyperthermia when the body temp exceeds 106. Hyperthermia has been approved in the US for treatment of breast cancer recurrence.However holistic medical practitioners have used it much longer and for more than breast cancer. I've used whole body hyperthermia in my consultations since 1999. There are numerous studies and much research since well before that. For instance, the University of Texas Medical School at Houston - Center for Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment has been utilizing whole body hyperthermia since 1980, researchers in Germany and the Netherlands have studied WBH since 1993, Cigna Insurance has covered hyperthermia since 2004 and the NCI has recorded clinical studies since at least 2004. Actually, whole body hyperthermia is an ancient healing technique.

--Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been found to have positive therapeutic effects. Pure oxygen is delivered to the patient in sealed chambers. Since cancer is an anaerobic organism, saturating the system under strictly controlled conditions may be highly beneficial. It is best to use a good antioxidant complex in conjunction with this. It is incorrect to theorize that oxygen feeds cancer - based on situations where cancer has been found to spread after surgery. It has been seen in studies that this is due in most instances to the reperfusion of oxygen into the hypoxic tumor which releases large amounts of free radicals and vascular endothelial growth factors which greatly increase the risk of metastasis. It has also been found that surgeries, themselves, disrupt the cancer growth, which may be encapsulated or ductal, and releases stray cancer cells into the blood stream to metastasize. It is well known that HBO promotes angiogenesis (development of blood vessels). This is why it is so beneficial in wound healing. Those same blood vessels could, however, could feed a tumor. Hypoxic conditions and high lactic acid, however, also increase angiogenesis. This is a therapy that is controversial at this point. It is best to very carefully weigh the pros and cons.

--H2O2 Bathing using 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide is another way to oxygenate the body. Suggestions include pouring 8 oz. into full tub of water. Soak 30-45 minutes a day, then bathe as usual. After 1-2 baths, worms or parasites may become present in the stool. People have been known to experience a healing reaction - slight flu symptoms - as the body detoxifies, and the skin may become dry. H2O2 is known to be the first line of defense for the immune system. Viruses are anaerobic organisms. Oxygenation has been shown to prevent and/or reverse most degenerative diseases. An alternative method to bathing may be using 3 drops of 35% FGHP in a glass of water and gradually increasing to 25 drops in illness.* Food grade H2O2 is found in a health food store, not in the local pharmacy.

--It is best to stay away from aluminum in cookware, utensils, deodorants and lotion. Despite the fact that evidence is inconclusive about aluminum being carcinogenic, in the best interest of cancer-fighters (or preventers, in my opinion), I feel it is definitely a toxin that we should stay away from. There are very good articles on the adverse effects of it, so it's definitely a "redflag".

--Watch the intake of iron and copper, especially if taking Vit C or other antioxidants. They cause the formation of hydroxyl radicals, induce DNA damage, and may cause tumor proliferation. The only time iron should be taken is if there is a diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia. The best way to obtain iron is as a food source of organic, fre-range beef or buffalo.

In addition to this dietary/lifestyle information, there are many very beneficial nutritional supplements that have been studied in one way or another concerning the fight against cancer. I believe a good, balanced multiple vitamin is the best base of any nutritional protocol - especially with cancer patients. They often are not able to eat as well as they should. My choice for people with compromised health would always be a well-balanced, organically derived liquid multi vitamin. A lot of times, the source of the vitamins is sea vegetables. Others have various plants, fruits and vegetables as sources. It is necessary to make sure that the multi has an adequate amount of vitamin D. Cancer researchers are now finding that vitamin D is very important. There seems to be a connection between breast, colon and prostate cancer and a lack of Vitamin D. Even more amazing, one expert believes 25 per cent of breast cancer deaths could be avoided if the women had maintained adequate vitamin D levels throughout their life. Vitamin D actually kills cancer cells while protecting healthy cells from sun damage. It can only be made by the body when sunlight falls on skin unprotected by sunscreen. Do we see a connection here between the increase of cancer in society and the phenomenal promotion of using sunscreen at all times when we go outside. Now, whose pockets are we padding..... the MDs treating all this cancer, or the producers of the sunscreen. Yes, we have to be intelligent and not spend hours in midday sunshine - skin cancer is a problem. However, studies are now confirming that exposure to fluorescent lighting is a factor in skin cancer. Malignant melanoma tumors are showing up on parts of the body that are not exposed to sunshine.

Additional supplements cancer patients and their health providers may find beneficial are:

*A good high potency B complex. This has been found to improve circulation and all bodily functions. The Bs build RBC, aid the liver, are involved in energy production, and good for stress. They support overall energy metabolism. Deficiencies of one or more Bs could inhibit the immune system's ability to fight cancer.

*Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc - Calcium has been found to prevent precancerous cells from becoming cancerous. These minerals need to be taken in balance, although it is not bad to take calcium and magnesium in equal amounts since any type of stress will deplete magnesium. Magnesium has been found to maintain the pH balance of blood and tissues. A 2:1 ratio - citrate if possible - is known to be the most beneficial.

*DIM ( di-indolylmethane) is found to be very effective in hormonal cancers. Breast, ovarian, endometrial, prostate and BPH. Studies show that it increases the metabolism of the "good" estrogen, resulting the less conversion of free testosterone(in men) to di-hydrotestosterone(the inactive form of testosterone). Allows the good benefits of estrogen in men and women without the side effects of estrogen dominance(hormone related cancers, hair loss, weight gain). Calcium D-Glucarate is an effective substitute.

*IP-6, has been found to help the liver remove excess fat from tissues and has shown effects in preventing and reversing cancer. The suggested dosage for existing cancers is 4 or more grams a day. For people at high risk, 2-4 grams /day are recommended. It is also found to inhibit DNA synthesis and cell growth and induction of differentiation of breast cancer cell lines independent of estrogen receptor status. The benefits show it to be important for both the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. It is also known to be a very strong immune stimulant.

*ARA-6 (arabinogalactan)** is an immune stimulant found to support natural killer cells while destroying virus, bacteria, and fungus. Due to its high dietary fiber component, it is beneficial to the health of the gastrointestinal tract. ARA-6 is more effective than Echinacea long term without posing the risk of intolerance. Arabinogalactan has been found to enhance tumor cell destruction by stimulating the production of interferon or interleukin. Research has shown that arabinogalactans have inhibited liver cancer and blocked aggressive lymphoma cells from colonizing the liver. It enhances the activity of other herbal stimulators and medicines, including chemo drugs; makes capillaries more permeable, stimulates the liver to produce antibodies, and is found to increase the concentration of butyrate in the intestinal tract. Butyrate concentration is a strong indicator of a healthy or toxic colon. Ghee is also very high in butyrate. Arabinogalactan has been shown to decrease concentration of ammonia in gut.

*Maitake D-faction**( I believe the manufacturer is Grifron? - the D-faction is the important component here, so it may be best to look for that) - This is a Chinese mushroom which is a high source of beta 1, 3-1, 6 D glucan. It is known to prevent carcinogenisis, enhance t-cells, and stop cancer growth. It is an immune stimulant, and an adaptogen that lowers hypertension, lowers excessive blood glucose (has been found that glucose feeds cancer), protects the liver, is antiviral, reduces toxic side effects of chemo, and augments chemotherapy - increasing tumor inhibition - while using decreased amounts of both.

AHCC -ImmPower**- This is a compound of mushroom hybrids that have been shown to literally explode cancer cells. Scientific studies have shown this to be one of the most powerful and safe immune stimulators. Studies have been published in the International Journal of Immunology, Anti-Cancer Drugs, and the Society of Natural Immunity. It is known to stimulate IL-2,IL-12,TNFand INF; increase NK cell activity as much as 300%, increase the number and activity of lymphs - increasing Tcells by up to 200%, increase interferon levels, and increase TNF - protiens which help destroy cancer cells. Clinical studies have shown that 3 grams a day lowered the level of tumor markers found in patients with prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, multiple myeloma, and breast cancer. It is shown to prevent the recurrence of liver cancer. AHCC is also found to increase strength, is highly beneficial in hepatitis C, and has been shown to decrease chemotherapy side effects.

*Wobenzyme or Michael's W-zymes - Proteolytic enzymes taken on an empty stomach have been shown to be highly beneficial in cancer thereapy. They are found to destroy the mucus substance that protects the surface of cancer cells, thus destroying one method the cancer cells have of eluding the body's defenses, prevent metastasis and enhance the cytotoxic effect of many chemotherapies. Proteolytic enzymes are very strong anti-inflammatories. One may experience fever and other symptoms when taking the high doses of enzymes due to increase in interleukin-1.

*Reishi Mushroom (ganoderma lucidum)Shown to prevent carcinogenesis and stop cancer growth, enhance T-cells, increase cytokine production, stimulate immune cells, impede metastasis by inhibiting platelet aggregation, and decrease the activity of immunosuppressive cytokines. This is found to improve survival in humans when used with conventional therapies rather than alone. Studies have shown that Reishi can counter the side effects of chemo. It has been suggested that the best dose is approx. 30-90gram dried crude ganoderma in decoction (steeped tea) per day. The high molecular weight polysaccharides are the important compounds.

*Cat's Claw- This is known to have anti-tumor activity, enhance the action of WBCs, and enhance the immune function. Cat's claw is a free radical inhibitor, a strong antioxidant, and contains plant steroids (beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol). It is known to cleanse and strengthen the intestinal tract, slow cancer growth, and protect DNA from damage. This can be taken either as a good, strong tea (made with distilled water) or as a tincture.

