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Warcraft III
GGNoRe Staff

BIG Update
by RoTaNiMoD - August 17, 2003

Yo my g-nigga thugz. We have a new comic up today, along with a new comics PAGE! This one is by Alex aka Bruce Lee and he will kick your ass if you don't read it. Also a TON more replays posted in the war3 sections, be sure to check that out. Lastly we have a link to the most hilarious man alive and kickin', Mr. Wilbo Baggins, who has some new internet satire up. Check it out here.

War3 Tourney Replays
by RoTaNiMoD - August 17, 2003

Hey, RoTaNiMoD here, kicking off the war3 section of GGNoRe. This portion will include my recent replays or perhaps all of them if we manage to find the space. Obviously this is on angelfire right now so we only have 20 megs of space, but that's how things go. So anyway, here are 2 zips from the Orc vs Orc tournaments I played in yesterday. I went 6-2 on Europe and 7-1 on USEast, and considering I'm still a noob I was pretty proud of that. Check the Warcraft III section for downloads.

GGNoRe is Live!
by RoTaNiMoD - August 14, 2003

Granted, nearly all the site is still under construction, but some content has been added. Any TFT Orc n00bz who want to have the mad skills of RoTaNiMoD should check out the Warcraft III section for 16 games from yesterday's Orc vs Orc tourneys. Coming soon are the addition of the rest of the contributor's sites, some background info about the staff, etc. If you don't like War3, then check out JC's Section for a very lowbrow, but still funny as hell, comic. Lates.

All important portions of the site created in Notepad or Paint.
Copyright 2003, the GGNoRe Staff