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<font face="Helvetica">Friends Of Tom Seales</font>

Friends of Tom Seales
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Supporting Documents are here! Read for yourself memos, letters, etc. related to this issue here.

Cathy Slater credits and rewards Craig Bryant and Paul Byrne for the job Tom Seales did and then accuses Tom of failing to "address" the project? Read the facts here.

Revisit the Board's Greatest Failure: the "mold" issue at Washington Elementary. Could the Board have saved the district hundreds of thousands of dollars if it had only considered the recommendations of its Buildings and Grounds Director, Tom Seales? Get the numbers here.

The Ethics of Contracting-Out District Maintenance Projects. Why would Mr. Byrne hire a private contractor to complete projects the district's maintenance department is responsible for? And should that private contractor be related to him? Get the facts here.

Have a question for the School Board? We can't guarantee they'll answer, given Monday night's shameful display, but you can still ask! To contact Board Members, click here.

One month after she placed Tom on administrative leave, Cathy Slater delivered her reasons to him by letter. Read Slater's 11 "Concerns" and the refutations filed by Tom that the board did not release to the public.

Why did Romeo's Interim Superintendent, Cathy Slater, create three new positions in the Buildings and Grounds department when the job was being done efficiently with just one? Why did she hire someone new to head the department? Why was Tom Seales placed on Administrative Leave after Christmas without an explanation? Who approved the creation of a "Night Watchman" position for Tom's reassignment in February? And most importantly: Why did Slater and Paul Byrne reinstate Tom Seales to the Director's position only to hire someone to replace him while Tom was out of state two weeks later?

Tax payers pay to support public school systems and those public administrators need to be held accountable for the costly decisions they make. Not only should the residents of Romeo be asking "Why have they done this?," they should be asking "What has it cost?"

Did you miss Monday Night's Board Meeting? So did Cathy Slater and Paul Byrne. During the April 28 meeting, when asked repeatedly (because he refused to answer the first time) if Seales had the same budget and financial flexibility when Seales was head of the department as Paul Byrne has now, President Ken Monicatti answered "Yes." This is simply NOT true. We challenge Mr. Monicatti to back up this statement. We can back up ours.

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