*L-glutamine is a highly beneficial amino acid in the fight against cancer. It is found to help stop cachexia (tissue wasting), prevent immuno-suppression and muscle atrophy, heal gastric and peptic ulcers, enhance chemotherapy and reduce toxicity, maintain proper acid/alkaline balance in the body, help decrease sugar cravings, and is beneficial for mental functioning. Research has shown that it is best to use the powder form and the most effective utilization is in simply putting a teaspoon of the powder in your mouth, swish it around, and swallow. In this way, the glutamine is reaching all tissues that can be affected by reactions to chemotherapy. It has also been found, at that time, that it is more effective to take the glutamine with a teaspoon of a very high colony count acidophilus powder. This helps immensly with mouth sores. This can be used three times a day, or as needed.

*Essiac, Flor-essence, Camas Prairie tea- These are different name brands containing essentially the same herbs. The herbs found in these products are cleansing, detoxifying herbs known to have anti-cancer, purifying, and immune stimulating properties in addition to having anti-tumor activity and relieving pain. They are found to reduce the toxic side effects of chemo drugs, increases energy, and diminish the inflammatory process. Essiac has hundreds of years of anecdotal evidence of cancer cures and remission. Studies have shown that it is best not to take these products at the same time as enzymes since they may render each other ineffective. The recommended method of therapy is 2 oz. of the brewed tea with 2 oz. distilled water, sipped 1 hour before breakfast and at bedtime. It may also be used one other time during the day on an empty stomach.

*Pokeweed is known to be a very strong immune stimulant. It shows benefit as an anti-cancer herb, agglutinateing the cancer cell in near homeopathic amounts. This is known to be toxic in large doses. 2-3 drops of liquid tincture 2 times a day is all that has been recommended, and only by a knowledgeable practitioner.

*Podophyullum peltatum (mayapple) - This herb is used in homeopathic amounts (1 drop 2 times a day or 1x homeopathic) for cervical cancers, warts, lung cancers, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, leukemia. Using the drugs from this plant - teniposide and etoposide - depletes WBCs, causes nausea and vomiting and is associated with increased risk of leukemia. Patients treated with the drugs for acute leukemia or lymphoma have been found to develop acute myeloid leukemia within 6 years, proportional to dose intensity - weekly or twice weekly. If you have access to a homeopathic pharmacy and can get the 1X homeopathic - that is what is recommended.

*Mistletoe (viscum album) - This herb is also toxic in large doses. Clinical studies have shown this to be a very strong anti-cancer herb in near homeopathic amounts; has anti-tumor properties; inhibits angiogenesis, induces apoptosis, cyotoxic, stimulates the immune system. This is another excellent herb that should only be used when monitored by a holistic practitioner. One to two drops once or twice a day are all that is recommended.

*Schizandra has shown to be an excellant immune protector - enhancing the effectiveness of chemo without creating side effects. It is a liver tonic and classified as an adaptogen. Schizandra is used in the treatment of fatigue, insomnia, weakness, depression, liver disease, and chemical toxicity. It is also a very good antioxidant. It can be found in tinctures or teas.

*Chorella - algae- Contains the highest concentration of chlorophyll of the green plants. Chlorophyll is an excellent rejuvenator, having the same chemical structure as hemoglobin, except the central molecule is magnesium instead of iron. It is known to improve the immune function in people undergoing chemotherapy, to increase macrophage activity, to activate both T-cells and B-cells and it has known antitumor effects. Chorella has also been found to stimulate interferon production, the growth of friendly bacteria, and to increase RBCs, WBCs, platelets, and albumin. It is a detoxifier, and is beneficial in constipation. Chorella contains 60% protein - all essential aminoes - and high levels of vitamin A. Albumin is a natural antioxidant, neutralizing approximately 80% of free radicals that otherwise damage cells. There is a strong relationship between high blood levels of albumin and longer cell life span. High albumin levels are indicators of overall health status. Virtually every non-hereditary, degenerative disease including cancer and heart disease show low albumin levels at the onset. Supplementation with chorella has been found to increase albumin levels by 16-21%. Chorella contains large concentrations of lysine which is helpful against viruses associated with cancer. Japanese scientists have researched the anti-tumor activity of chorella in treatment of leukemia and breast cancer. It is also found to be an excellent chelator of mercury in the body, and to detoxify and nourish the fluid surrounding cells in the connective tissue.

*Psyllium husks have been found to protect the stomach wall by thickening the gastric mucosal membrane. Research has shown that psyllium helps to prevent cachexia (muscle wasting and loss), can stimulate T and B cell activity and IL-1 and interferon production. This has been found to be very beneficial if used at least once a day during chemotherapy. However, it needs to be taken at a time when no other supplements or food are taken due to the fact that it may bind with the supplements and somewhat inhibit their absorption. It will also bind with the fat in your food.

*Aloe Vera Gel has been shown to repress metastasis and angiogenesis. It has been recommended either internally (tastes bad) or externally if desired. It has been used effectively externally by massaging all areas of tumor growth or by simply having a whole body massage using the gel. It has been found that the addition of essential oils to the aloe gel gives an added bonus. It is always important to have a practitioner who knows how to use essential oils. They are very powerful oils. For example, when using one tablespoon of aloe gel, you would add no more than 6 drops of essential carrot oil, (high in beta-carotene, cleanser, glandular stimulant), or 2 drops of lemon oil (stimulates WBC, antibacterial, antiseptic, relieves water retention, adaptogen, works on autonomic nervous system), or 2 drops orange oil (good for palpitations, digestion, calming), or 2 drops myrrh oil (antiseptic, fights yeast), or 3 drops basil oil (sharpens conc., alertness, memory, antiseptic, stimulant, good for mental fatigue and strain). Another recommended way to use aloe gel is to add 1-2 teaspoons to the above mentioned psyllium with water and drink quickly.

*Milk Thistle is known to be the top liver stimulant, tonic, cleansing herb. It has been found to stimulate tissue regeneration and may augment immune functions. Milkthistle is beneficial in all illness protocols since the liver is the main detoxifying organ. For recovery of cancer to be possible, the liver must be healthy. Other beneficial liver herbs are dandelion root, turkey rhubarb root, burdock root. Teas or tinctures are very good. All teas or tinctures can be mixed together to be taken at once.

*Red Raspberries (ellagic acid - ellagitannins) are found to slow the growth of cancer cells at low concentrations; at higher concentrations, the ellagitannins tell the cancer cells to kill themselves. Ellagic acid has been found to stop cells from mutating in the first place by preventing the destruction of the P53 gene by cancer cells. It blocks carcinogens from binding to DNA, thus protecting the DNA. Studies have also found this to lower the incidence of birth defects, promote wound healing, reduce heart disease, and may reduce or reverse chemically induced liver fibrosis. Even though ellagic acid is what is predominantly mentioned, it is always recommended to take the whole form. The whole red raspberries (pureed so that the seeds are crushed) contain hundreds of additional components besides ellagic acid which may play a very important part in the health benefits. Meeker red raspberries are the specific fruit researched, however, if you can't find them , other brands could be just as beneficial. It is recommended that one cup of pureed berries be eaten once a day. As mentioned, the seeds contain the highest amount of ellagic acid.

*Astragalus**has been found to inhibit matastasis and increase the immuno-stimulatory effects of melatonin. It is an adaptogen (co-ordinates and activates a broad spectrum of biochemical processes), and augments the anti-tumor ability of interferon-2. Astragalus can help prevent immune depression and weight loss. It has been found to protect the liver against chemotherapy. Astragalus and ginseng together are known to decrease cortisol levels when they are high (as in ulcers) and increase levels when low (as in psycho-vegetative syndrome). Swainsonine, derived from astragalus, has been found to inhibit development of distant metastasis of malignant melanoma. This, too, can be found as tincture or tea. Always make medicinal teas with distilled water.

*Hydrazine Sulfate - Found to be beneficial at inhibiting loss of protein and body mass while showing anti-tumor effects. It can improve appetite and increase a sense of well-being. Hydrazine works by interfering with liver's ability to produce glucose from lactic acid. Cancer cells thrive on glucose. They metabolize glucose to lactic acid which travels to the liver and is then converted back to glucose which again feeds the cancer. Hydrazine sulfate stops cancer while allowing normal cells to thrive. This is not readily available to the public. For more information, contact:
Syracuse Research Institute
Joseph Gold, MD
600 E. Genesse St.
Syracuse, NY 13202


*HELIX POMATIA (snails/escargot) - Have been used and studied for over 400 years. The helix pomatia agglutinin is a lectin that agglutinates the cancer cells, thus enabling the immune system to destroy them. The lectin accomplishes this without damaging normal cells. Malignant cancer cells are known to be 100 times more sensitive to the agglutination of lectins than normal cells. The worse the cancer, the more effective the helix pomatia is. This has been found to be particularly beneficial with breast and prostate cancer and lymphomas. Is very specific for blood type A cancers. Tumors have antigens, or markers, on their surfaces allowing them to metastasize and spread. These markers elaborate a chemical called LLC which allows the cancer cells to slide through the lymph nodes. Helix pomatia agglutinin attaches to the LLC which then does not allow the cancer cells to pass through the lymph nodes. The more LLC the cancer cells have and the more metastatic the cancer, the more destructive the helix pomatia agglutinin is. In most cases, these tumor markers have blood type A-like qualities, which allows them easy access to blood type A and AB systems. They are somewhat recognized as "self". Even though lymphoma can be classified as a blood type-O cancer, as the lymphoma progresses, the antigens attempt to change to blood type A-type antigens. As cancer metastasizes, it attempts to change the antigens. As the cancer metastacizes it also elaborates more LLC. This is why, in this case, the worse the cancer, the better the helix works. It has been highly recommended in patients with blood type A who have A-like cancers or blood type O patients who have lymphomas, leukemias, or melanomas.

*MGN-3(trade-name) has been found in research to be anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-HIV, and immunorestorative. It is considered a biological response modifier. Augmentation in natural killer cell activity has been detected as early as 1-2 weeks post treatment and further increased with continuation. MGN-3 may also be beneficial in conjunction with chemo. Combined with recombinant interleuken 2 (rIL2), it is known to produce a synergistic effect that resulted in an increase in tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a). MGN3 makes it possible to use less of rIL2 (which is toxic) and get increased TNF-a. The addition of MGN 3 to interferon-y found it to increase INF-y two fold. Studies have found the effects remain longterm while taking decreased amounts. Recommended dosages used were -3 grams/day for 2 weeks, 1 gram/day thereafter. Studies have found that it is beneficial to use 1000 mg. of vitamin C three times a day, and 100mg. COQ10 two times a day with the MGN3. Studies have been done on patients with prostate, breast, multiple myeloma, and leukemia. Research has shown that it may be best to use this after tumor debulking therapies have been used or at the earliest diagnosis when cancer cell concentration is lowest. Even an extremely active immune system is overwhelmed by a huge number of cancer cells. Extensive research recommends that cancer patients with solid tumors begin MGN3 concurrent with or immediately following chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. It has been found that patients with cancers of the blood such as leukemia and multiple myeloma respond well to MGN3 because the activated NK cells have better access to those cells than those forming solid tumors. MGN3 is known to be especially beneficial for high risk people, those who are heavy smokers or heavy drinkers, house painters, those with inborn immune deficiencies, familial history of cancer, and/or chemical and refinery workers. There have been no known side effects.

*A Strong Antioxidant Complex (used in a supportive role, not primary therapy) has been found to help make chemo more of a selective toxin against cancer. Antioxidants are known to decrease cell proliferation and cytotoxicity. Various antioxidants include - SOD, vitamin C, Vitamin A, vitamin E (mixed tocopherols, preferrabley with tocotrienols), N-acetyl cysteine, and selenium. Despite current belief, it has not been scientifically proven that antioxidants interfere with oxidative damage to cancer cells. Studies are showing that in cancer therapies, it is more beneficial to use antioxidants in combination with chemo or radiation to protect normal cells and support the immune system. Primary antioxidants are used more in a supportive role. Modified forms of vitamin A work synergistically with chemotherapy. Vitamin C may increase chemotherapy's effectiveness, especially in breast cancer cells. It has been found that a combination of N-acetyl cysteine and vitamins E, A, and C synergistically protected against chemo induced heart damage, all without interfering with action of chemo. It has also been found that the addition of antioxidants to the chemo drug cyclophosphamide increased survival in people with small cell lung cancer. A somewhat unknown component of vitamin E, tocotrienols, has been found to decrease the enzyme responsible for producing cholesterol. Tocotrienols are also found to suppress the enzyme, melavonite, involved in proliferation of cancer cells. The palm kernel tocotrienols (delta & gamma) have been found to inhibit many types of cancer including breast cancer. They are known to upregulate apoptosis. Studies have shown they inhibit estrogen positive or estrogen negative breast cancer cells, and can do this in the presence or absence of estradiol ,and can do this in low doses due to the fact that malignant cells have been found to be very sensitive to the tocotrienols. The more cancerous the cell, the more susceptible to the effects of tocotrienol. Delta tocotrienol is the most potent of the tocotrienols. This is found primarily in the palm kernel derived tocotrienols. Rice based tocotrienols contain minimal amounts. It is important to take a product containing the whole palm kernel derived tocotrienol complex due to the fact that the tocotrienol factors work together synergistically. The single delta or gamma factors would not be as beneficial. Tocotrienols also inhibit thromboxane A2, without stomach irritation, which would make it useful for those taking an aspirin a day for their heart. Research has shown tocotrienols can extend the lives of stroke patients by reducing the risk of a second stroke. A good alternative way to take tocotreinols is as a balanced E complex, containing both tocotrienols and tocopherols.The vitamin E complex is shown to induce P21 and P27 activity, CDK inhibitors, and stop proliferation. Anti-oxidant and pro-oxidant therapies are very controversial, it is best to use antioxidants in a supportive role rather than therapeutic role. During redox reactions, antioxidants-in losing electrons- can become pro-oxidants. Cancer cells are found to be in a pro-oxidative state. Therefore, any excess oxidants can contribute to the proliferation of the cancerous cells. This is due to the free-radicals produced by the oxidants formed. Hence, a small amount of antioxidants used with other anti-cancer therapies will be beneficial because free radical production will be minimal and balanced by the natural anti-cancer compounds. The beneficial aspect of antioxidants during chemotherapy are -- tumors survive in an oxidative environment, in order to deal with this oxidative stress, cell proliferation is likely limited by oxidative damage. The addition of antioxidants decreases oxidative stress, allowing proliferation. Most chemo drugs in use will not kill cells unless they are actively proliferating. So, the use of antioxidants would prove beneficial in chemo. In addition, the antioxidants can induce cancer cells to die of apoptosis rather than necrosis. In necrosis, the cells rupture and spill their toxic contents into the extra cellular space, resulting in inflammation, which may increase cancer progression. Antioxidant compounds have been shown to be more useful in preventing rather than treating established cancers or in preventing recurrences after treatments.

*Despite much promotion, it is best to stay away from all colostrum products. Colostrum contains high amounts of growth-factors. All growth factors could promote cancer progression and metastasis.

** Astragalus, maitake, reishi, AHCC, and arabinogalactan are all high molecular weight polysaccharide and saponin herbal immune stimulants. They stimulate both innate and adaptive immune response. Immunotherapy has been found to be most beneficial when the tumor burden is low and in metastasis. In most cases, it is beneficial to combine immunotherapy with anti-cancer therapies and those that limit immune evasion. Natural compounds can increase concentrations of IL2 and IFN

When using natural compounds, moderate doses have been found to be beneficial, but doses that induce oxidative or other damage may be detrimental. Therefore, it is not my belief that mega-dosing in anything is of benefit.

There are a few therapeutic supplements that I would like to mention with caution. One is vitamin C. I know it is a highly beneficial antioxidant. And, there are probably people out there who are gasping or shaking their heads. However, as I research and cross reference many times over, if I come across a consensus that something highly professed as beneficial may - in fact - have drawbacks, then that is something that I "redflag". Ester C is one of those redflags for me. Yes, it is good and Linus Pauling is a brilliant scientist, but, supplemental dosing above what is found naturally in good wholesome foods is something that I tend to avoid suggesting to people fighting cancer. Therapies with Vitamin C should always be attempted with very knowledgeable practitioners who have years of documented successes. When supplementing with vitamin C, it has been found to always be best to take it in combination with other anticancer compounds, and with 200-400 mg vit. E (mixed tocopherol) to enhance the anti-oxidant properties. It is very important to be sure and take the ester-C form with bioflavonoids and rutin. When taken in high doses, C may become a pro-oxidant if not taken in the buffered form with the bioflavonoids. A large body of evidence suggests that the direct effects of Vitamin C are mediated by its free radical. This free radical, however, in low concentrations can stimulate proliferation of some tumors. Patients with leukemia should be careful about taking large doses of Vitamin C. Some cell lines are enhanced by it, others have the opposite effect. The theory of using pro-oxidant therapies in cancer treatment has drawbacks, namely, the generation of a cancer cell that is resistant to that type of therapy and is a stronger mutation. Pro-oxidant therapies don't always kill every single cancer cell, and the ones that survive the oxidative conditions could be primed for an increased rate of gene mutations, leading to a more aggressive better adapted cancer. Studies on advanced cancer patients showed an initial plateau of well-being for months, or even years, they then entered an abrupt downhill phase of explosive metastasis. Pro-oxidant therapy could also induce cancer in healthy tissue. All of that aside - here are some of the beneficial effects found in studies and anectdotal evidence. Vitamin C has been found to increase survival rate in some cancers; it is a potent anti-oxidant; it is found to reduce angiogenesis and enhance tumor destruction; it is toxic to tumor cells while not harming normal cells; it has been found to boost the bodyˇ¦s production of interferon, which is 20-30 times more toxic to cancer cells than normal cells; C is shown to be the ultimate selective toxin against cancer. There seems to be an elevated need for this vitamin during disease recovery, and physical, mental, and environmental stresses deplete it in body. The bioflavanoids in the compound are known to prevent capillary fragility, are potent chelators (help eliminate toxic minerals from system), reduce allergic reactions which create imbalanced immune attack against cancer, inhibit tumor production, and enhance the activity of T cells. You definitely have to weigh the pros and cons with this vitamin.

A couple other cautions I would like to mention are the constant references to the benefits of green tea and soy. Please refer to my section on thyroid disorders for more detailed information. I'll just reiterate it briefly now. Green tea and soy are detrimental to thyroid function. For the most part, all of the "studies" on green tea are not done on the whole plant, they are done on concentrates of the epigalecatecans or the polyphenols. Those concentrates may very well have beneficial properties. However, the normal person reading all the hype about green tea isn't going to read the fine print....he is going to start drinking profuse amounts of the tea. There goes thyroid function and forget about anti-cancer benefits. The same with soy - except the studies that find that the isoflavones are the components that are beneficial for women and anti-cancer don't mention that these same isoflavones are the components that are also anti-thyroid. Again, there goes the protection. People may notice improvement initially, but, in the long run, the improvement stops. This information, alone, should stimulate some constructive debate. I feel that is something that is needed. A lot of times there is just too much hype on initial studies or findings. Everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon and reap the rewards of finding a "cure for cancer".

To continue the "jumping on the bandwagon and reaping the rewards" theme, I'd like to give a little information on a very prominent screening technique that we women are all told to have done every year. I am speaking about the mammogram, of course. Studies show that mammograms expose breasts to low level radiation. The publication, 'Alternative Medicine', has maintained for years that mammograms do far more harm than good. Their ionizing radiation mutates cells, and the mechanical pressure can spread cells that are already malignant (as can biopsies). In 1995 the British medical journal The Lancet reported that, since mammographic screening was introduced in 1983, the incidence of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), which represents 12% of all breast cancer cases, has increased by 328%, and 200% of this increase is due to the use of mammography. This increase is for all women: Since the inception of widespread mammographic screening, the increase for women under the age of 40 has gone up over 3000%. Mammogram interpretation is often wrong. In 1996, the journal Archives of Internal Medicine published results of a test of 108 radiologists throughout the United States. The test used a set of 79 mammograms where the diagnosis had been verified by subsequent biopsies, surgeries or other follow-up. The radiologists missed cancer in 21% of the films, thought 10% of the women with no breast disease had cancer and thought 42% of benign lesions were cancerous. Further, mammograms are not diagnostic and too frequently lead to unnecessary breast biopsies, which are an expensive, invasive surgical procedure that causes extreme anxiety, some pain and often physical harm to many women who do not have cancer. According to the 1998 edition of the Merck Manual, for every case of breast cancer diagnosed each year, 5 to 10 women will needlessly undergo a painful breast biopsy. Statistically, this means that any woman who has annual mammograms for 10 years has at least a 50% chance of having at least one biopsy--even if she never develops breast cancer. Why, then, does mainstream medicine keep recommending mammograms? Do the math: a $100 mammogram for all 62 million U.S. women over 40, and a $1,000+ biopsy for 1-to 2-million women, is an $8 billion per year industry.

I believe the "gold standard" for success of a therapy in conventional medicine is 5 years - cancer free. Well, I'm sorry, if I were 30 or 40 years old or younger, (or older!) and diagnosed with cancer, I would be looking for a practitioner and a therapy or protocol that would get me to 70 or 80 with no pain, symptoms, relapses, or secondary cancers. Maybe that's a lot to expect, but, in my opinion, if holistic therapies were used more readily - and conventional therapies, as needed - I feel that that is possible. It is also of the utmost importance that cancer patients be instructed in PROPER nutrition. PROPER, as in holistic, not as in recommendations by the American Dietetic Association. As far as I'm concerned, the ADA is as negligent and unreliable as the FDA. Look at our food pyramid, past and present. Look at the plethora of degenerative diseases that we have that can be attributed to eating incorrectly.

Throughout all of this information, one common thread that is repeated over and over is "the immune system". So very often, conventional medicine discounts immunity or the immune system as an effective component in the fight against cancer. So much of what we are given by conventional practitioners to treat disorders inadvertantly destroys our natural immune system's capability to do it's job. Research is discovering that many cancers are viral by origin. Our immune system is very capable of destroying viruses. In many cases, that is the only way viruses can be destroyed. It is also known that cancer "viruses" are present in our body at all times. It's our immune system that is keeping everything in check. When our natural immunity is decreased because of inadequate or incorrect nutrition or unhealthy lifestyle choices, or toxic drug or chemical exposure, the viruses overtake our immunity or our normal cells mutate. Either way, it's not a good situation. This is why it is so very important to discuss holistic therapies with your practitioner if you are fighting cancer. If they are used adjunctively and the holistic therapies are allowed to protect the body from the devastation of the conventional therapies, then, the winner is the cancer patient. I know if I had to make a decision of whether I would go through chemotherapy or surgery or radiation alone and face all it entailed - OR - go through chemotherapy or surgery or radiation while using predetermined holistic therapies - which could allow smaller doses of the chemicals and avoid much of the devastation - I would definitely choose the latter. This gets back to the fact that we all need to take an active part in our health care. We need to be empowered to make informed choices. THEN, we will have the best of the best in health care and survival.

A diagnosis of cancer is a very devastating thing; however, I don't believe it's a "kiss of death". It's a wake up call for us to look deeper into our nutrition and lifestyle and make some much needed changes. Better yet, the time to make those changes is BEFORE a diagnosis of cancer is made. The time to make those changes is now.

Please email me if you have any questions.

RESOURCES : (partial list)
1. D.Yance, Jr., CN, MH, AHG - Herbal Medicine, Healing, and Cancer
2. M.Keane,D.Chance - What to Eat if you Have Cancer
3. M. Kennedy-Salaman - Nutrition: The Cancer Answer
4. R. Walters - Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book
5. L. Johnston - Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - Making Sense of Diagnosis, Treatment, and Options
6. R. Moss - The Cancer Industry
7. M. Gerson, MD - A Cancer Therapy
8. P. Quillan - Beating Cancer With Nutrition
9. J. Lee, MD - What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer
10. R. Moss - Herbs Against Cancer
11. W. Fischer - How to Fight Cancer and Win
12. W. Diamond,MD, W. Cowden, MD, Definitive Guide to Cancer
13. Herbert, Blackburn, Go - Nutritional Oncology (Academic Press)
14. J. Boik - Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy
15. J. Boik - Cancer and Natural Medicine
16. Disease Prevention and Treatment - Life Extension Media - Fourth Edition
17. J. Mercola,DO - The No-Grain Diet
18. P. D'Adamo,ND - Eat Right 4 Your Type
19. P. D'Adamo,ND - Live Right 4 Your Type
20. A. Cichoke, DC - Enzymes and Enzyme Therapy
21. D. Lopez,MD, R.Williams,MD, K. Miehlke,MD - Enzymes, The Fountain of Life
22. J. Duke - CRC Handbook for Medicinal Herbs
23. M. Shoman - Living Well with Hypothyroidism
24. R. Arem, MD - The Thyroid Solution
25. M. Enig,PhD- Know Your Fats
26. J. Pizzorno,ND - Encyclopedia for Natural Medicine
27. S. Mills - Herbal Medicine
28. M.Budd, ND,DO - Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)
29. N. Trenev - Probiotics - Nature's Healers
30. D. Hoffman - New Holistic Herbal
31. M. Eades, MD - Protein Power
32. R. Williams, PhD - Biochemical Individuality
33. W. Price, DDS - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
34. N. Cousins - Head First - the Biology of Hope and the Healing Power of the Human Spirit
35. N. Altman - Oxygen Healing Therapies

Additional resources: Physician's Desk Reference
PDR for Nutritional Supplements
Alternative Medicine - the Definitive Guide
PDR for Herbal Medicine
German Commission E Monographs

Herb Research Foundation
Real Health Newsletter
Nutrition and Health Newsletter

1. Lloyd A. Horrocks and Young K. Yeo - Health Benefits of DHA
Docosa Foods Ltd, 1275 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212-1155, USA
Department of Medical Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, and
Lipid Laboratory, Kyungpook National University, Taegu 635, Republic of Korea
2. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2003 May;51(5):415-21. Epub 2003 Apr 11
3. Jeffrey M. Arbeit, M.D.- Department of Surgery - Hypoxia, Nutrient Availability, and Oncoprotein Expression during Cancer Progression
4. Karthaus, M., Treatment of fungal infections led to leukemia remissions. Sept. 28, 1999
5. Etzel, R.A. - Mycotoxins. Jan 23, 2002. 387(4). Journal of the American Medical Association
6.Carol Sorgen, Mind-Body Medicine for Cancer-Using mind-body techniques can enhance your quality of life, lessen pain, and may extend your longevity. Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD
7.'Alternative Medicine', 10/23/00 - Medicine mum on mammography
8. Peter J. D'Adamo, ND, ABO Blood Group and Cancer: A Review of the Literature
9. Feldmeier J, Carl U, Hartmann K, Sminia P. - Hyperbaric oxygen: Does it promote growth or recurrence of malignancy? Undersea Hyperb Med. 2003 Spring, 30(1):1-18
10. Knisely JP, Rickwell S. - Importance of hypoxia in the biology and treatment of brain tumors. Neuroimaging Clin N Am. 2002 Nov, 12(4): 525-36
11.Maier A, Anegg U, Tomaselli F, Rehak P, Sankin O, Fell B, Renner H, Pinter H, Smolle-Juttner FM, Friehs GB.-Does hyperbaric oxygen enhance the effect of photodynamic therapy in patients with advanced esophageal carcinoma? A clinical pilot study. - Endoscopy. 2000 Jan;32(1):42-8
12. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 77, No. 3, 532-543, March 2003
13. Hiroaki Nanba, Ph.D. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Vol. 12 Number 1. 1997- Maitake D-fraction: Healing and Preventive Potential for Cancer

This information is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat.